Colloque : « Reconnaissance et consécration artistiques »

Si les questions de reconnaissance et de consécration se situent au cœur de toute analyse des univers artistiques et culturels, c’est que ces derniers sont fondés sur des propriétés spécifiques et pour le moins paradoxales. En effet, relativement à d’autres domaines, les mondes de l’art se caractérisent par l’importance majeure que les professionnels comme les publics accordent à la valeur symbolique des œuvres et des artistes et par le désintéressement affiché ou, du moins, la dénégation assumée concernant la valeur et les profits économiques. Ainsi, au sein de ces univers, la hiérarchisation des artistes et des œuvres s’organise essentiellement selon la logique de l’accumulation du capital symbolique. Or, paradoxalement, l’évaluation de la qualité ou . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Making Space for Festival, 1400-1700. Interactions of Architecture and Performance in Late Medieval and Early Modern Festivals » (Venise, mars 2013)

The conference will consider how princely and civic architecture of the period, together with ephemeral architecture constructed for the occasion, have contributed to the implied meaning of a diverse series of festivals across Europe between approximately 1400 and 1700. Scholars have interpreted festivals as temporarily transformative, through visual and dramatic agency, of the political and social significance of great houses and palaces. They have argued further that perceptions of a city’s built environment and princely houses were subject to idealising transformation as a result of ephemeral structures and performed actions during the occasion itself, and subsequently by means of festival books and other records. Festivals were notable occasions of social and political exchange affecting . . . → En lire plus

Colloque « L’invenzione e i temi della scultura nell’età di Canova »


(Bassano del Grappa, Possagno 23 – 26 ottobre 2012)

La dodicesima edizione della Settimana di Studi Canoviani si inserisce in un piano di ricerca previsto nell’arco di un triennio, avviato con l’edizione del 2010, che ha approfondito il tema “La cultura di Canova”, per soffermarsi quest’anno sul tema dell’invenzione e dei soggetti della scultura nel periodo neoclassico e per arrivare, con la tredicesima edizione, alle riflessioni su “Canova e il Novecento”.



ore 15,00 coordina Gianni Venturi ARNALDO BRUNI, Gli dei prima del crepuscolo STEFANO FERRARI, La scultura antica tra storia e filosofia nell’opera di Winckelmann e Guasco FRANCESCO LEONE, . . . → En lire plus

Colloque : « The Art of Sculpture 1100–1550 : Sculptural Reception »

Working Group in Medieval Sculpture: A Transatlantic Dialogue The Art of Sculpture 1100–1550 : Sculptural Reception

The Fourth Annual Anne d’Harnoncourt Symposium November 2–4, 2012 Leading scholars and curators of medieval art examine the uses of medieval sculpture— liturgical, paraliturgical, domestic, civic, private and public—and discuss the affective, social, economic, and artistic responses that sculpture engendered. Presentations also consider questions of influence on later works of art as well as the modern reception of medieval sculpture, including issues of display, museography, and conservation.

The Fourth Annual Anne d’Harnoncourt Symposium is organized by the Philadelphia Museum of Art, History of Art Department, University of Pennsylvania and Institut national d’histoire de l’art, Paris. Generous support . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « The Announcement : Annunciations and beyond » (Florence, 2 – 4 Mai 2013)

Florence, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut, May 2 – 04, 2013 Deadline-CFP: 30 nov. 2012

The Announcement: Annunciations and beyond

Interdisciplinary Conference at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut 2 – 4 May 2013 Deadline: 30. November 2012

The Annunciation is, first of all, a long tradition of representations of ‘the’ Annunciation, the one narrated in the Gospel of Lucas: a ‘caesura’ in which everything changed, but also the fragment of time in which this change was made known. An announcement of a birth to come, of course, but also of death, resurrection and redemption. Daniel Arasse established the essential link between the evolution of . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Celestial Bodies and their Orbit in Art » (AAH Reading, 11-13 avril 2013)

Reading, University of Reading, April 11 – 13, 2013 Deadline-CFP: 12 nov. 2012

39th Annual Conference and Bookfair University of Reading 11-13 April 2013

Celestial Bodies and their Orbit in Art

The visible planets and the stars have provided important themes and images for artistic practitioners in almost all human cultures. Ancient peoples made close observations of planetary orbits, and constructed complex calendars upon this data. Awareness of astral influences upon the Earth also supported the allocation of various attributes to individual planets, stars and constellations, as well as their deification. Thus, the celestial bodies, and their representations, have played key roles within a wide range of discursive practices, . . . → En lire plus