Appel à communication : « Vasari on Technique: Matter and Making », session de la RSA (Boston, 31 mars-2 avril 2016)

Giorgio Vasari, Le Vite, Firenze, Giunti, 1568In contradistinction to the biographical portion of the Lives, Giorgio Vasari’s “Introduction to the Three Arts of Design” has received relatively scant attention. This double session revisits the Introduction’s thirty chapters devoted to the materials and creative processes involved in the production and reception of a wide range of media, from stained glass to mosaics, gold ground to intarsia, painting on canvas to damask work. The aim of this session is to incorporate the Introduction into the larger corpus of scholarship on Vasari, early modern art theory, materiality, and pictorial composition.

Papers discussing the Introduction’s characterization of the so-called minor arts are particularly welcome. Please submit a 150-word abstract and a 1-page (300 words) CV to David Young Kim (davik@sas.upenn.eduby May 25, 2015.


Session du 62e congrès de la Renaissance Society of America (RSA).
Voir informations complémentaires.


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