Le Getty Research Institute propose des bourses en résidence pour l’année 2017–2018 pour les chercheurs confirmés sur le thème de l’Iconoclasme et du vandalisme. Il s’agira d’explorer l’iconoclasme comme forme de destruction mais aussi comme véhicule d’expression créatrice et de protestation. L’Iconoclasme transforme et créé entièrement de nouveaux objets ou de nouvelles significations à travers l’altération des oeuvres d’art. Ces objets ou significations, symboliquement investis, témoignent d’une histoire de la réception en offrant des clés sur la vie et le destin d’un objet. Tout changement radical dans la production culturelle peut, dans une certaine mesure, être considéré comme iconoclaste.
Les candidats sont invités à adopter une approche large du thème en proposant des sujets sur l’iconoclasme religieux et politique, la sauvegarde de l’héritage culturel, l’usage de la spoliation, de la damnatio memoriae, du street art, du graffiti, de la performance art, ou de l’activisme.
On trouveras ici et ci-dessous les conditions pour faire acte de candidature.
Date limite : 3 octobre 2016.
Getty Scholar Grants are for established scholars, or writers who have attained distinction in their fields. Recipients are in residence at the Getty Research Institute or Getty Villa, where they pursue their own projects free from academic obligations, make use of Getty collections, join their colleagues in a weekly meeting devoted to an annual research theme, and participate in the intellectual life of the Getty.
Applications are welcome from researchers of all nationalities who are working in the arts, humanities, or social sciences.
Getty Scholars may be in residence for one of six periods ranging from three to nine months: September to December; January to March; April to June; September to March; January to June; or September to June.
A stipend of up to $65,000 per year will be awarded based on length of stay, need, and salary. The grant also includes an office at the Getty Research Institute or the Getty Villa, research assistance, an apartment in the Getty scholar housing complex, airfare to and from Los Angeles, and makes healthcare options available.
These terms apply as of August 2016 and are subject to future changes.
Application Availability and Deadline
Complete application materials are accepted online only : https://getty.fluxx.io/user_sessions/new
Applicants are notified of the Getty Research Institute’s decision approximately six months following the deadline.
Review Process
Getty Scholar Grants are awarded on a competitive basis. Applications are evaluated based on the following:
(1) the overall quality of the application;
(2) how the proposed project bears upon the annual research theme;
(3) the applicant’s past achievements; and
(4) how the project would benefit from the resources at the Getty, including its library and collections.
How to Apply
Applicants are required to complete and submit the online Getty Scholar grant application form (which includes uploading a Project Proposal; Curriculum Vitae; and optional Writing Sample by the deadline.
Begin a New Application
Create or update your account and password, log in, and begin a new application. You may return to your work at any time by visiting the portal at the link above and logging into your account..
Please note: Once you have created and saved an application form, be sure to return to work on the same form by selecting the « Applications: In Progress » link to return to your saved application. Otherwise, you may inadvertently create multiple versions of the same application.
Project Proposal
Each application must include a description of the applicant’s proposed plan for study and research (not to exceed five pages, typed and double-spaced).
– The description should indicate:
(1) how the project bears upon the scholar year theme and
(2) how the project would be advanced by the resources at the Getty, including its library and collections.
– Curriculum Vitae
– Optional Writing Sample
Letters of reference are not required for this application.
Please address inquiries to the following:
Attn: Getty Scholar Grants
Email: researchgrants@getty.edu
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