Appel à communication : « Artemisia Gentileschi. Interpreting New Evidence, Assessing New Attributions » (Florence, mai 2015)

Artemisia-Gentileschi, Lucrèce, 1621, Gênes, Palazzo Cattaneo-AdornoIn recent years, there has been an outpouring of new archival evidence about the life and artistic practices of Artemisia Gentileschi, as well as new proposed additions to her oeuvre. To provide a forum for the presentation and consideration of new work on the artist, this two-day conference will be held in Florence, Italy, a major site of recent conservation and archival research on Artemisia. We invite papers that offer new documentary information, advance interpretations of recent archival findings, present new readings of particular paintings, or address issues or problems raised by recent attributions. Such issues might include connoisseurship methods and questions, material analysis, relationships between new and known works, dating, patronage, provenance, function, and the changing shape of the artist’s oeuvre.

To be considered for participation, please provide a single document in Microsoft Word, consisting of a 1-page proposal for a 20-minute presentation of unpublished work, followed by a short curriculum vitae.

Applications may be sent to Sheila Barker : The deadline for submission is August 15, 2014.

Invitations to participate will be sent by August 31, 2014. Partial funding for approved travel expenses is anticipated.For more information, email your inquiry to

via The Jane Fortune Research Program on Women Artists in the Age of the Medici | The Medici Archive Project .


Artemisia Gentileschi. Interpreting New Evidence, Assessing New Attributions, 3rd Annual Jane Fortune Conference, organized by the Medici Archive Project and hosted by the British Institute in Florence, May 7, 2015, Florence, Italy

Keynote Speaker : Mary Garrard, Professor Emerita, American University, Washington DC.



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