Chicago, February 12–15 2014
Recent developments in web mapping enable to create multidimensional, dynamic maps that display vast amounts of spatial and temporal data while remaining readable and intuitive.
Spatial dynamic visualizations allow historians to study the locations and movements of artistic agents and artworks, their integration in social fields, as well as their response, whether visual or discursive, to these spatial logics. The new Spatial (Digital) art history thus participates in the redefinition of art history by meeting the challenges of the Spatial, Global, and Digital Turns. But to which extent is it groundbreaking and productive ? What are its unique contributions compared to those of traditional art historical methods ?
This panel will bring together scholars who are pioneering in the field of Spatial (Digital) art history to take stock of projects under development, and foster exchange and collaboration among them.
We seek papers that combine the presentation of a cartographic project with a methodological reflection
Deadline for proposals : Monday, May 6, 2013
For information on submitting a paper to the 2014 Annual Conference, please see
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