Conférence : « Addressing Sexuality, Gender, and the Decorative in the 1970s » with Lari Pittman and David J. Getsy (20 mai 2021, en ligne)

Conférence : « Addressing Sexuality, Gender, and the Decorative in the 1970s » with Lari Pittman and David J. Getsy (20 mai 2021, en ligne)

American artist and influential teacher Lari Pittman discusses his paintings and his reflections on the Los Angeles art world in this conversation with art historian David J. Getsy. Pittman and Getsy discuss the struggles to address issues of sexuality, gender, and the decorative in the 1970s. They also explore the artistic and political legacies of this moment and Pittman’s ongoing investigation into these issues in his career as an artist.

Pittman is Emeritus Distinguished Professor, Painting and Drawing, at . . . → En lire plus

Dialogue en ligne : « Vers une approche transnationale de l’art américain : Isamu Noguchi en Inde et au-delà » (24 février 2021)

Dialogue en ligne : « Vers une approche transnationale de l’art américain : Isamu Noguchi en Inde et au-delà » (24 février 2021)

Dans ce dialogue en ligne, Katy Siegel (Thaw Endowed Chair in Modern American Art, Stony Brook University et Senior Research Curator, Baltimore Museum of Art) et Devika Singh (Curator, International Art, Tate Modern) situent les artistes américains dans les histoires d’art transnationales.

En examinant les œuvres de l’artiste Isamu Noguchi réalisées en Inde, Devika Singh reconsidère les récits transnationaux qui ont traditionnellement été racontés d’un point de vue occidental et réaffirme le pouvoir des centres d’art établis en tant que lieux de brassages interculturels. Singh s’appuiera plutôt sur l’impact de la mobilité et de la circulation pour . . . → En lire plus

Terra Foundation for American Art Academic Awards, Fellowships and Grants (2019)

Terra Foundation for American Art Academic Awards, Fellowships and Grants (2019)

Terra Foundation academic awards, fellowships, and grants help scholars in the field of American art realize their academic and professional goals and support the worldwide study and presentation of the historical art of the United States.


Terra Summer Residency

The Terra Summer Residency brings together doctoral scholars of American Art and emerging artists worldwide for a nine-week residential program in the historic village of Giverny, France. The program encourages independent work while providing seminars and mentoring by senior scholars and artists to foster reflection and debate.


Research Travel Grants to the United States

These grants enable scholars outside the United States to . . . → En lire plus

Journées d’étude : « Art, Life and Politics: American Printmaking from the 1960s to Today » (4-5 juin 2018, Paris)

Journées d’étude : « Art, Life and Politics: American Printmaking from the 1960s to Today » (4-5 juin 2018, Paris)

The Terra Foundation is honored to collaborate with the Fondation Custodia and the British Museum on the exhibition The American Dream: Pop to the Present. Prints from the British Museum, a presentation of modern and contemporary American prints from the British Museum collection.


The American Dream:

Pop to the Present. Prints from the British Museum

June 2–September 2, 2018

Fondation Custodia 121 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris

To mark the opening of The American Dream, join us for « Art, Life & Politics: American Printmaking from the 1960s to Today, » . . . → En lire plus

A Conflicted Geography: African American Artists & African Diaspora

Among the critical questions that mark African American art historical scholarship today, the legacy of slavery and the transmission of cultural memories rooted in African traditions have emerged as some of the most loaded issues. Tracing the importance of the Afro-Atlantic diaspora in current debates has been recognized as an urgent task, which concerns critics and historians, as well as artists. Critical thinking on the subject is heightened by the growing breach between those who refuse to consider black art a distinct category, speaking instead to its universal experience, and voices that claim its unequivocal difference, with race at its very core.

This dialogue will reflect on racial politics and the geography of global circulation by asking how American art has, from the nineteenth century onwards, been interwoven with African/African . . . → En lire plus

Bourses : Terra Foundation for American Art Academic Awards, Fellowships and Grants (2018)

Bourses : Terra Foundation for American Art Academic Awards, Fellowships and Grants (2018)

Terra Foundation academic awards, fellowships, and grants help scholars in the field of American art realize their academic and professional goals and support the worldwide study and presentation of the historical art of the United States.

Publication :

Digital Publication Initiatives

Terra Foundation for American Art Digital Publication Initiatives are innovative projects that promote the use and application of computational technology and data in the study of the visual arts of the United States and the dissemination of the resulting research.

The editors of Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide are currently accepting proposals for articles addressing art and visual culture of . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Terra Foundation for American Art Academic Awards, Fellowships and Grants (2017)

terra-foundation-for-american-artTerra Foundation academic awards, fellowships, and grants help scholars in the field of American art realize their academic and professional goals and support the worldwide study and presentation of the historical art of the United States. Please follow the links below for details about these opportunities:

Terra Summer Residency in Giverny, France

Research Travel Grants to the United States

International Essay Prize

Exhibition Research & Development Grants

For a complete listing of Terra Foundation academic awards, fellowships, and grant opportunities, please visit:

Program details may change due to institutional and/or government . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Chargé(e) de recherche contractuel(le) en histoire de l’art américain (Paris/Giverny, 2016-2017)

Terra FoundationLe centre parisien de la Terra Foundation for American Art (75007) recrute un(e) chargé(e) de recherche et de programmation (Associate Program Officer). CDD d’un an à temps partiel (4 jours par semaine), possibilité d’un temps plein sous réserves.

Organisation La Terra Foundation for American Art, fondation de droit privée américaine basée à Chicago et possédant des antennes à Paris et à Giverny (27), s’est donnée pour vocation d’encourager l’étude, la compréhension et l’appréciation des arts visuels des États-Unis. Afin de favoriser le dialogue international sur l’art nord-américain, la fondation soutient et collabore partout dans le monde à des projets innovants et ambitieux d’expositions, de recherche et d’éducation que ce soit au . . . → En lire plus

Colloque : « Rethinking Pictures: A Transatlantic Dialogue » (Paris, 19-20 mai 2016)

Ad Reinhart, "Black Paintings," 1954-1967Since the 1980s, theories of visual studies in Anglo-American scholarship and Bildwissenschaft in German art history have expanded the field of potential subjects for study, building an extensive body of literature and introducing innovative methodologies and approaches. To consider these questions and to celebrate the publication of Picturing (Terra Foundation Essays, Volume 1), the Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte, Paris, and the Terra Foundation for American Art have jointly organized Rethinking Pictures: A Transatlantic Dialogue, an international conference that reflects on the differences and convergences between the intellectual traditions of visual studies and Bildwissenschaft.

Rethinking Pictures 19-20 May 2016_Program

May 19 / Terra Foundation Paris Center, 121, . . . → En lire plus

Rencontres : « Holland America: A Transatlantic Dialogue, from 1609 to Today » (Paris, février-avril 2016)

Harry Holtzman et Piet Mondrian, Atelier d'Holtzman, New York City, 1941To celebrate our recent move next to the Fondation Custodia, an institution dedicated for more than a century to Dutch and Flemish art, the Paris Center & Library is hosting an exceptional series of dialogues focused on cultural exchange between Holland and America.

Running from February to April 2016, the dialogues will bring together international scholars and curators to evoke four particular moments in this shared cultural history.

“In Search of Utopia: The New World in the European Imaginary,” February 18 “‘Delirious New Amsterdam’: Art, Material Culture, and Circulation in New . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Terra Foundation for American Art Academic Awards, Fellowships and Grants (2016)

logo terrafoundation(1)A wide range of academic awards, fellowships, and grants help scholars in the field of American art realize their academic and professional goals and support the worldwide study and presentation of historical art of the United States.

• Fellowships at the Smithsonian American Art Museum

These one-year residential fellowships at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, in Washington, DC, support full-time independent and dissertation research by scholars from abroad researching historical American art (circa 1550–1980) or by US scholars, particularly those investigating international contexts for American art.

Deadline: December 1, 2015

• Academic Program Grants

The Terra Foundation for American Art actively supports projects that . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « L’Ouest américain: une appropriation française » (Paris, mars 2016)

Buffalo Bill à Paris«Western : Rien de plus exotique pour un Européen que ce terme qui évoque les paysages de l’Ouest américain, parcourus de cow-boys et d’Indiens. »

Jacques Portes, Une fascination réticente. Les États-Unis dans l’opinion française, 1870-1914, Nancy, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 1990, p. 85.

Annonçant la venue du spectacle de Buffalo Bill à Paris en 1889, The New York Times précisait qu’il serait « adapté pour s’accorder aux idées françaises ». Qu’étaient donc ces « idées françaises » et quelles représentations et projections de l’Ouest américain contenaient-elles ? Ces deux journées s’attacheront à répondre à cette question en étudiant la réception des idées et des . . . → En lire plus

Bourses : Terra Foundation for American Art Academic Awards, Fellowships and Grants (2016)

Logo.TER_Primary_Lockup_Small JPEGApply Now for 2016 Terra Foundation for American Art Academic Awards, Fellowships and Grants

A wide range of Terra Foundation academic awards, fellowships, and grants help scholars in the field of American art realize their academic and professional goals and support the worldwide study and presentation of historical art of the United States.

The following opportunities have January 15, 2016 deadlines (unless mentioned otherwise). For further details, please follow the links to our website:

• Research Travel Grants to the United States

• Fellowships at the Smithsonian American Art Museum (application deadline December 1, 2015)

• Terra Summer Residency in Giverny, France

. . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : bourses pour la publication d’ouvrages sur l’art américain de la Terra Foundation (septembre 2015)


In 2014, the Terra Foundation for American Art awarded the College Art Association (CAA) a major, three-year grant to administer an annual program to support book-length scholarly manuscripts in the history of American art. This program, now in its second year, makes funds available to US and non-US publishers through the Terra Foundation for American Art International Publication Grant.

Awards of up to $15,000 will be given for books that examine American art in an international context, increase awareness of American art internationally through publication outside the United States, allow wider . . . → En lire plus

Prix de traduction : Terra Foundation for American Art-Yale University Press American Art in Translation Book Prize (août 2015)

Logo.TER_Primary_Lockup_Small JPEG REMINDER: Terra Foundation-Yale University Press American Art in Translation Book Prize Letter of inquiry deadline: August 3, 2015


The Terra Foundation for American Art, in partnership with Yale University Press, is offering a new prize for an unpublished manuscript or previously published manuscript in a language other than English written by a non-U.S. author. The manuscript should make a significant contribution to scholarship on the historical visual arts of what is now the geographic United States.

In helping to overcome the language barrier that often divides scholars and deters international research and collaboration, the prize aims to advance and internationalize scholarship on American art and seeks to recognize original and thorough research, sound methodology, and significance in . . . → En lire plus

Prix de traduction : Terra Foundation for American Art-Yale University Press American Art in Translation Book Prize

terra-logoAnnouncing the Terra Foundation-Yale University Press American Art in Translation Book Prize

The Terra Foundation for American Art, in partnership with Yale University Press, is offering a new prize for an unpublished manuscript or previously published manuscript in a language other than English written by a non-U.S. author. The manuscript should make a significant contribution to scholarship on the historical visual arts of what is now the geographic United States.

In helping to overcome the language barrier that often divides scholars and deters international research and collaboration, the prize aims to advance and internationalize scholarship on American art and seeks to recognize original and thorough research, sound methodology, and significance in the . . . → En lire plus