In continuità con il Programma di Studi sull’Età e la Cultura del Barocco e nell’ambito di un ampliato programma di sostegno alla ricerca dedicato alle Humanities, la Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura della Compagnia di San Paolo bandisce un concorso per 5 Borse di alti studi sull’Età e la Cultura del Barocco destinato a giovani ricercatori. . . . → En lire plus

Postdoc positions, Free University and University of Amsterdam

Postdoc positions, Free University and University of Amsterdam

Amsterdam Application deadline: Jun 28, 2020

Applications are invited for 2 funded Postdoc positions (1.5yr) on ‘Worlding Public Cultures: Museums in an Age of Decolonization’, one at the Free University/Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and the other at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). They will be part of the Netherlands-based team for the NWO-funded Transatlantic Platform ‘Worlding Public Cultures: The Arts and Social Innovation’, led by Prof. dr. Wayne Modest (VU) and dr. Chiara de Cesari (UvA).

For details and how to apply please use these links:

For the VU postdoc:

For . . . → En lire plus

Assistant Professorship, Digital Visual Studies, University of Zurich

Assistant Professorship, Digital Visual Studies, University of Zurich

University of Zurich Application deadline: Jul 15, 2020

The University of Zurich invites applications for an

assistant professorship in digital visual studies.

The goal of the professorship is to advance visual research in the digital humanities. The professorship is part of the Max-Planck-funded cooperation project Digital Visual Studies hosted by the University of Zurich and supported by the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History. It participates in the academic programming of the Digital Visual Studies project, co-supervises its doctoral students and interacts with its postdocs and visiting faculty. The professorship also collaborates with the Swiss Art Research Infrastructure and the interdisciplinary . . . → En lire plus

Visiting Professor, University of Vienna

Visiting Professor, University of Vienna

The University of Vienna (20 faculties and centres, 178 fields of study, approx. 9.800 members of staff, about 90.000 students) seeks to fill the position from 01.09.2020 to 28.02.2021 of a Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies.

Duration of employment: 6 month/s

Extent of Employment: 30 hours/week

Job grading in accordance with collective bargaining agreement: Univ Prof. (KV) Gastprof. with relevant work experience determining the assignment to a particular salary grade.

Job Description: The guest professorship is a replacement for Prof. Raphael Rosenberg, Department of Art History. Applicants should have a focus on early modern or possibly modern European Art History. The . . . → En lire plus

Bourses doctorales : Digital Visual Studies, Zurich

PhD Fellowships in Digital Visual Studies, Zurich

University of Zurich-Max Planck Society Application deadline: Dec 23, 2020

Call for Applications: Ph.D. Fellowships in Digital Visual Studies

The Max Planck Society (MPG) and the University of Zurich (UZH) invite applications for interdisciplinary predoctoral fellowships in the field of Digital Visual Studies (DVS) for a duration of 2+1 years. The program is part of a five-year cross-institutional Digital Humanities research project funded by the MPG, supported by the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History (BHMPI) and collaborating with the Swiss Art Research Infrastructure (SARI) and the UZH Digital Society Initiative (DSI). The DVS project is operative at . . . → En lire plus

Bourse du CEEH à la fondation Roberto Longhi

With the support of the CEEH (Centro de Estudios Europa hispanica), the Fondazione di Studi di Storia dell’Arte Roberto Longhi offers a fellowship for a project about artistic relationships between Italy and Spain to be developed during the 2020-2021 academic year. The deadline for applications is June 20, 2020.

The requirements and application procedure are available here. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by the Selection Committee in Italian. Applicants are expected to have a basic knowledge of English and/or French as well.

Fellowship holders are required to live in Florence for the entire duration of the fellowship (except for research travels essential . . . → En lire plus

Appel à contribution : Congrès de l’AGES – Catastrophes, menaces et risques naturels

Tandis que la notion de « risque » s’est trouvée au centre des réflexions sur la modernité et ses formes contemporaines (postmodernité, modernité réflexive…) – particulièrement dans les années 1980 à 2000 en Europe en raison des risques technologiques (le nucléaire) et écologiques, mais aussi de l’apparition d’un nouveau paradigme : la « société du risque » (U. Beck) –, celle de « catastrophe » était évacuée ou appliquée seulement à des cas particuliers (1). Or, depuis le début du XXIe siècle, plusieurs événements relayés par les médias du monde entier (le tsunami de 2004 dans l’Océan indien, l’ouragan Katrina en 2005, le cyclone Nargis qui . . . → En lire plus

Fellowship Program : Architectures of Order

Architectures of Order Fellowship Program

The LOEWE Research Cluster Architectures of Order is an interdisciplinary research project (2020-2023) of the Goethe University Frankfurt and Technical University of Darmstadt, with the Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal History and the Deutsche Architekturmuseum as associated partners. Comprising 26 members, the project is concerned with an investigation of architecture as a cultural practice of ordering, that manifests aesthetically, materially, spatially, discursively as well as epistemologically. Hence, the project is as much interested in the influence that architecture exercises on societal, cultural, scientific and technological practices of ordering as it is in how architectural practices of ordering are shaped by society, culture and science. . . . → En lire plus

Bourse 2021 Robert Klein Florence

Bourse 2021 Robert Klein Florence

L’Institut national d’histoire de l’art et la Villa Finaly en partenariat avec le Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut, ouvrent l’appel à candidature pour la sélection des boursières et boursiers Robert Klein 2021.

Pour la troisième année consécutive, l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art, la Villa Finaly et le Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut vont attribuer deux bourses de recherches de niveau postdoctoral nécessitant l’accès aux institutions florentines.

Ces bourses sont destinées aux chercheuses et chercheurs en histoire de l’art, françaises, français ou étrangères, étrangers, souhaitant se rendre à Florence pour y effectuer une recherche dans les institutions locales. Les candidates et candidats doivent être titulaires d’un doctorat ou être conservateurs ou conservatrices du patrimoine.

Le . . . → En lire plus

PhD studentship, London : Caricatures from the Franco-Prussian War and the Paris Commune, 1870-71.

Fully-funded AHRC PhD studentship, London

Royal Holloway, University of London, and the British Library Application deadline: May 4, 2020

The British Library and Royal Holloway, University of London are delighted to offer a fully-funded Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) PhD studentship (fees and living allowance) on the theme: Caricatures from the Franco-Prussian War and the Paris Commune, 1870-71.

If successful, you will be expected to begin your studentship on 1 October 2020. Your project will be co-supervised by Robert Priest (Royal Holloway), Teresa Vernon and Sophie Defrance (British Library). You will spend time at both Royal Holloway and the British Library, and be part of a wider . . . → En lire plus

Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Assistant of Architectural Histories, EAHN

Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Assistant of Architectural Histories, EAHN

Application deadline: May 29, 2020 <>

Call for Applications for Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Assistant of Architectural Histories

Architectural Histories, the international, blind peer-reviewed, open access scholarly journal of the European Architectural History Network (EAHN) is now seeking to appoint a new Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Assistant to start on 1 January 2021, each for a four year term. The new appointees will start working with the current team from 1 September 2020 and gradually take over their duties. The positions of Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Assistant are not remunerated and expenses are not covered. The Editor-in-Chief’s average workload . . . → En lire plus

Bourse : Getty Curatorial Fellow, Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels

RMFAB-Getty Curatorial Fellow, Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels

Les Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique cherchent à recruter un MRBAB-Getty Curatorial Fellow ayant un intérêt particulier pour l’art belge sur papier de la période 1868 – 1914 (Musée Fin-de-Siècle).

Le poste et le projet sont prévus dans la collection « Œuvres sur papier – Art moderne (du 19e au 21e siècle) » qui réunit environ 9 000 œuvres au total et comprend principalement des dessins, des pastels et des aquarelles, ainsi que des photographies et des estampes d’artistes nés à partir de 1748.

La bourse de deux ans financée par la Fondation Getty permettra au . . . → En lire plus