Avancement des dates des épreuves du concours de recrutement des conservateurs du patrimoine

Avancement des dates des épreuves du concours de recrutement des conservateurs du patrimoine

En raison de l’organisation des Jeux Olympiques, les dates des épreuves du concours de recrutement des conservateurs du patrimoine ont été avancées :


du 26 février au 29 mars 2024


du 2 au 5 juillet 2024


du 30 septembre au 25 octobre 2024


Pour plus d’informations, voir le site de l’INP.




Bourses pour des chercheurs doctorants ou postdocs, Institut interuniversitaire néerlandais d’histoire de l’art de Florence

L’Institut interuniversitaire néerlandais d’histoire de l’art de Florence (Nederlands Interuniversitair Kunsthistorisch Instituut, NIKI) offre des bourses pour les chercheurs doctorants ou postdocs affiliés à des universités non néerlandaises. Ces bourses consistent en € 350,00 pour les frais de voyage (€ 700,00 pour les candidats d’universités non européennes), en un logement gratuit à l’Institut et un poste de travail à la bibliothèque pour une durée maximale de trois mois.

Les boursiers doivent consacrer tout leur temps au projet de recherche, n’avoir aucune autre obligation pendant la durée de la bourse et présenter les résultats de leur recherche à la fin de leur séjour.

L’échéance est fixée au 15 mai 2014.

Pour candidater : https://www.niki-florence.org/en/international-phd-postdoc-fellow/

Appel à candidature : Bourse de recherche sur la cathédrale de Chartres

Appel à candidature : Bourse de recherche sur la cathédrale de Chartres (date limite, 29 mars 2024)

Grants for research on Chartres Cathedral for graduate students and emerging scholars.

The Servane de Layre-Mathéus Grant Fund of the American Friends of Chartres is accepting proposals from current graduate students and emerging scholars for its annual research grant for the study of Chartres. The American Friends of Chartres will provide a grant of $2,500.00 and will facilitate lodging, as well as access to the cathedral, the Centre International du Vitrail, the municipal library, archival collections and related resources.

The grant will help . . . → En lire plus

Bourse ZI Munich : commissaires free lance et personnel scientifique musées

Creative Space Fellowship 2024.

The Creative Space Fellowship, funded by the Association of Friends of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte CONIVNCTA FLORESCIT e.V., gives freelance curators and art historians employed in museums the opportunity of pursuing research in connection with a collection or an exhibition. The fellowship is meant to create a “creative scientific space” in order to reflect on collections and exhibitions and to develop ideas and concepts. Fellows are expected to partake in the activities of the ZI and to present the fellowship project.

The fellowship lasts one to two months and consists of an allowance of 1.800 € per month. An independent expert committee decides on the award. The fellowship . . . → En lire plus

Panofsky Fellowship, ZI Munich : Women, witches and enchantresses: The construction of the landscape and garden’s imaginaire

Panofsky Fellowship | Women, witches and enchantresses: The construction of the landscape and garden’s imaginaire.

Prof. Denis Ribouillault, Montréal/Canada, will hold the Panofsky Professorship at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte Munich in 2024. In connection with this professorship the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte seeks applications for a Panofsky Fellowship.

The fellowship is intended for doctoral students and postdoctoral scholars (who have graduated within the last five years) who are working on a project related to the topic WWomen, witches and enchantresses: The construction of the landscape and garden’s ‘imaginaire’. Fellows are expected to maintain a presence at the ZI, to present the Fellowship project, and to partake in the activities of the ZI. The fellowship lasts three months and commences between April . . . → En lire plus

Jutta Held Award 2024. Bourse ZI Munich jeune chercheur research in art history with a socio-political focus

Jutta Held Award 2024. The Jutta Held Award honours and supports early career research in art history with a socio-political focus.

The prize, funded by Stiftung Kritische Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften, honours the memory of Jutta Held (1933–2007), one of the first female professors of art history. The award is made in recognition of her commitment to social issues and gender studies in art and cultural history, and aims to promote such critical approaches in early-career scholarship.

Consideration will be given to a Ph.D. dissertation, M.A. thesis, or publication completed within the last three years. Applicants should have graduated within the last five years. The winning candidate, chosen by an independent committee of scholars, will receive € 7,000, and is expected . . . → En lire plus

Deux bourses ZI Munich pour jeunes chercheurs art contemporain (XX-XXIe siècle)

Two Juliane and Franz Roh Fellowships in Modern and Contemporary Art.

The Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte will award two Juliane and Franz Roh Fellowships in Modern and Contemporary Art (20th – 21st century) at the Studienzentrum zur Kunst der Moderne und Gegenwart at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte.

The fellowships are intended for doctoral students and postdoctoral scholars who have graduated within the last five years who are working on a project related to modern or contemporary art. Fellows are expected to partake in the activities of the ZI and to present the fellowship project.

The fellowships last three months and can commence between April and October 2024. Graduate fellows will receive . . . → En lire plus

Willibald Sauerländer Award. Bourse ZI Munich jeunes chercheurs

Willibald Sauerländer Award. The Willibald Sauerländer Award honours and supports early career research in the history of art history.

The prize, funded by CONIVNCTA FLORESCIT Friends of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, honours the memory of Willibald Sauerländer (1924–2018), from 1970 to 1989 director of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte and an honorary professor at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich.

Consideration will be given to a Ph.D. dissertation, M.A. thesis, or publication completed within the last three years. Applicants should have been graduated within the last five years. The winning candidate, chosen by an independent committee of scholars, will receive € 7,000, and is expected to spend three months conducting research at the . . . → En lire plus

Bourse ZI Munich jeunes chercheurs arts graphiques

The Wolfgang Ratjen Award is an annual award for early career research in the field of graphic arts. The prize, funded by the Foundation Wolfgang Ratjen, is curated and presented by CONIVNCTA FLORESCIT Friends of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte.

The purpose of this award, which honours the memory of the collector Wolfgang Ratjen (1943–1997), is to encourage younger scholars to address neglected topics and to bring the results of their work to the attention of a broader public. Consideration will be given to a Ph.D. dissertation, M.A. thesis, or publication, completed within the last three years and dealing with art historical questions which involve drawings or prints in . . . → En lire plus

Bourse ZI Munich pour jeunes chercheurs en architecture

Theodor Fischer Award. Award for Early Career Research in the History of Architecture

The Association of Friends of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich (CONIVNCTA FLORESCIT), offers an annual award for early career research in the field of the history of architecture. The purpose of this award, named after the architect Theodor Fischer (1862–1938), is to encourage younger scholars to bring the results of their work to the attention of a broader public.

Consideration will be given to a Ph.D. dissertation, M.A. thesis, or scholarly publication, completed within the last three years and dealing with art historical questions in the history of architecture. Applicants should have graduated within the . . . → En lire plus

Bourse ZI de Munich pour jeunes chercheurs dans les arts décoratifs

Award for Early Career Research in the Applied Arts

Award for Early Career Research in the Applied Arts The Association of Friends of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich (CONIVNCTA FLORESCIT), offers an annual award for early career research in the field of applied arts. The award is funded by Claudia Oetker.

The purpose of this award is to encourage younger scholars to address neglected topics and to bring the results of their work to the attention of a broader public. Consideration will be given to a Ph.D. dissertation, M.A. thesis, or scholarly publication, completed within the last three years and dealing with art historical questions which involve the . . . → En lire plus

Open positions European Branch of the Society for Court Studies

The European branch of the Society for Court Studies has open committee positions

– Seminars Co-Officers (2 vacant posts) and SCS Blog Editor.

As voluntary and visible posts, the Seminar Co-Chairs and Blog Editor will play a key part in the Society’s mission to grow and develop a strong community of interdisciplinary scholars, support to all members from early career researchers to independent scholars, and the development of research and engagement opportunities in the field of court studies.

The successful candidate will: be someone with a drive and passion for court studies, have a strong commitment to support researchers and scholarship, be proactive and take initiative, and work collaboratively.

The Seminars Co-Officers will take the lead in planning, organising and running the Society’s ‘Virtual Scholarship . . . → En lire plus

Lauréats Daniel Arasse 2024-2025








L’École française de Rome et l’Académie de France à Rome ouvrent l’appel à candidature pour la sélection des lauréats Daniel Arasse 2024-2025.


Depuis 2001, dans le cadre de leurs échanges scientifiques, l’École française de Rome et l’Académie de France à Rome attribuent chaque année huit bourses (correspondant à huit mensualités) pour des recherches portant sur l’art de la Renaissance à nos jours.

Ces bourses sont destinées aux chercheuses et chercheurs francophones, doctorants ou . . . → En lire plus

Grants and Fellowships, Spring 2024, Paul Mellon Centre, London

Grants and Fellowships, Spring 2024, Paul Mellon Centre, London Application deadline: Jan 31, 2024

Applications are now open for the spring 2024 round of Paul Mellon Centre funding opportunities. The categories of funding on offer are: – Senior Fellowships – Mid-Career Fellowships – Postdoctoral Fellowships – Junior Fellowships – Rome Fellowship – Research Support Grants – Event Support Grants

We are also launching our third round of New Narratives. These awards are: – MA/MPhil Studentship – Doctoral Scholarship – Early Career Fellowship

Our funding programme supports scholarship, academic research and the dissemination of knowledge in the fields of British art and architectural history, and of British visual culture understood more broadly, from the medieval period to the present day and across the spectrum of relevant geographical and cultural . . . → En lire plus

Poste : Curator of moderne european art, Cleveland

Paul J. and Edith Ingalls Vignos Jr Curator of Modern European Art, Cleveland

The Cleveland Museum of Art (CMA) seeks a highly motivated, experienced curator to oversee the display, interpretation, and growth of the museum’s collection of modern European paintings and sculpture. Applicants should be interested in European art of the 19th and early 20th centuries including works by Neoclassical, Academic, Romantic, Realist, Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, Nabi, Symbolist, Fauve, Cubist, German Expressionist, Dada, Surrealist, and early post-war artists.

The museum is seeking candidates who are eager to lead a distinctive program of exhibitions and public programs in alignment with the museum’s strategic plan and priorities. Key responsibilities . . . → En lire plus

Bourses master CFHA-APAHAU pour le CIHA de Lyon 2024

Bourses de Master 2023-2024 Comité français d’histoire de l’art et de l’Association des professeurs d’archéologie et d’histoire de l’art des universités

Objet de la bourse Le Comité français d’histoire de l’art (CFHA) et l’Association des professeurs d’archéologie et d’histoire de l’art des universités (APAHAU) offrent en 2023-2024 six bourses d’un montant de 500 €. Ces bourses sont destinées à des étudiantes et étudiants inscrits en master histoire de l’art d’archéologie ou dans une formation en lien avec le patrimoine (restauration, etc.) pour assister au Congrès international d’histoire de l’art, organisé sous l’égide du CFHA, qui aura lieu à Lyon du 23 au 28 juin 2024. Ce congrès a pour thème matière/matérialité et comporte près de 100 sessions sur différents sujets liés à cette thématique. Il accueille également un salon du . . . → En lire plus

Stage au département d’Histoire de l’Art de l’Académie de France à Rome – Villa Médicis

Stage au département d’Histoire de l’Art de l’Académie de France à Rome – Villa Médicis

Fondée en 1666 par Louis XIV, l’Académie de France à Rome – Villa Médicis est un établissement français installé depuis 1803 à la Villa Médicis, villa du XVIe siècle entourée d’un parc de sept hectares et située sur le mont Pincio, au cœur de Rome.

Établissement public national relevant du ministère de la Culture, l’Académie de France à Rome – Villa Médicis remplit aujourd’hui trois missions qui se complètent : accueillir des artistes, créateurs et créatrices, historiens et historiennes de l’art de haut niveau en résidence pour des séjours longs d’une durée d’un an ou des séjours . . . → En lire plus

Prix Bruno Pons

Créée en 2009 grâce au legs Geneviève Pons, la Fondation Bruno Pons, abritée par la Fondation de France, décerne tous les deux ans un prix dans le domaine de l’histoire de l’art.

Le Prix Bruno Pons a pour vocation de récompenser, sous la forme d’aide à la publication, une thèse de doctorat traitant de l’architecture et/ou des arts décoratifs en France et de son influence en Europe au XVIIIe siècle, deux domaines dans lesquels Bruno Pons était un chercheur internationalement reconnu.

Ce prix est pour l’année 2023 d’un montant de 4 500 euros environ. Il sera versé directement à l’éditeur et ne pourra en aucun cas être versé au lauréat.

Conditions d’éligibilité

Thèse soutenue entre 2019 et 2023 traitant de l’architecture et/ou des arts décoratifs en France et de son . . . → En lire plus

2 Tenure-Track Positions, John Cabot University, Rome

2 T enure-Track Positions, John Cabot University, Rome

John Cabot University, Rome, Nov 6–Dec 29, 2023 Application deadline: Dec 29, 2023

Full-Time Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Art History Full-Time Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Art and Design

1 Full-Time Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Art History

John Cabot University, an accredited American liberal arts university in Rome, Italy, invites applications for a full-time assistant or associate tenure-track professor in Art History.

We seek applicants with a PhD in Art History or equivalent field, demonstrated excellence . . . → En lire plus

Assistant or Associate Professor, Art History, IFA New York : 1400-1800 (Global)

Assistant or Associate Professor, Art History, IFA New York

New York, NY Application deadline: Jan 8, 2024

Faculty Position: Assistant or Associate Professor of Art History, 1400-1800 (Global), Institute of Fine Arts (IFA).

The Institute of Fine Arts of New York University seeks applicants at the rank of Assistant Professor (tenure-track) or recently tenured Associate Professor whose scholarship demonstrates a global perspective on the art of the fifteenth through the eighteenth centuries. We are especially interested in candidates whose work reimagines the critical parameters of the period and contributes to methodological innovation in the discipline.

The Institute of Fine Arts is a graduate educational institution serving MA and PhD students in art history, archaeology, and fine art conservation. The teaching load is two courses . . . → En lire plus