Colloque : « Genealogy and Morphology. Perspectives on the Origin and Becoming of Images » (16 novembre 2017, Paris)

Genealogy and Morphology. Perspectives on the Origin and Becoming of Images

If genealogy deals with the problem of lineage, morphology has since Goethe’s work treated the becoming of forms, later also the becoming of images, genres, literary phenomena etc. Together genealogy and morphology provide the outlines for a type of question that asks from where things come, up to the philosophically rigorous inquiry into the question of origins, while also studying the phenomenon of transformation and its regularities. These issues will be discussed from a range of perspectives on the occasion of this study day, organized within the framework of the international research group Bilderfahrzeuge: Warburg’s Legacy and the Future of Iconology; a project which sets out to explore the migration of images and ideas in a broad historical and geographical context.


November 16, 2017 – Centre allemand d’Histoire de l’Art (DFK Paris)


Welcome / Begrüßung. Thomas Kirchner

Introduction / Einführung. Andreas Beyer


The Modern Invention of Barbarians: Ethnicity and the Transmission of Forms. Éric Michaud (EHESS)


Nation, Method, Identity: Aby Warburg, French Art History and the Shaping of a Discipline . Michela Passini (IHMC-CNRS-ENS-École du Louvre)


Esprit de suite.” On French Art’s Consistency. Victor Claass (DFK Paris / Bilderfahrzeuge)

Lunch break / Mittagspause


Form Beyond Morphology: Goethe on Laocoon and Lady Hamilton. Philipp Ekardt (Warburg Institute, London / Bilderfahrzeuge)


Montage as Concrete Thinking. Eisenstein Reads Goethe. Elena Vogman (FU Berlin)


Die Stammbaummacher. Vom Sinnbildvehikel zur Symbolmobilität. Astrid Schmidt-Burkhardt (FU Berlin)


Concluding remarks / Schlussbemerkungen. Andreas Beyer (Universität Basel / Bilderfahrzeuge)


Conception / Konzeption : Andreas Beyer, Victor Claass, Philipp Ekardt

Pour plus d’informations :


Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art,

45 rue des Petits Champs, 75002 Paris


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