Colloque international : Gothic Modernisms (Amsterdam, 29-30 juin)

Gothic Modernisms is hosted by the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on 29 and 30 June, 2107. The programme includes keynote lectures, papers from renowned international scholars and experts, and a private visit to the exhibition Small Wonders: Gothic Miniatures.

The ‘Gothic’ has often been positioned as a pre-modern past in opposition to a modern present, being recognised only through well-known tropes as the ‘middle’, the ‘pre-’, ‘the ‘dark’, the primitive, the barbaric, etc. Yet the Gothic has deeply permeated the culture of (western and global) modernity. It has returned to haunt modern art and culture again and again: from the Gothic revivals of 19th-century Romantic architects, writers and historians, to the neo-medievalism of pre-Raphaelite art; from the Gothic alterities of Symbolism, to Expressionist engagement with the art of a deep gothic past. Indeed, it inspired monumental events such as the 1902 Bruges exhibition Les Primitifs Flamands as much as foundational works such as Worringer’s Formprobleme der Gotik (1911) and Huizinga’s Herfsttij der Middeleeuwen (1919).

The conference Gothic Modernisms focusses on the legacies, histories and contested identities of Northern European Gothic/early-modern visual cultures in modernity, in particular modernism and the avant-gardes. The conference will develop both a broad perspective in relation to gothic modernisms and a deepening of the issues—methodological, theoretical, aesthetic, archival—pertinent to this subject. Papers will explore the reception, construction and invention of Gothic and early-modern art in modern museums and institutions, art, architecture, art historiographies, and broader visual-cultural contexts (1880s – 1950s).

Organized by: the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Coventry University: the Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture, University of Amsterdam and Rijksmuseum Amsterdam.

Partners: Radboud University, Nijmegen; the Ateneum Art Museum / Finnish National Gallery, Helsinki; the Huizinga Institute; NICA (Netherlands Institute for Cultural Analysis) and OSK (Dutch Research School for Art History).

Supported by: NWO (the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) and KNAW (Netherlands Royal Academy for the Sciences).

More information and the programme on Gothic Modernisms

This conference is part of a trilogy. For earlier events see Visions of the North.


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