Colloque : « Narration et stratégies de l’illustration. Codex et romans chevaleresques dans l’Italie du Nord (XIVe-XVIe siècles) » (Lausanne, 22-23 février 2013)

Le colloque Narration et stratégies de l’illustration  fait partie d’un programme de recherches intitulé Constructing Identity : Visual, Spatial, and Literary Cultures in Lombardy :

The project will study an exemplary case of the construction of a cultural identity, the Lombard courts of the 14th and 15th centuries. Language, space, architecture and imagery under the Visconti and Sforza dynasties form the fields of enquiry. It thus respects a temporal and geographic unity. It is interdisciplinary, founded on the conviction of unitary guiding principles and strategies of communication, in a desired continuum between the Visconti and Sforza dynasties, and involving the history of Italian language and literature, history of art and architectural history.
The research project explicitly aims at bridging the different academic cultures of linguistic regions in Switzerland and to combine Swiss theoretical approaches and practice with methodologies from French, Italian and German-speaking scholarship. In contrast to those research trends that tend to concentrate on themes transcending epochs and cultures, it wishes to restate the vital importance of specific temporal and geographic investigation for cultural and social history in the contemporary academic and political field.

Narration et stratégies de l’illustration. Codex et romans chevaleresques dans l’Italie du Nord (XIVe-XVIe siècles)
22-23 février 2013
Université de Lausanne
Bâtiment Extranef, salle 110

Vendredi 22 février

Présidence de séance : Serena Romano, Université de Lausanne

14:00 Maria Luisa Meneghetti, Università degli Studi di Milano
Il ms ambrosiano D 55 Sup. tra Francia, Oltremare e « Lombardia »: illazioni su un percorso possibile

14:45 Marco Infurna, Università degli Studi di Trento
Cultura e ideali cortesi nel franco-italiano «Roman d’Hector et Hercule»

15:30 Vera Segre, Liceo Cantonale di Lugano
Illustrazioni cavalleresche fra manoscritti e carte dipinte nella Lombardia del Tre e Quattrocento

16:15 Kay Sutton, Christie’s International Book Department
Pattern and identity, some observations on dress in manuscripts for the Visconti court


Présidence de séance : Richard Trachsler, Universität Zürich

17:30 Storia di X. Un testimone recuperato del «Guiron» in Italia

Lino Leonardi, Università degli Studi di Siena

Nicola Morato, University of Cambridge
Il testo

Ilaria Molteni, Université de Lausanne
Le miniature

Claudio Lagomarsini, Università degli Studi di Siena
La lingua

Samedi 23 février

Présidence de séance : Simone Albonico, Université de Lausanne

09:00 Ilaria Molteni & Barbara Wahlen, Université de Lausanne
Écrire et représenter la parole: le ms n.a.f. 5243

10:15 Andrea Canova, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia
È meglio guardare le figure. Cicli decorativi e cicli narrativi in Italia tra XIV e XV secolo

11:00 Annalisa Izzo, Université de Lausanne
Entrelacement per immagini: il «Furioso» illustrato



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