History of illuminated manuscripts: ongoing researches (en ligne, 17-18 sept. 2021)

Società Italiana di Storia della Miniatura (SISM)
History of illuminated manuscripts: ongoing researches
Webinar 17-18 September 2021
The international Society of History of illuminated manuscripts calls researchers of the discipline to communicate their ongoing investigations in a webinar that will take place on the dates indicated.
To participate, please send the title and an abstract to <storiadellaminiatura@gmail.com>. The deadline is 15 June 2021.
Presentations must not exceed 15 minutes. The papers will be published, in synthetic form (max 2500 characters and 1 illustration) in a special section of “Rivista di storia della miniatura”.
The webinar is open to the members of the Society in compliance with the registration and to researchers of the discipline who meet the necessary registration requirements and wish to join the Society.

Scientific Committee: Susy Marcon, Giordana Mariani Canova, Massimo Medica, Giulia Orofino, Alessandra Perriccioli Saggese, Federica Toniolo, Giusi Zanichelli.

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