Appel à communication : « L’erreur, l’échec, la faute » dans le monde médiéval

Appel à communication sur « L’échec, l’erreur, la faute » pour les séances de Questes des 8 novembre et 13 décembre 2013

« Errare humanum est, sed persevare diabolicum » écrit saint Augustin. À sa suite, les hommes du Moyen Âge pensent l’erreur, l’échec, la faute. Travailler sur ces notions, c’est se plonger au cœur du monde médiéval ; c’est l’aborder par le revers de la médaille, en s’intéressant non pas à ses succès mais à leurs contraires, sans pour autant retomber dans le mythe d’un Moyen Âge obscurantiste. Trois niveaux de lecture se dégagent :

– Une lecture morale et théologique, d’abord, qui insiste, dans l’ombre de la Chute, sur la nature faillible de l’homme, sa rétribution et sa rédemption. Une lecture . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Scientiae 2014 » (Vienne, 23-25 avril 2014)

Paper and panel proposals are invited for Scientiae 2014, the third annual conference on the emergent knowledge practices of the early modern period (ca. 1450-1750). The conference will take place on the 23-25 April 2014 at the University of Vienna in Austria, building upon the success of Scientiae 2012 (Simon Fraser University) and Scientiae 2013 (Warwick), each of which brought together more than 100 scholars from around the world.

The premise of this conference is that knowledge during the period of the Scientific Revolution was inherently interdisciplinary, involving complex mixtures of practices and objects which had yet . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Near View, Distant View : Art and the Experience of Nature in Italy from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth Century » (Frankfurt am Main, 10–12 juillet 2014)

In his Ricordi published in 1554, Fra Sabba da Castiglione describes a scene in which art and nature are in opposition to and – to the same degree – close reciprocal relationship to one another. Suffering from the crippling heat of a July day, the humanist seeks refuge in the shade of a tree in his overgrown garden in Faenza, and there experiences a special instance of art enjoyment : in natural surroundings, he immerses himself in the contemplation of his recently acquired Dürer engraving and admires its figures, animals, landscapes and vistas.

Sabba da Castiglione’s account sparks fundamental questions about the relationship . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Authentication of paintings »

Subject: CFP: Authentication of Paintings (The Hague, 7-9 May 14)

The Hague, May 7 – 09, 2014 Deadline: Sep 13, 2013

Conference on Authentication of Paintings Call for Papers

Authentication in Art invites submissions of proposals of 500-700 words (up to 3000 characters) for oral presentations, to be given at the conference in The Hague, The Netherlands, 7-9 May, 2014 (Please see for more details: and Due to the multitude of problems that have become ever more prominent around establishing authorship of paintings and authenticity, the identification of fakes, and the contextual and legal issues associated with this process, the conference Authentication in Art has been established.

Conference Language: The conference language is English.

Topics: Papers addressing . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Universal-Specific. From analysis to intervention ? » (Zürich, 14-15 novembre 2013)

Universal – Specific. From analysis to intervention?

« No one sees the Earth globally. » Or: « A crowded place of risk and unwanted consequences. » (B. Latour, 2011)

The universal – specific opposition has been central to epistemological debates and methodological shifts within the history of most (if not all) scientific disciplines. An equivalent dualism confronts artists and architects addressing a wide audience and/or planning and realizing transformative or critical interventions that involve both local factors and a range of far-reaching political, social or economic constellations and processes. This conference, in continuing our efforts to promote dialogue between the history of art and the . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Technical Studies of paintings : problems of attribution (15th-17th century) » (Bruges, 11-13 septembre 2014)

In preparation of the XIXth Symposium for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting to be held at Bruges, 11-13 September 2014, UCL (Louvain-la-Neuve), the Laboratoire d’Étude des œuvres d’art par les méthodes scientifiques (Musée de Louvain-la-Neuve) and Musea Brugge, in conjunction with the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (Brussels), its Centre for the study of the Flemish primitives, and Illuminare (Centre for the Study of Medieval Art, KULeuven), invite you to submit an abstract on the theme :

Technical Studies of paintings: problems of attribution (15th-17th century)

Attribution is a central question in art history. Since the introduction of new examination techniques such . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « in:flux 1845-1945: A Century in Motion » (27 juin 2013, Birmingham)

in:flux 1845-1945: A Century in Motion

University of Birmingham, 27th June 2013

Keynote speaker – Dr Matthew Rubery, Queen Mary University of London

Interdisciplinary postgraduate conference – call for papers

How did the rapid period of industrialisation in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries help to shape societies and lifestyles in the West? What types of social changes, movements and developments characterise this time period? This interdisciplinary postgraduate conference, in affiliation with the Centre for the Study of Cultural Modernity and hosted by the College of Arts and Law, seeks to explore the various ways in which this century was one of ‘motion’, in every sense of the word. The . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Synaesthesia. Discussing a Phenomenon in the Arts, Humanities and (Neuro-)Science » (5-6 juillet 2013, Berlin)

Berlin, Art Laboratory Berlin / Theater Glaskasten, July 5 – 06, 2013 Deadline-CFP: 29 avr. 2013

As a theoretical addition to our ongoing exhibition series SYNAESTHESIA (October 2012 – July 2013/, Art Laboratory Berlin plans an international interdisciplinary conference to further explore and theoretically question the field of multisensory perception.

The term « synaesthesia », from the Greek « aisthesis » (« Sensation », « sensory impression ») and « syn » (« together ») means the experience of two or more sensory impressions at the same time. Currently there is a strikingly strong interest in the coupling of the senses in science, humanities and in con-temporary . . . → En lire plus

Présentation de l’ouvrage Philippe de La Hire (Paris, ENSBA, 24 avril 2013)

PHILIPPE DE LA HIRE (1640-1718). Entre architecture et sciences

Ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Antonio Becchi, Hélène Rousteau-Chambon et Joël Sakarovitch. Paris, Picard, 2013.

Présentation de l’ouvrage par les auteurs

le mercredi 24 avril 2013 à 18h30 à la bibliothèque de l’École nationale supérieure d’architecture Paris-Malaquais

14, rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris

entrée par la cour d’honneur de l’École des Beaux-Arts


Personnage fascinant et polymorphe, Philippe de La Hire (1640-1718) reste un savant relativement peu étudié. Ses travaux de géométrie le font bientôt entrer à l’Académie royale des sciences, où il devient cartographe du royaume avec l’abbé Picard, s’intéresse à l’hydraulique, à la gnomonique, à la physiologie, à la botanique et à l’astronomie. Nommé professeur à l’Académie royale d’architecture en 1687, il rédige, outre de nombreux mémoires, un Traité . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Science, Imagination & the Illustration of Knowledge » (7-8 novembre 2013, Oxford)

Science, Imagination, and the Illustration of Knowledge 4th International Illustration Symposium. Organised by Illustration Research, in collaboration with University of Oxford Museums and Collections Oxford, UK, November 7-8, 2013

‘Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of the imagination.’ John Dewey

The Science, Imagination and the Illustration of Knowledge symposium will consider the contemporary and historical role of illustration in relation to the collection, processing, understanding, and organisation of knowledge and associated questions of epistemology and pedagogy. The symposium is organised by Illustration Research in collaboration with the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, the Pitt Rivers Museum, and the Museum of the History of Science and these world famous collections will provide an important context . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Futures past: Design and the Machine » (21-23 novembre 2013, Cambridge, Ma)

FUTURES PAST: Design and the Machine MIT, November 21-23, 2013 Deadline: March 29, 2013 In 1960, the readers of the IRE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics encountered J.C.R. Licklider speculating on the future. “The hope,” he contended, “is that, in not too many years, human brains and computer machines would be coupled together very tightly and the resulting partnership will think as no human brain has ever thought.” He called this new cooperative interaction between the human and the computer a “symbiosis.” At that moment, computers were conceptualized either as compliant instruments extending the capabilities of the human subject, or intelligent replacements, automating operations previously performed . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Working Wonder » (14 juin 2013, Newcastle)

Newcastle, Newcastle University, June 14, 2013 Deadline-CFP: 28 févr. 2013

Advanced call for papers

Working Wonder

Venue: Newcastle University, UK Date: 14th June 2013 E-mail: Website: Wonder has always been understood as a place outside of the familiar cultural framework. It has been linked to the fascination of change, the coincidence of oppositions, often placed at the threshold between aesthetic and scientific realms. The wondrous object becomes therefore not only the carrier of the inexplicable, but moreover exposes our relationship to the alien, enigmatic and perplexing. Recent scholarship has been focused on a variety of topics ranging from shifting aspects of curiosity and wonder (Benedict 2001), . . . → En lire plus

Colloque : « Leonardo da Vinci on Nature » (1-3 mars 2013, Florence)

Ever since Giovanni Gentile’s influential essay Leonardo filosofo was published in 1919, numerous attempts have been made to explain in a consistent manner various aspects of Leonardo’s mind that might appear, at first glance, sharply contradictory. The mixture of « Naturalism » and « Platonism » postulated by Gentile as the main feature of Leonardo’s thought has been taken up again by a number of scholars; yet, especially over the last thirty years, there has been an increasing diversification and specialisation in the research on Leonardo’s intellectual output. Unfortunately, these contributions have concentrated only on particular areas of Leonardo’s multifarious interests, arbitrarily separating them from the rest of his thinking. This strategy . . . → En lire plus

Colloque : « Mythe, fortune et infortune de la bohème »

Le colloque Mythe, fortune et infortune de la bohème, préparé à l’occasion de l’exposition Bohèmes (Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, 26 septembre 2012-14 janvier 2013), en prolonge les mises en relations inédites entre les deux acceptions du mot, et les questions posées à propos du concept de bohème artistique qui s’est forgé au milieu du XIXe siècle, entre romantisme et réalisme, avant de donner lieu à maintes réinterprétations. Le terme cristallise un ensemble de transformations du statut de l’artiste qui s’opèrent alors. A travers la littérature et la presse, la bohème, évocatrice de liberté, d’errance, mais aussi de misère et de marginalité, acquiert très vite une popularité immense ; elle . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Celestial Bodies and their Orbit in Art » (AAH Reading, 11-13 avril 2013)

Reading, University of Reading, April 11 – 13, 2013 Deadline-CFP: 12 nov. 2012

39th Annual Conference and Bookfair University of Reading 11-13 April 2013

Celestial Bodies and their Orbit in Art

The visible planets and the stars have provided important themes and images for artistic practitioners in almost all human cultures. Ancient peoples made close observations of planetary orbits, and constructed complex calendars upon this data. Awareness of astral influences upon the Earth also supported the allocation of various attributes to individual planets, stars and constellations, as well as their deification. Thus, the celestial bodies, and their representations, have played key roles within a wide range of discursive practices, . . . → En lire plus

Appel à publication :  » The State of Fine Art in the Age of New Media »

The State of Fine Art in the Age of New Media

Recent development in new media has radically altered the way in which art is produced, appreciated, and distributed. As visual art has embraced innovative consequences of new media, the mode of existence of fine art such as painting and sculpture seems to be at stake. We invite scholarly articles presenting new interpretations of the following subjects: transformations of the work of art, altered modes of production and perception of the work in the age of new media. New media also significantly affects the way in which the work of art reaches the viewer at the level of intellect and sense. Discussions . . . → En lire plus

Appel à contribution colloque : « From Utopian Teleologies to Sporadic Historiographies: “Interfaces” of Art and Cybernetics »


From Utopian Teleologies to Sporadic Historiographies: “Interfaces” of Art and Cybernetics 39th Annual AAH Conference & Bookfair University of Reading Reading 11 – 13 April 2013 University of Reading, April 11 – 13, 2013 Deadline: Nov 12, 2012

Call for Papers for the session

It has been more than six decades since cybernetics was introduced to the English-speaking world by Norbert Wiener, Claude Shannon, and Warren Weaver. Stimulated by the information explosion in the 195Os, it grew as an international phenomenon that challenged disciplinary boundaries and preconceptions. Cybernetic models of “self-reproducing automata” brought about an enhanced understanding of informational and communication systems, engendered artificial intelligence and machine-biological interfaces (cyborgs), . . . → En lire plus

Colloque : »De la restauration des œuvres d’art anciennes et contemporaines »

De la restauration des œuvres d’art anciennes et contemporaines

Colloque national Vendredi 1er juin 2012

9h 30 Accueil Pierre VASARELY, Président de la Fondation Vasarely Présentation Jean-Noël BRET, Président des Amis de la Fondation

Jean-Marc LEFEVRE, artiste 9h 45

Elisabeth MOGNETTI, conservateur général du Patrimoine Bref regard sur l’histoire de la restauration et la constitution de sa déontologie

10h 25 Monique POMEY, restauratrice du Patrimoine Réflexion, science et patience au service de la restauration du « Buisson ardent » 11h 05 Pause 11h 20 Patrick MANDRON, restaurateur du Patrimoine Le conditionnement : un frein aux altérations – Le musée d’Orsay : un exemple

12h Pause déjeuner

14h 15 Jean-Jacques EZRATI, ingénieur d’études au Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des . . . → En lire plus

Ecole de Printemps 2012 à Paris, « Arts et savoirs », 14-18 mai 2012

Arts et Savoirs Les recherches actuelles sur les liens qu’entretiennent Arts et Savoirs nous ont conduit à consacrer cette dixième édition de l’École de Printemps du Réseau International de Formation en Histoire de l’Art à ce thème stimulant, qui présente l’avantage d’englober le champ des arts et des sciences et de l’ouvrir à des questionnements plus vastes sur les liens unissant, d’une part, la création, les arts et les images, d’autre part, les connaissances, la cognition, les systèmes de pensée et d’apprentissage, les savoir-faire. Autrement dit, ce projet invite à une réflexion sur la potentialité des arts à arrêter, à transmettre, à traduire, dans leurs spécificités visuelles . . . → En lire plus

Appel à contribution : « Création psychologiquement assistée »

Création psychologiquement assistée L’art en état de conscience modifiée Psychologically assisted creation Art in state of modified consciousness


Ce numéro spécial de la revue 20/21 se propose d’étudier les relations entre expression artistique et « modificateurs de conscience ». Quelle a pu être et quelle peut être encore l’influence de l’absorption de drogues dans le processus de création, littéraire, plastique, musicale ? Quels liens existent-ils entre expérience artistique et expérience droguée, toutes deux conçues comme échappant à l’ordre commun ? Qu’en est-il des représentations induites dans l’imaginaire collectif par ce long commerce depuis Les confessions d’un fumeur d’opium ? Quarante après près la fièvre psychédélique, cette relation possède-t-elle encore . . . → En lire plus