Conférence : « Of Curating and Other stories » par Simon Njami (Paris, 15 novembre 2016)

884629-simon-njami« Of Curating and Other stories » : conférence de Simon Njami au Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art (DFK Paris), 18h.

Simon Njami est commissaire d’exposition, écrivain, essayiste et critique d’art. Il a été le commissaire de la 12ème édition de la Biennale de Dakar (2016), et de nombreuses expositions d’art africain, notamment Die Andere Reise/The Other Journey: Africa and the Diaspora, Kunsthalle Krems, Vienne (1996), Les Rencontres Africaines de la Photographie, Biennale de Photographie de Bamako, Mali (2001 et 2009), Up and Coming, ARCO, Madrid (2003), Africa Remix: Contemporary Art of a Continent, Paris, Centre Pompidou (2004-07, l’exposition a été montrée à Londres, Düsseldorf, Tokyo, et Johannesburg), et As You Like It, the first African contemporary art fair in . . . → En lire plus

Colloque franco-allemand : « All the Beauty of the World. The Western Market for non-European Artefacts (18th-20th century) » (Berlin, 13-15 octobre 2016)

sans-titreIn the wake of the Western expansion, a fast growing number of non-European artefacts entered the European market. They initially made their way into princely cabinets of curiosities. Made possible by the forced opening and exploitation of more and more parts of the world and pushed by social and technological changes of the time, the 18th century brought a boom of the market of non-European artefacts in Europe. This came along with the emergence of a broader collecting culture and the development of a rich museumscape.

This market and its development between 18th and 20th century in terms of actors and networks involved, methods and places of exchange . . . → En lire plus