Bourse Bétonsalon – ADAGP : autour de Nathalie Magnan

Nathalie Magnan devant son ordinateur portant un masque victorien, Santa Cruz, ca 1980, crédits : Reine Prat

Bourse Bétonsalon – ADAGP : autour de Nathalie Magnan
Théoricienne, réalisatrice, journaliste, webmistress, enseignante, activiste, et navigatrice, Nathalie Magnan occupe une place centrale dans la diffusion des théories des médias et du cyber-féminisme en France et aux Etats-Unis depuis les années 1990. Formée au Visual Studies Workshop de Rochester et à l’université de Californie à Santa Cruz, elle participe à la création du festival de films gays et lesbiens de Los Angeles dont elle fonde l’édition parisienne . . . → En lire plus

Chef du service de la coordination et d’ingénierie pédagogiques de l’Ecole du Louvre

Chef du service de la coordination et d’ingénierie pédagogiques de l’Ecole du Louvre H/F

– Vos missions en quelques mots Missions et activités principales : Au sein de la Direction des études de l’Ecole du Louvre, le service de la coordination et de l’ingénierie pédagogique a été créé en 2024, suite à la mise en place expérimentale d’une mission d’ingénierie pédagogique en 2021. Il a pour objectifs : – d’animer un réseau d’enseignants issus des mondes des musées, du patrimoine, de l’université et des mondes de l’art, principalement dans les domaines de l’histoire de l’art et de la muséologie ; – d’assurer une coordination efficace des enseignants de 1er et . . . → En lire plus

Prix JRC Bella Maniera

Association Bella Maniera
Prix JRC
dédié à soutenir une recherche sur le dessin français ou italien,
du XVe au XIXe siècle
doté de 4000€
Le prix est destiné à : – la préparation d’un Master ; – la préparation d’une thèse universitaire ; – la rédaction et la publication d’un article ou d’un ouvrage ; – la recherche préparatoire à une exposition.Les candidatures sont ouvertes jusqu’au 25 avril 2025.
Pour plus de renseignements, voir la page sur le site de Bella Maniera.

Festival de l’histoire de l’art – Rencontres internationales étudiantes

Festival de l’histoire de l’art – Rencontres internationales étudiantes

Pour la quatrième année, les rencontres internationales étudiantes du festival de l’histoire de l’art prendront la forme d’un séminaire de recherche et d’une participation libre au festival. Menées en partenariat entre le Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art à Paris, l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art, l’Université de Vienne et le Centre interdisciplinaire d’études et de recherche sur l’Allemagne, elles ont pour objectif de faire se rencontrer, dialoguer et collaborer des étudiantes et étudiants en master avancé, des doctorantes et doctorantes, et des post-doctorantes et post-doctorants d’universités autrichiennes, européennes et françaises.

Une thématique : de/constructions des spécificités nationales à travers les . . . → En lire plus

Visiting Senior Fellowships, National Gallery of Art

Visiting Senior Fellowships, National Gallery of Art

Application deadline: Mar 21, 2025

The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts welcomes applications for visiting senior fellowships. These two-month appointments support research in the history, theory, and criticism of the visual arts and related disciplines of any period or geographical area. Visiting senior fellows will receive an office in the National Gallery’s East Building as well as housing, as available. They will also be awarded a stipend depending on their fellowship and relocation needs.

Qualifications: – Visiting senior fellowships are intended for those who have held a PhD for five years or more at the time of application, . . . → En lire plus

Lecturer, Early Modern Art History, St Andrews

Lecturer in Early Modern Art History (1400-1800) – AC2505RXLS

Sep 1, 2025–Aug 31, 2027 Application deadline: Mar 28, 2025

We are seeking to appoint a Lecturer in Early Modern Art History (1400-1800). This is a full-time position, offered on a fixed term contract until 31 August 2027, to provide cover for staff on research leave. Applications are invited from candidates whose research interests lie in any field of early modern art, architecture, urbanism or visual culture, regardless of geographical focus. We encourage applications from candidates whose research and teaching focuses on issues including environment, . . . → En lire plus

Publication Grants, The Leonard A. Lauder Research Center for Modern Art

Publication Grants, The Leonard A. Lauder Research Center for Modern Art

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Deadline: Mar 31, 2025

Leonard A. Lauder Research Center for Modern Art


Applications are open until March 31, 2025, for Leonard A. Lauder Spring Publication Grants, supporting new work in the field of modern art. We use the term ‘modern art’ inclusively to refer to architecture, drawing, design (including exhibition, graphic, interior and stage design), film, painting, performance, photography, printmaking, sculpture, and textiles in the period from the last third of the nineteenth century through the 1960s, from any country, region or culture. (If your application is focused on art from the 1970s onwards or on other historical periods your application will be rejected). Recognizing the increasing costs associated . . . → En lire plus

Predoc / Postdoc Fellowships, Bibliotheca Hertziana

The Department of Prof. Dr. Tanja Michalsky at the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History welcomes projects in – but not necessarily limited to – its core research areas: Southern Italy and Naples, Cinematic Space, Historical Spaces, Epistemes of Cartography, and New Methodologies in Medieval Studies.

Funding periods last 2–3 years (predoctoral) or 1–2 years (postdoctoral). To be eligible, predoctoral candidates must be enrolled as PhD candidates at a university.

Application deadline: Mar 15, 2025

Successful candidates are expected to join a group of junior scholars working on one of the topics and to participate in the institute’s activities. They are also expected to present the results of their research during their stay at the . . . → En lire plus

Predoc / Postdoc Fellowships, Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions, Rome

Call for Postdoctoral (M/F/D) / Predoctoral Fellows (M/F/D) Max Planck Research Group “Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions”.

Bibliotheca Hertziana Rome, Sep 01, 2025 Application deadline: Mar 3, 2025

The Max Planck Society is Germany’s premier research organization. The 86 Max Planck Institutes conduct research at the highest levels in the service of the general public, in the natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and the humanities.

For the Max Planck Research Group “Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions”, led by Dr. Sietske Fransen, the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome (Italy) seeks to appoint: 1 Postdoctoral (M/F/D) max. 18-months appointment 2 Predoctoral Fellows (M/F/D) max. 12-months appointment each

The Max Planck Research Group, based . . . → En lire plus

Poste ATER Université de Lille, Études visuelles et Humanités numériques

Le Département d’Histoire de l’Art et Archéologie de la Faculté des humanités de l’Université de Lille ouvre un poste d’ATER

« Études visuelles et Humanités numériques ». Les candidatures sont ouvertes et se clôturent le 26 février. Les candidat·es déposent leur dossier sur GALAXIE (, un lien leur sera envoyé ensuite pour déposer leur candidature sur la plateforme de l’Université (
Contact : Gil Bartholeyns

5 postes d’ATER en Histoire de l’art, Université de Lille 2025-2026

5 postes d’ATER en Histoire de l’art, Université de Lille/IRHiS, 2025-2026

Le département d’histoire de l’art et d’archéologie de l’Université de Lille recrute cinq ATER en histoire de l’art pour l’année 2025-2026. Les candidats recrutés assureront l’essentiel de leur service en Licence Histoire de l’art et archéologie, aussi bien dans le parcours sur site que dans le parcours en enseignement à distance ; ils seront également susceptibles d’intervenir plus ponctuellement en Master Recherche. Les lauréats seront affectés pour la recherche à l’Institut de Recherches Historiques du Septentrion (CNRS UMR 8529).

Les . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Bourse d’aide à la mobilité de l’AFET 2025 »

L’association française pour l’étude du textile (AFET) propose deux bourses d’aide à la mobilité d’un montant de 500 euros pour soutenir deux jeunes chercheuses/chercheurs en histoire, anthropologie, conservation-restauration ou création textile souhaitant participer au voyage d’étude organisé à Fès au Maroc du 9 au 11 mai 2025 pour suivre une initiation au fonctionnement du métier à la tire arabo-andalou au sein de l’atelier Dar al Tiraz.

Le programme de la formation est accessible ici :

Cette initiative s’inscrit dans les missions de l’association qui a pour vocation de promouvoir et de favoriser le développement des études sur les textiles.


Qui peut . . . → En lire plus

Henry Moore Institute, Visiting Research Fellowships 2025-26, Leeds

Henry Moore Institute, Visiting Research Fellowships 2025-26, Leeds

Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, Apr 01, 2025 Application deadline: Mar 10, 2025

The Henry Moore Institute is a world-recognised centre for the study of sculpture. We host a year-round programme of exhibitions, conferences and lectures, as well as developing research and publications, to expand the understanding and scholarship of sculpture. Each year we offer a number of Fellowships to enable artists and researchers to develop their work.

The Institute’s Sculpture Research Library holds over 30,000 books and our Archive documents the lives of hundreds of sculptors. Staff at the Institute have a depth and breadth of knowledge . . . → En lire plus

Sommerkurs: Barock – Tod (Einsiedeln, 22-26 Jun 25)

Baroque – Death Twenty-fourth International Baroque Summer Course of the Werner Oechslin Library

Stiftung Bibliothek Werner Oechslin, CH 8840 Einsiedeln, Jun 22–26, 2025 Deadline: Feb 23, 2025

Concerning the topic:

Death is omnipresent. No one can escape it; it is among us and goes about its business as it sees fit. If one takes seriously the “memento mori” that we encounter in droves on tombstones and that is addressed to us, the (still) living, then one can see that this commingling of life and death is of central importance to human culture and has always had a significant impact on its art forms.

This ubiquity and omnipresence of death was . . . → En lire plus

The Attingham Royal Collection Studies, Country Houses Studies, Study Program Spain

Royal Collection Studies, August 31–September 9, 2025. Deadline: February 14, 2025.

The Royal Collection is one of the world’s leading collections of fine and decorative art, with over one million works from six continents, many of them masterpieces. Working in partnership with The Royal Collection Trust, this ten-day residential course offers participants the opportunity to study the magnificent holdings of paintings, furniture, metalwork, porcelain, jewellery, sculpture, arms and armour, books and works on paper and to examine the architecture and interiors of the palaces which house them.

Based near Windsor, the course also examines the history of the collection and the key roles played by monarchs and their consorts over the centuries. Combining a mixture of lectures and tutorials, visits to . . . → En lire plus

Postdoctoral / Predoctoral Fellows, Bibliotheca Hertziana

Postdoctoral / Predoctoral Fellows, Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome, Department Weddigen: Art of the Modern Age in a Global Context.

The Department of Prof. Dr. Tristan Weddigen at the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome is pleased to offer

Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships for the 2025/26 academic year.

Under the overarching theme of Art of the Modern Age in a Global Context, the Department welcomes projects in any period addressing — but not limited to — one of its five Research Priorities: Rome Contemporary, Materiality and Mediality, Italy in a Global Context, Transnational . . . → En lire plus

BURLINGTON MAGAZINE Prize for research on south netherlandish art 1400-1800

BURLINGTON MAGAZINE Prize for research on south netherlandish art 1400-1800

A new annual prize of £1,000 will be awarded, with publication in The Burlington Magazine’s annual issue dedicated to Northern European Art, plus a subscription to The Burlington Magazine.

We seek previously unpublished essays of 1000–1500 words from early career scholars worldwide. Preference will be given to object-related scholarship such as is published inThe Burlington Magazine.

Deadline for applications: Monday 1st September 2025

BURLINGTON MAGAZINE scholarship for the study of French 18th-century fine and decorative art

BURLINGTON MAGAZINE scholarship for the study of French 18th-century fine and decorative art



The scholarship has been created to provide funding over a 12-month period to those engaged in the study of French 18th-century fine and decorative art to enable them to develop new ideas and research that will contribute to this field of art historical study.

Eligibility criteria

Applicants must be studying, or intending to study, for an MA, PhD, post-doctoral or independent research in the field of French 18th-century fine and decorative arts within the 12-month period the funding is given (i.e. September 2024 – August 2025).

The funding is open to UK and international applicants.

Research funded by this scholarship may lead to the submission of articles for . . . → En lire plus

2 positions in Medieval Art History, StoryPharm project, University of Salerno

2 positions in Medieval Art History, StoryPharm project, University of Salerno

« StoryPharm » international PhD project (European Marie Skłodowska-Curie program) Application deadline: Feb 17, 2025

« StoryPharm »: Storytelling as Pharmakon in Premodernity and Beyond: Training the New Generation of Researchers in Health Humanities.

The University of Salerno (UniSa) is pleased to advertise 2 three-year Special Scientist PhD positions in HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL ART with a generous research allowance in an international, multi-partner EU project, employment beginning between June and August 2025. The StoryPharm project, which is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action – Doctoral Networks – Grant . . . → En lire plus

Creative Space Fellowship 2025 Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte

Creative Space Fellowship 2025

The Creative Space Fellowship, funded by the Association of Friends of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte CONIVNCTA FLORESCIT e.V., gives freelance curators and art historians employed in museums the opportunity of pursuing research in connection with a collection or an exhibition. The fellowship is meant to create a “creative scientific space” in order to reflect on collections and exhibitions and to develop ideas and concepts. Fellows are expected to partake in the activities of the ZI and to present the fellowship project.

The fellowship lasts one to two months and consists of an allowance of 1.800 € per month. An independent expert committee decides on . . . → En lire plus