Appel à candidature « Marjorie Susman Curatorial Fellowship, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago »

resize__575__575__5__text_images__full_1308248977collectionThe Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago (MCA) is one of Chicago’s major museum institutions and one of the nation’s largest facilities devoted to the art of our time, offering exhibitions, performances, and programs of the most thought-provoking art created since 1945.

Considered one of the premiere curatorial training opportunities in the nation, the MCA’s Marjorie Susman Curatorial Fellowship is intended to offer an exceptional graduate-level candidate the opportunity to gain professional curatorial experience in a major museum setting. The Fellow is primarily responsible for exhibition- and/or collection-related research, with additional duties as appropriate to specific projects. As a 12-month, 40-hour per week commitment, the Fellow is exposed to all . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : 2 postes en histoire et théorie de l’architecture à l’ETH Zürich

405px-ETH_Dome2 Ph.D. pos., History & Theory of Architecture, Zuerich ETH Zurich, Department of Architecture Application deadline: Feb 15, 2014 The Doctoral Program in History and Theory of Architecture is oriented toward the training of scholars in the field ofarchitectural history and theory. The program’s focus is on the history and theory of architecture and urbanism in a wider context of cultural history, including the history and theory of art, science and technology. We are offering 2 positions for Doctoral students in History and Theory of Architecture We are looking for junior researchers with a background in history and theory of architecture and art or architects with research experience. Suitable candidates hold a diploma or a Master’s degree acquired at university . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Short-Term Research Fellowships, Newberry Library, Chicago »

Wing-MS-ZW-545-.S431-(Vault),-Alphabet-of-ornamental-capitals,-John-Scottowe,-letter-TShort-term fellowships are generally restricted to postdoctoral scholars, PhD candidates, or holders of other terminal degrees who live and work outside of the Chicago area and who have a specific need for Newberry collection. The tenure of short-term fellowships is one continuous month, unless otherwise noted. Scholars who have an extensive need for use of the collections may request two months of fellowship support. The award is $2,500 per month for most short-term fellowships.

Applications must be received electronically by January 15, 2014, 11:59 pm C.S.T. This includes the applicant’s own materials and all letters of reference.

List of Short-Term Fellowships

Newberry Short-Term Resident Fellowships for Individual Research This fellowship provides access to the Newberry’s collection for PhD candidates or . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature « Getty Graduate Internships »

ImageShowGetty Graduate Internships are offered in the four programs of the J. Paul Getty Trust — the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Getty Research Institute, the Getty Conservation Institute, and the Getty Foundation to students who intend to pursue careers in fields related to the visual arts. Training and work experience are available in areas such as curatorial, education, conservation, research, information management, public programs, and grantmaking.

Please see the list of internship position areas and host departments participating in 2014—2015 (PDF, 6 pp., 122kb)

Eligibility Internships are open to students of all nationalities. Applicants must be:

Students currently enrolled in a graduate program leading to an advanced . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Anne L. Poulet Curatorial Fellowship 2014-16, Frick Collection, New York »

the-frick-collection_v1_460x285The Frick Collection is pleased to announce the availability of a two-year predoctoral fellowship for an outstanding doctoral candidate who wishes to pursue a curatorial career in an art museum. The fellowship will offer invaluable curatorial training and will provide the scholarly and financial resources required for completing the doctoral dissertation. Internationally renowned for its exceptional collection of Western European art from the early Renaissance through the end of the nineteenth century, The Frick Collection, complemented by the equally significant resources of the Frick Art Reference Library, offers a unique opportunity for object-based research. The fellowship is best suited to a student working on a dissertation that pertains to one . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Terra Foundation Academic Awards, Fellowships & Grants »

A wide range of Terra Foundation academic awards, fellowships, and grants help scholars realize their academic and professional goals and support the worldwide study and presentation of the art of the United States. The deadline for all academic award, fellowship, and grant applications is January 15, 2014 unless otherwise indicated.

Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research Travel Grants to the United States The Terra Foundation offers Research Travel Grants to enable scholars outside the United States to consult resources that are only available within the United States. These grants provide support for research on topics concerning American art and visual culture prior to 1980. Six to twelve grants are awarded annually: up . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature « Winterthur Research Fellowship Program, Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library, Delaware »

Winterthur, a public museum, library, and garden supporting the advanced study of American art, culture, and history, announces its Research Fellowship Program for 2014-2015. Winterthur offers an extensive program of short- and long-term fellowships open to academic, independent, and museum scholars, including advanced graduate students, to support research in material culture, architecture, decorative arts, design, consumer culture, garden and landscape studies, Shaker studies, travel and tourism, the Atlantic World, childhood, literary culture, and many other areas of social and cultural history. Fellowships available to foreign applicants include 1-2 semester dissertation fellowships and 1-2 month short-term fellowships.

Dissertation Fellowship

Doctoral candidates conducting research or writing a dissertation receive four- to nine-month . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidatures : Bourses Immersion Labex CAP

Labex CAP (Laboratoire d’excellence Créations, Arts et Patrimoines)

Programme Immersion

Appel à candidatures

Date limite : le 30 septembre 2013


Le Laboratoire d’excellence « Créations, Arts et Patrimoines » (Labex CAP) du PRES héSam a le plaisir d’annoncer l’attribution par voie de concours de bourses « Immersion ».

Le programme « Immersion » est un dispositif original à double visée : d’une part, il contribue à formation par l’insertion professionnelle des doctorants et/ou étudiants en master inscrits dans un établissement d’enseignement supérieur membre du Labex CAP. D’autre part, il apporte un appui à la réalisation de . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Art History Fellowships – Metropolitan Museum of Art »

The Metropolitan Museum of Art offers fellowships in art history for PhD candidates, postdoctoral researchers, and senior museum professionals. Predoctoral art history fellows can be asked to assist the hosting curatorial departments with projects that complement their approved scholarly subject. Not all departments request this assistance. Senior fellows are generally expected to spend all of their time on their approved fellowship projects. However, if a senior fellow would like to contribute a portion of his or her time to the department it is usually welcomed. Fellows may be asked to give gallery talks to the public during their fellowship term and will be expected to participate in a . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Getty Library Research Grants – Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles »

The Getty Research Institute invites applications for its Library Research Grants. Getty Library Research Grants provide partial, short-term support for costs relating to travel and living expenses to scholars whose research requires use of specific collections housed in the Getty Research Institute.

Eligibility Library Research Grants are intended for scholars of all nationalities and at any level who demonstrate a compelling need to use materials housed in the Research Library, and whose place of residence is more than eighty miles from the Getty Center. Projects must relate to specific items in the library collection.

Terms Library Research Grants are intended to provide partial support for costs relating to travel and living expenses. . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidatures : bourse pour un doctorant ou un post-doctorant du Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz (Florence, janvier 2014)

In conjunction with the Max Planck International Research Network on Aging (MaxNetAging), the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut seeks to appoint a doctoral or a postdoctoral fellowship — doctoral Fellowship (3 years) or Postdoctoral Fellowship (2 years)— to pursue studies in Art History with a focus on human aging starting in January 2014.

MNARS is an international graduate program launched by the Max Planck International Research Network on Aging (MaxNetAging). The program focuses on topics of aging ranging across the full spectrum of the behavioral and social sciences, biology, law and the humanities. Each fellow enrolled in the MNARS will be affiliated with . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : 3 collaborateurs pour le groupe de recherche « Objet prémodernes. Une archéologie de l’expérience ». Munich, Institut d’Histoire de l’Art de l’Université Ludwig Maximilian.

Munich, Institut d’Histoire de l’Art de l’Université Ludwig Maximilian

Groupe de recherches international junior « OBJETS PRÉMODERNES. UNE ARCHÉOLOGIE DE L’EXPÉRIENCE »

3 Collaborateurs/trices de recherche (2 doctorant/e/s, 1 post-doctorant/e)

Date d’embauche: 01/10/2013 (ou au plus tard le 01/12/2013)

Fin de la période de candidature: 07/07/2013

Échelon salarial: TV-L E13, 66% (Emploi, paiement et couverture sociale sont déterminés par la convention collective pour le secteur public: Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst – TVöD)

Trois postes de Collaborateurs/trices de recherche (2 doctorant/e/s, 1 post-doctorant/e) sont à pourvoir à l’Université Ludwig Maximilian de Munich dans le cadre du Groupe de recherches international junior « OBJETS PRÉMODERNES. UNE ARCHÉOLOGIE DE L’EXPÉRIENCE » (Réseau d’élite de Bavière).

L’Université Ludwig Maximilian de Munich (LMU) . . . → En lire plus

Offre de contrat doctoral ou bourse régionale au CRIHAM (Limoges)

Contrat doctoral ou bourse régionale pour préparer une thèse en histoire des pouvoirs et de la norme (Antiquité romaine tardive) et histoire du droit à l’université de Limoges au laboratoire CRIHAM.

Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Histoire, Histoire de l’Art et Musicologie (universités de Poitiers et de Limoges)

Contexte :

Divers financements doctoraux (contrat doctoral ou bourse régionale) d’une durée de trois ans sont ouverts au concours à l’Université de Limoges pour effectuer une thèse dans le domaine des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société à compter de la rentrée de l’année universitaire 2012-2013.

Un (ou plusieurs) projet(s) est (sont) susceptible(s) d’être attribué(s) pour réaliser une thèse d’Histoire au . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Bourse de la Société Malevitch 2013 »

The Malevich Society is pleased to announce its call for 2013 grant applications.The Malevich Society is a not-for-profit organization based in New York dedicated to advancing knowledge about the Russian artist Kazimir Malevich and his work.

In the belief that Malevich was a pioneer of modern art who should be recognized for his key contributions to the history of Modernism, the Society awards grants to encourage research, writing, and other activities relating to his history and memory.

The Society welcomes applications from scholars of any nationality, and at various stages of their career. Graduate students are welcome to apply to the Society’s grants after completing at least one . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : contrats LexArt pour doctorants et post-doctorants (Paris/Montpellier, 2013-2015)

Le projet européen LexArt – Words for Art : The Rise of a Terminology (1600-1750), financé par l’ERC (European Research Council-Advanced Grant 2012) porte sur l’étude systématique du vocabulaire artistique tel qu’il s’élabore et se diffuse au Nord des Alpes au XVIIe siècle à partir des textes fondateurs italiens, puis se transforme en relation avec les pratiques artistiques en France, en Grande-Bretagne, aux Pays-Bas et dans les pays germaniques.

Le but du projet LexArt est de proposer à la communauté scientifique un instrument de travail nouveau. À la fois réflexif et documentaire par la publication de sources ciblées, il établira les outils conceptuels nécessaires . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : allocation de recherche doctorale sur le thème « Culture visuelle et culture populaire en France à l’époque contemporaine »

Le service de la recherche de l’Université Lille 3 lance un appel à candidatures pour une allocation de recherche doctorale de 3 ans sous la forme d’un contrat de travail qui débutera au 1er septembre 2013. Le projet portera librement sur le thème suivant « Culture visuelle et culture populaire en France à l’époque contemporaine ». Les dossiers de candidature doivent être adressés pour avis motivé à Daniel Dubuisson à l’adresse au plus tard le 5 mai 2013. Le 24 mai le jury sélectionne les candidatures pour audition. Le 21 juin les candidats retenus sont auditionnés. Le descriptif du sujet retenu par les autorités universitaires et le dossier de candidature sontconsultables et téléchargeables sur le site Sciences . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Drs. Thomas and Marika Herskovic Essay Prize 2013 »

The prize: A $1000 award, supported by Drs. Thomas M. and Marika Herskovic, that recognizes outstanding scholarship by a graduate student on a topic related to Abstract Expressionism. This may be an essay on a single artist, a study of a group or regional school, Abstract Expressionism’s theoretical, philosophical or aesthetic constructs, the movement’s ramifications for other developments in modern art, or its cross-cultural stimuli. Submissions will be judged by an advisory committee including members of Stony Brook University’s Department of Art, Art History and Art Criticism.

Eligibility: Any student enrolled in a masters or doctoral program in Art History, American Studies, or another discipline to which Abstract Expressionism is relevant. Proof . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Bourses du DFK sur le thème de la répétition (Paris, 1er septembre 2013)

Dans le cadre du sujet annuel 2013/2014 RÉPÉTITION, sous la direction d’Andreas Beyer (DFK) et Etienne Jollet (Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne), coordination scientifique par Markus Rath (DFK), le Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art à Paris offre, à partir du 1er septembre 2013, plusieurs bourses de recherche (durée de 12 mois). Si vous êtes diplômé en histoire de l’art ou une autre discipline proche (Master 2 ou doctorat) et si vos recherches portent sur le sujet annuel, nous vous invitons à nous adresser votre candidature (Curriculum vitae, diplômes, liste des publications, deux lettres de recommandation établies par des professeurs d’université), . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Bourse Scott Opler (Oxford, 2013-2015)

Worcester College, Oxford is pleased to be able to offer a two year residential Fellowship in the study of Renaissance or Baroque architectural history through the generosity of the Scott Opler Foundation.

Applications are invited from scholars of any nationality and academic affiliation in the final year of their dissertation or within the first four years after the completion of their Ph.D., D.Phil. or comparable degree.

Topics may include any area or aspect of European architectural history during the Renaissance or Baroque era including urbanism, landscape and garden history, drawing and design method, theory and publication, architectural representation, as well as studies of architecture and related disciplines.

The Opler Research Fellow will receive a stipend of £26,004 . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « John H. Daniels Fellowship, National Sporting Library & Museum, Middleburg, Virginia »

The National Sporting Library & Museum seeks applications for the John H. Daniels Fellowship which supports scholars doing research in the area of equestrian, angling and field sports. Individuals from the disciplines of history, literature, equine studies, journalism, art history, anthropology, area studies as well as sport and environmental history have received Daniels Fellowships.

The John H. Daniels Fellowship supports scholars at the National Sporting Library & Museum for periods of two weeks to one year. Applicants must submit a formal application demonstrating how they will utilize the NSLM collections of books, periodicals, manuscripts, archival materials and fine art for research. The NSLM has over 24,000 volumes on equestrian, angling . . . → En lire plus