Appel à candidature : chercheur post-doc au Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz (Florence, 2013-2016)

The Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut invites applications for the position of a full time postdoctoral research collaborator (wissenschaftliche Assistenz) in the department of Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wolf, starting in June 2013 or later for a period of three years.

The position is intended for excellent young scholars to pursue their research as well as to participate in projects of the KHI, a Max-Planck-Institute specialized in the history and theory of Italian and Mediterranean art in its global connections, from Late Antiquity to the present time.

The projects of the department of Gerhard Wolf, in particular, are concerned with the new horizons of art history (and its various fields), transcultural interactions over large and short distances, and . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Drs. Thomas and Marika Herskovic Essay Prize 2013 »

The prize: A $1000 award, supported by Drs. Thomas M. and Marika Herskovic, that recognizes outstanding scholarship by a graduate student on a topic related to Abstract Expressionism. This may be an essay on a single artist, a study of a group or regional school, Abstract Expressionism’s theoretical, philosophical or aesthetic constructs, the movement’s ramifications for other developments in modern art, or its cross-cultural stimuli. Submissions will be judged by an advisory committee including members of Stony Brook University’s Department of Art, Art History and Art Criticism.

Eligibility: Any student enrolled in a masters or doctoral program in Art History, American Studies, or another discipline to which Abstract Expressionism is relevant. Proof . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Bourses du DFK sur le thème de la répétition (Paris, 1er septembre 2013)

Dans le cadre du sujet annuel 2013/2014 RÉPÉTITION, sous la direction d’Andreas Beyer (DFK) et Etienne Jollet (Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne), coordination scientifique par Markus Rath (DFK), le Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art à Paris offre, à partir du 1er septembre 2013, plusieurs bourses de recherche (durée de 12 mois). Si vous êtes diplômé en histoire de l’art ou une autre discipline proche (Master 2 ou doctorat) et si vos recherches portent sur le sujet annuel, nous vous invitons à nous adresser votre candidature (Curriculum vitae, diplômes, liste des publications, deux lettres de recommandation établies par des professeurs d’université), . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Prix Federico Zeri 2013

La Fondation Federico Zeri , en collaboration avec la Fondation Dino et Ernesta Santarelli, prévoient l’attribution d’une bourse d’étude pour une recherche sur la section Nature morte de la phototèque Zeri, adossée au projet de catalogage et de valorisation préparées par la Fondation Federico Zeri.

Le lauréat du Prix Federico Zeri 2013 étudiera en particulier la survivance de l’Antique et la représentation de la sculpture dans la peinture de nature morte.

La bourse d’étude s’adresse à un spécialiste de la peinture italienne et européenne du XVI au XVIII siècle, sélectionné sur la base du curriculum présenté et des titres requis.

Informations et constitution du dossier Contact :


Appel à candidature : Post-doctorant(e) pour le Centre André Chastel (Paris, 2013-2014)

Dans le cadre du programme de recherches EHNE, le Centre André Chastel recrute un(e) post‐doctorant(e) qui sera chargé(e) de l’animation de l’axe 7 du projet : « Traditions nationales, circulations et identités dans l’art européen ».

Ce projet s’attache à définir l’incidence de l’art dans la constitution de l’Europe depuis le Moyen Age jusqu’à nos jours, à travers les notions de tradition et d’acculturation, en définissant les ressorts de la géographie artistique (forces centrifuges, centripètes, interactivités et réciprocités, réseaux) fondés sur la mobilité des hommes, des idées et des objets. Il accorde une place particulière aux processus de patrimonialisation

Le/la candidat(e) sera chargé(e) d’assurer un suivi scientifique et une coordination administrative des . . . → En lire plus

Bourse Focillon 2013

Appel à candidature : Bourse Focillon 2013 (conservateur du patrimoine)

Après avoir été longtemps financée par le ministère des Affaires étrangères, la bourse Focillon, qui porte le nom du grand historien de l’art Henri Focillon (1881-1943), mort à Yale pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, l’est désormais par le ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, au titre de la mission de coordination des enseignements supérieurs. Elle est décernée tous les ans par le Comité français d’histoire de l’art (CFHA) à un jeune chercheur en histoire de l’art (alternativement à un universitaire et à un conservateur), sans exclusive de domaine ou de période. Elle permet au/à la lauréat(e) de . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Bourse Scott Opler (Oxford, 2013-2015)

Worcester College, Oxford is pleased to be able to offer a two year residential Fellowship in the study of Renaissance or Baroque architectural history through the generosity of the Scott Opler Foundation.

Applications are invited from scholars of any nationality and academic affiliation in the final year of their dissertation or within the first four years after the completion of their Ph.D., D.Phil. or comparable degree.

Topics may include any area or aspect of European architectural history during the Renaissance or Baroque era including urbanism, landscape and garden history, drawing and design method, theory and publication, architectural representation, as well as studies of architecture and related disciplines.

The Opler Research Fellow will receive a stipend of £26,004 . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « John H. Daniels Fellowship, National Sporting Library & Museum, Middleburg, Virginia »

The National Sporting Library & Museum seeks applications for the John H. Daniels Fellowship which supports scholars doing research in the area of equestrian, angling and field sports. Individuals from the disciplines of history, literature, equine studies, journalism, art history, anthropology, area studies as well as sport and environmental history have received Daniels Fellowships.

The John H. Daniels Fellowship supports scholars at the National Sporting Library & Museum for periods of two weeks to one year. Applicants must submit a formal application demonstrating how they will utilize the NSLM collections of books, periodicals, manuscripts, archival materials and fine art for research. The NSLM has over 24,000 volumes on equestrian, angling . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Graduate Student Summer Seminar, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven »

The Yale Center for British Art offers a biennial Graduate Student Summer Seminar, which takes the form of a week-long intensive course taught by a team of scholars from the Center and other institutions. At the heart of these seminars is an immersion in the collections of the Center and elsewhere at Yale University. Each seminar takes as its focus a specific topic that draws upon the strengths of the collections, and sessions are taught primarily in the Center’s galleries and Study Room.

In June 2013, the Yale Center for British Art (YCBA) will offer a week-long graduate student seminar, open to doctoral candidates interested in learning about color and its historical development, manufacture, and use in a range of . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices » (octobre 2013-juillet 2014)


The Berlin-based FORUM TRANSREGIONALE STUDIEN invites scholars to apply for up to ten postdoctoral fellowships within the framework of the research program ART HISTORIES AND AESTHETIC PRACTICES for the academic year 2013/2014.

Berlin, October 1, 2013 – July 31, 2014 Application deadline: 28 févr. 2013

ART HISTORIES AND AESTHETIC PRACTICES is designed to open the disciplinary boundaries of art history to a transcultural, global horizon. By creating a space of dialogue for scholars from all continents and regions, it discusses the potential and contours of a plural art history. It especially invites scholars from Islamic, Asian, African, European, Latin American art histories . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Morgan Drawing Institute Fellowships, Morgan Library & Museum, New York»

The Morgan Drawing Institute will award a small number of fellowships for the 2013-14 academic year. Applications are invited for consideration for Post-Doctoral and Pre-Doctoral Fellowships and for the Morgan-Menil Fellowship (specializing in moderna nd contemporary drawings). Fellowships are intended to support independent research projects on subjects relating to some aspect of the history, theory, collecting, function, or interpretation of old master and/or modern drawings. While research projects may focus in some way on works in the Morgan’s collection, this is not a prerequisite for consideration or support.

Pre-Doctoral Fellowships are awarded to advanced-level graduate students who have completed all course work and exams and are currently engaged in carrying . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Center for American Art Summer Fellowships, Philadelphia Museum of Art »

Institution majeure pour l’art aux Etats-Unis, le Philadelphia Museum of Art offre un stage d’été aux étudiants qui travaillent sur l’art américain. Le poste est rémunéré et, les responsabilités du stagiaire incluent la contribution à la recherche autour de la collection permanente et la participation à la préparation d’expositions. Les étudiants détenant un Master et les doctorants (‘graduate students’) sont invités à faire une candidature. Les étudiants intéressés par le travail dans les musées et la peinture/sculpture américaine d’avant 1945 sont fortement encouragés à candidater.


Application deadline: February 15, 2013

Two summer fellows will be chosen to assist in the Museum’s Department of American Art, contributing to ongoing collection . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature « Allen Whitehill Clowes Fellowship, Indianapolis Museum of Art »

The Indianapolis Museum of Art is pleased to announce a one-year curatorial fellowship. The fellowship supports scholarly research related to the Clowes Collection at the IMA and provides curatorial training in the field of European painting and sculpture. The Clowes Fellow is fully integrated into the curatorial division of the Museum and has duties comparable to those of an assistant curator, ranging from collection research and management to exhibition development and the preparation of interpretive materials and programs.

To be eligible for the fellowship, the applicant must be enrolled in a graduate course of study leading to an advanced degree in the history of art or a related discipline, or be a . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Research Grant (University of Columbia, New York)

Columbia University, NY, July 1, 2013 – January 1, 2014 Application deadline: 15 févr. 2013

The Columbia University Libraries (CUL) invites applications from scholars and researchers to a new program designed to facilitate access to Columbia’s special and unique collections. CUL will award ten (10) grants of $2500 each on a competitive basis to researchers who can demonstrate a compelling need to consult CUL holdings for their work. Participating Columbia libraries and collections include those located on the Morningside Heights campus: the Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library, The Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary, Butler Library, the Lehman Social Sciences Library, the Rare Book & Manuscript Library, the C. V. . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature « Visiting Senior Fellowship Program, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. »

The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts announces its program for Paul Mellon and Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellowships. Fellowships are for full-time research, and scholars are expected to reside in Washington and to participate in the activities of the Center throughout the fellowship period. Lectures, colloquia, and informal discussions complement the fellowship program. Each visiting senior fellow is provided with a study. In addition, visiting senior fellows who relocate to Washington are provided with housing in apartments near the Gallery, subject to availability. Visiting senior fellows have access to the notable resources represented by the collections, the library, and the image collections of the National Gallery of Art, . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature « Summer internships (paid), National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. »

Since 1964 the National Gallery of Art has offered professional museum training to candidates from all backgrounds through a variety of internship programs. Nine-week summer internships provide opportunities to work on projects directed by a Gallery curator or department head. Biweekly museum seminars introduce interns to the broad spectrum of museum work, and to Gallery staff, departments, programs, and functions.

Eligibility varies according to internship. Several opportunities are geared to undergraduates graduating in May 2013. The majority of slots are for currently enrolled graduate students of all levels and those graduating in May 2013 with a relevant degree (such as MA, MBA, MFA, M Arch, M Ed, JD, or MLS). Please check prerequisites carefully. Applicants from all backgrounds are encouraged . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Short-Term Research Fellowships, Newberry Library, Chicago »

Short-term fellowships are generally restricted to postdoctoral scholars, PhD candidates, or holders of other terminal degrees who live and work outside of the Chicago area and who have a specific need for Newberry collection. The tenure of short-term fellowships is one continuous month, unless otherwise noted. Scholars who have an extensive need for use of the collections may request two months of fellowship support. The award is $2,000 per month for most short-term fellowships.

Applications must be received electronically by January 15, 2013, 11:59 pm C.S.T. This includes the applicant’s own materials and all letters of reference.


List of Short-Term Fellowships

Newberry Short-Term Resident Fellowships for Individual Research . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Newberry-Kress Fellowship, Chicago »

Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois, US

Application deadline: Jan 15, 2013

Newberry-Kress Fellowship in European Art and Art History

This fellowship offers support for PhD candidates or postdoctoral scholars; qualified applicants must be working on a European art history project covering the period prior to 1830.

The Newberry houses a variety of European art and the history of art and architecture within its collection. Most of these works relate to subject areas for which the library’s holdings are particularly strong. Particular collection strengths include medieval manuscripts; post-1500 European manuscripts; book illustrations; printing and book arts; calligraphy; maps, views, and topographical prints; caricatures and cartoons; and printed books and serials relating to the field of art history.

The total stipend for this . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature « Graduate Curatorial Internships, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. »

Graduate Curatorial Internships at the National Gallery of Art provide in-depth training for advanced PhD students and recent PhD recipients interested in gaining curatorial experience in a museum setting. Interns work with curators on permanent collection and exhibition projects and attend a weekly seminar that introduces the staff, departments, programs, and functions of the Gallery. The duties and responsibilities are comparable to those of curatorial assistants.

Eligibility Eligibility is limited to doctoral students who are in the advanced stage of their dissertations and to recent PhD recipients (dissertations must have been filed no earlier than September 2011). Neither previous museum experience nor a stated goal of a museum career is required. Applicants . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature « Terra Foundation Summer Residency, Giverny, France »

June 10–August 4, 2013

Each summer, the Terra Foundation for American Art offers ten residential fellowships for emerging artists and predoctoral scholars in a setting rich in art historical significance. Since 2001, the Terra Summer Residency has provided American and international fellows with the opportunity to pursue individual work and research within a framework of interdisciplinary exchange and cross-cultural dialogue. In addition to working collaboratively, fellows interact regularly with invited senior advisors and guest lecturers—established international artists, curators, and professors in the field of American art. The program supports the creative and research projects of the residents, inspiring them to reflect on cultural interpretive models and encouraging them to . . . → En lire plus