Appel à candidature : Lauréats Daniel Arasse 2023-2024

Appel à candidature : Lauréats Daniel Arasse 2023-2024

L’École française de Rome et l’Académie de France à Rome ouvrent l’appel à candidature pour la sélection des lauréats Daniel Arasse 2023-2024

Depuis 2001, dans le cadre de leurs échanges scientifiques, l’École française de Rome et l’Académie de France à Rome attribuent chaque année huit bourses (correspondant à huit mensualités) pour des recherches portant sur l’art de la Renaissance à nos jours.

Ces bourses sont destinées aux chercheuses et chercheurs francophones, doctorants ou post-doctorants (pour une 1ère bourse postdoctorale), en histoire et théories des arts souhaitant se rendre à Rome pour effectuer une recherche dans les institutions romaines et/ou situées ailleurs en Italie portant sur . . . → En lire plus

Luigi Vanvitelli, the Maestro and his heritage (Ancona, Apr 23)

Luigi Vanvitelli, the Maestro and his heritage 1773-2023.

The year 2023 marks the 250th anniversary of the death of architect Luigi Vanvitelli, who conceived the majestic design of the Royal Palace of Caserta and the new capital of the Kingdom of Naples, interpreting the dream of King Charles of Bourbon, who wished to represent the prestige of a great monarchy in Europe.

Following the General Manager’s Decree no. 41 prot. n. 2827 of 29 March 2022, the various facets of the celebratory project « Luigi Vanvitelli, the Maestro and his heritage 1773-2023 » were approved.

One of the main activities of the project includes an international call for papers aimed at investigating and bringing to light the artistic personality and genius of Luigi Vanvitelli in . . . → En lire plus

Two postdoctoral opportunities in Japanese studies are offered by UCLA in the next academic year (2023-2024).

Two postdoctoral opportunities in Japanese studies are offered by UCLA in the next academic year (2023-2024).

These are the Ahmanson-Getty Postdoctoral Fellowships offered by the Center for 17th- and 18th-Century Studies. Each year the Center hosts two postdoctoral researchers in conjunction with the annual Core Program—a series of conferences and events organized around a common topic and directed by a UCLA faculty member who serves as the William Andrews Clark Professor. Next year, Kristopher W. Kersey will hold this position in order to direct the 2023-2024 Core Program: “Open Edo: Diverse, Ecological, and Global Perspectives on Japanese Art, 1603–1868.” . . . → En lire plus

Art History Position, Georgia State University

The Welch School of Art & Design seeks a full-time, benefits-eligible, non-tenure-track Lecturer in the art of the ancient and/or medieval world. This position entails teaching surveys of Western art and upper-level courses that incorporate at least two of the following: ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, and the European Middle Ages. The successful candidate must value working with diverse student populations and cultural perspectives. Appointment date: August 2023

See posting for more details:

Poste: Assistant/Associate Curator of Design, MoMA New York

Assistant/Associate Curator of Design, MoMA New York

The Museum of Modern Art, New York, Feb 01, 2023 Application deadline: Jan 13, 2023

The Museum of Modern Art is currently accepting applications for an Assistant or Associate Curator of Design with a specialization in modern design (1880-1980). Reporting to the Philip Johnson Chief Curator of Architecture and Design, the Assistant or Associate Curator’s role will include managing the modern design collection, expanding and deepening Museum holdings through acquisitions; organizing exhibitions and programs, particularly in relation to the collection; authoring exhibition catalogues and other publications; supervising and mentoring junior staff; thinking strategically about departmental and institutional . . . → En lire plus

Poste : Curatorship of European and American Art, Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College

Allen Memorial Art Museum, Obelin College, Ohio USA Application deadline: Jan 8, 2023

The Allen Memorial Art Museum (AMAM) at Oberlin College is seeking applicants for a curatorial position in European and American art at the assistant, associate, or full curatorial level. The curator will oversee all aspects of the museum’s research, interpretation, and presentation of its important pre-1900 art collections and will collaborate with the curator of academic programs, curator of education, and other staff to engage students in curatorial and research projects and plan a broad range of public programs. The curator should have particular strength in European art in the 1500-1900 time period and be . . . → En lire plus

Research Fellow at the Center for Netherlandish Art (Boston, MFA)

Center for Netherlandish Art Fellowships, Boston

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Application deadline: Jan 15, 2023

Research Fellow at the Center for Netherlandish Art.

The Center for Netherlandish Art (CNA) seeks applicants for the CNA Fellowship Program for object-based research into Netherlandish art at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. These Fellowships are full-time appointments for a period of 6, 9 or 12 months, beginning in fall of 2023.

The CNA Fellowship Program provides the opportunity to pursue an independent research project related to the MFA’s rich collections of Netherlandish art, including paintings, sculpture, decorative arts, prints, and more. Research topics may . . . → En lire plus

Italian Academy Fellowship Program

Morningside Heights, NYC

Italian Academy Fellowship Program — Call for Applications 2023-24

Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA, Oct 25–Dec 5, 2022 Application deadline: Dec 5, 2022

The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America announces its 2023-24 Fellowship Program Call for Applications. The following Fellowship options are being offered, among others:

– four Weinberg Fellowships in architectural history and preservation – up to four Fellowships for the Art, Humanities, and Neuroscience program

Candidates are welcome from all countries, at the post-doctoral or faculty level. Fellows receive a stipend, travel allowance, health benefits, and an office in our . . . → En lire plus

Poste de professeur : Modern and Contemporary Architectural Historian, Chicago

Assistant Professor, Modern and Contemporary Architectural Historian, Chicago The University of Chicago, Jul 01, 2023 Application deadline: Nov 7, 2022

Position Description

The Department of Art History at the University of Chicago invites applications for an appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor (tenure track) with an expected start date of July 1, 2023, or as soon as possible thereafter.

The Department seeks applicants with innovative approaches to scholarship in the modern and contemporary history of architecture, urbanism, and/or the built environment, who also exhibit an ambitious research agenda and a commitment to developing pedagogical techniques for teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Scholars working in any geographic area, with any theoretical or methodological focus, are invited to . . . → En lire plus

Poste de professeur assistant, Early Modern European Art, University of Delaware

Tenure Track Assistant/Associate Professor, Early Modern European Art, Delaware

University of Delaware, USA, Sep 01, 2023 Application deadline: Dec 1, 2022

The Department of Art History in the College of Arts and Sciences invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position in Early Modern European Art (ca. 1400-1750) at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor beginning September 2023.

We especially welcome candidates whose research situates early modern European art within a global context. Specialties might include technical art history, curatorial studies, intersections between art and science, art and the environment, art theory and practice, art as a system of knowledge, and Islamic art. This position will complement department . . . → En lire plus

Menil Drawing Institute Pre-Doctoral Fellowship (2023-2024)

Menil Drawing Institute Pre-Doctoral Fellowship (2023-2024)

Menil Drawing Institute, Houston, Texas, United States Application deadline: Dec 16, 2022

The Menil Drawing Institute in Houston, Texas offers a residential fellowship program as a part of its mission to become a major research center on modern and contemporary drawing. The program fosters the highest level of scholarship and makes possible rich, interdisciplinary, object-based conversations on the drawing medium’s history, theory, criticism, and practice.

Fellows receive a stipend to cover living and other expenses incurred during the fellowship, and they are housed in a fully furnished apartment within a recently refurbished historic bungalow on the Menil campus. They are also assigned a workspace at the Drawing Institute to use for the duration of the fellowship and have access to the collections and archives, . . . → En lire plus

Poste de professeur assitant, histoire de l’art antique, UCLA

JOB: Assistant Professor, Ancient Art, UCLA

Los Angeles, California, United States, Jul 01, 2023 Application deadline: Nov 15, 2022

The Department of Art History, University of California, Los Angeles, invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor specializing in Ancient Art of the Mediterranean basin (prior to 300 CE), including, more broadly, Western Asia or North Africa, to start July 1, 2023. We seek a scholar whose work emphasizes methodological innovation as well as transdisciplinary, interregional and global approaches. Ph.D. is required. We especially welcome candidates whose experience in teaching, research, or community service has prepared them to contribute to our commitment to diversity and . . . → En lire plus

Contrat doctoral en histoire de l’art – Université Lumière Lyon 2

Contrat doctoral en histoire de l’art – Université Lumière Lyon 2

Dans le cadre du projet ANR FabLight, La fabrique de l’éclairage dans les arts visuels au temps des Lumières, l’Université Lumière Lyon 2 recrute un doctorant ou une doctorante en histoire de l’art

Prise de fonctions : Ier janvier 2023 Durée : 36 mois Date limite de candidature : 12 novembre 2022

A la croisée de l’histoire de l’art, de l’histoire des sciences et techniques et des sciences informatiques le projet Fablight vise à étudier, la fabrique de l’éclairage dans les arts visuels tant dans ses dimensions pratiques et matérielles (ateliers et académies d’art) que dans ses représentations . . . → En lire plus

Getty Library Research Grant 2023

Getty Library Research Grant 2023

Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, California, Feb 15–Dec 15, 2023 Application deadline: Oct 17, 2022

Applications for 2023 Getty Library Research Grants are now online. Getty Library Research Grants support a wide range of research pursuits through an open call for applications as well some specialized opportunities. They provide partial, short-term support for researchers ranging from undergraduates to advanced scholars requiring the use of specific collections housed in the Getty Research Institute. Applications are due October 17, 2022.

Eligibility Library Research Grants are intended for researchers of all nationalities and at any level, unless otherwise specified in the grant description, who . . . → En lire plus

Bourses au Clark Art Institute, RAP.


Fellowships are awarded every year to established and promising scholars with the aim of fostering a critical commitment to inquiry in the theory, history, and interpretation of art and visual culture. As part of our commitment to cultivating diverse engagements with the visual arts, RAP seeks to elevate constituencies, subjects, and methods that have historically been underrepresented in the discipline. Furthermore, we are particularly committed to supporting scholarship that reveals the systemic inequalities of art history as a discipline and challenges us to address these inequalities as we move forward differently. All fellowships are intended to nurture . . . → En lire plus

Bourse de la Getty Villa

The Classical World in Context: Anatolia


The Getty Villa Scholars program will examine relations between the Greek cities of western Asia Minor and Anatolian civilizations from the 2nd millennium to the Roman Imperial period. In the Late Bronze Age, diplomatic ties linked the Hittite and Luwian kingdoms with the Mycenaeans at Miletos. During the 7th and 6th centuries BCE, the eastern Greeks were at the forefront of revolutionary advances in the arts, monumental architecture, poetry, philosophy, history, and the natural sciences. This « Ionian Enlightenment, » however, culminated within a dynamic cultural and political setting alongside Phrygia, Lydia, Caria, and Lycia, which had already emerged as . . . → En lire plus

Bourses du Getty Research Institute

Art & Technology 2023/2024


The making of art has always been impacted by the limitations and advances of the technologies at hand. Throughout human history, artists have invariably embraced technological innovations—from the casting of ancient bronzes to the invention of the tin paint tube to the printing of three-dimensional objects—and harnessed the new possibilities afforded by them. Art and technology are deeply intertwined; after all, the terms « technology » and « technique » are both derived from the Greek word techne, meaning « art » or « craft. » Technological developments spur artistic experimentation by extending the horizon of what is possible and by encouraging artists to consider traditional . . . → En lire plus

Deux postes postdoc Yale Center for British Art

2 Postdoctoral Associates, Yale Center for British Art

Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT Application deadline: Aug 15, 2022

[1] Postdoctoral Associate, Research Division, Yale Center for British Art [2] Postgraduate Associate, Curatorial Division, Yale Center for British Art


[1] Postdoctoral Associate, Research Division, Yale Center for British Art

The Yale Center for British Art (YCBA) is offering a Postdoctoral Associate position of one year, with the possibility of renewal for up to three-years duration, in the Research Department. This project-orientated position is for candidates who have completed their PhD. Candidates who have completed their PhD outside the field of British Art as well as . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidatures : Paris x Rome Fellowship

Paris x Rome Fellowship

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Le Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art (DFK Paris) – institut de la fondation Max Weber – et la Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte – proposent conjointement une bourse de recherche de six mois pour l’année académique 2022-23. Celle-ci doit permettre d’effectuer des séjours de recherche de trois mois chacun dans des fonds d’archives ou de bibliothèques à Paris et à Rome, d’échanger avec les scientifiques des deux instituts et de se familiariser avec les approches transnationales de l’histoire de l’art en France et en Italie.

La bourse Paris . . . → En lire plus

Poste de Professeur assistant, histoire de l’architecture, Université de Chicago

Assistant Professor, Architectural History, University of Chicago

The University of Chicago: The College: Humanities Collegiate Division, Sep 01, 2022 Application deadline: May 31, 2022

Collegiate Assistant Professor of Architectural History

The Humanities Collegiate Division at the University of Chicago is now accepting applications from historians of architecture or the built environment for a four-year, non-renewable, postgraduate appointment as a Collegiate Assistant Professor, who will teach in the Department of Art History. Collegiate Assistant Professors are members of the College Faculty whose primary responsibility is to teach in the Core Curriculum, the College’s general education program.

The position is open to those who will have completed all requirements for their PhD degree no later than August 31, 2022. Candidates must demonstrate excellence in original scholarship as well as in teaching. . . . → En lire plus