Bern Research Camp for the Applied Arts (Berne, 7-9 Mai 2020)

10th Bern Research Camp for the Applied Arts (Bern, 7-9 May 20) University of Bern, Institute of Art History, Department History of Textile Arts, 07. – 09.05.2020 Deadline: Feb 29, 2020

From the 18th century onwards, the concept of the genius and a preference for the « autonomous » art work led to a separation of the so-called fine arts (painting, sculpture, and architecture) from the applied, decorative or minor arts (gold- and silversmiths’ work, ivories, ceramics, furniture, textiles). The distinction gravely affected the choice of subjects and themes for art-historical research, and crafted objects continue to receive only marginal attention in academic art history, although they were held . . . → En lire plus

Direction du Liechtenstein Museum of Fine Arts

Director (m/f), Liechtenstein Museum of Fine Arts Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Application deadline: Mar 9, 2020

The Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein (Liechtenstein Museum of Fine Arts), which is organised as a foundation under public law, is the internationally-renowned museum of the Principality of Liechtenstein for the art of the 20th and 21st centuries. Along with several other museums in the heart of the Alps, it is characterised by the specialist profile of its content and its representative function. Since 2015, its offering has been enriched by the collection of the Hilti Art Foundation in an extension building. Starting from 1st July 2021, we are seeking a new Director at the . . . → En lire plus

Paul Mellon Rome Fellowship

Paul Mellon Rome Fellowship British School at Rome Application deadline: Jan 31, 2020 <>

Awards for Senior or Early Career Scholars

Paul Mellon Centre Rome Fellowship The Paul Mellon Centre sponsors an annual 3-month Rome Fellowship

Research area: British-Italian art-historical topics of any period from the medieval era to the contemporary

Open to: scholars, researchers, curators, archivists and GLAM professionals from immediately post-doctoral to those internationally recognised in their field of expertise. Applicants must have been awarded their doctorate by the closing date for applications.

Duration: 3 months (late September-late December; January-March; April-June)

Research Grant: Independent scholars: £7,000. Full-time university employees: £3,000, . . . → En lire plus

Bourse pour jeune chercheur, histoire de l’architecture 19e-21e siècle, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich

Theodor Fischer Award 2020 The Association of Friends of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich (CONIVNCTA FLORESCIT), offers an annual award for early career research in the field of the history of architecture from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century.

The purpose of this award, named after the architect Theodor Fischer (1862-1938), is to encourage younger scholars to bring the results of their work to the attention of a broader public.

Consideration will be given to a Ph.D. dissertation, M.A. thesis, or scholarly publication, dealing with art historical questions in the history of architecture from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century. Applicants should be graduated.

The winning candidate, chosen by an . . . → En lire plus

Award for Early Career Research in the Graphic Arts, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte

Wolfgang Ratjen Award 2020 Award for Early Career Research in the Graphic Arts

The Wolfgang Ratjen Award is an annual award for early career research in the field of graphic arts. The prize, funded by the Foundation Wolfgang Ratjen, is curated and presented by CONIVNCTA FLORESCIT Friends of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte.

The purpose of this award, which honours the memory of the collector Wolfgang Ratjen (1943-1997), is to encourage younger scholars to address neglected topics and to bring the results of their work to the attention of a broader public.

Consideration will be given to a Ph.D. dissertation, M.A. thesis, or publication, dealing with art historical questions which involve . . . → En lire plus

International Baroque Summer Course of the Werner Oechslin Library Foundation, Einsiedeln (21-25 juin 2020)

Un bel composto: Mediality in the Baroque Twenty-first International Baroque Summer Course of the Werner Oechslin Library Foundation, Einsiedeln

Introduction: “The opinion is widespread that Bernini was the first to attempt to unite architecture with sculpture and painting in such a manner that together they make a beautiful whole.” The words of Filippo Baldinucci, referring to Gian Lorenzo Bernini, have become a commonplace since Irving Lavin’s book Bernini and the Unity of the Visual Arts (1980). What is outlined here with the term “bel composto” (a beautiful whole) is however in no way limited to Bernini or even the Italian baroque in its aesthetic quality. And not . . . → En lire plus

Panofsky Fellowship, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich

Panofsky Fellowship, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich

Prof. Dr. Charlotte Guichard, Paris, will hold the Panofsky Professorship at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte Munich in 2020. In connection with this professorship the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte seeks applications for a Panofsky Fellowship.

The fellowship is intended for doctoral students and postdoctoral scholars (who have graduated within the last five years) who are working on a project related to the topic « On the Move. Visual Cultures and the Dissemination of Images in the Enlightenment ». Fellows are expected to maintain a presence at the ZI, to present the Fellowship project, and to partake in the activities of the ZI. The fellowship lasts three . . . → En lire plus

Bourses Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, 2020-2021

International Fellowship Program at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Berlin, 01.09.2020 – 30.06.2021 Application deadline: Jan 31, 2020 Launched in 2009, the International Fellowship Program (ISP) offers the opportunity to international researchers, especially early career scholars, to conduct research at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin.

The program supports projects that are directly related with the diverse institutions and the rich collections of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. The fellowships, which can be held to up to three months, allow researchers to work on their individual projects and to establish professional contacts at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. The program aims to strengthen the position of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin in the . . . → En lire plus

Post Doc histoire de l’art médiéval, Brno

Postdoc Position in the Field of Medieval Art History, Brno Masaryk University, Brno (Czech Republic), January 01, 2020 Application deadline: Nov 24, 2019

Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic invites excellent scientists to apply for a POSTDOC POSITION in the field of Medieval Art History

Description: The post-doc fellow will participate to the new project carried out at the Center for Early Medieval Studies, Department of Art History in Brno (

This project, lead by Ivan Foletti, focuses on the city of Rome in the Carolingian Period. The post-doc fellow will join an international team, composed by two doctoral students and . . . → En lire plus

Poste de Maître assistant·e en histoire de l’art moderne à l’Université de Lausanne

Maître assistant·e en histoire de l’art moderne Université de Lausanne


Institution d’enseignement et de recherche de premier plan au niveau international, l’UNIL compte près de 5’000 collaboratrices et collaborateurs et 15’500 étudiant·e·s, réparti·e·s entre le campus de Dorigny, et les sites du CHUV et d’Epalinges. En tant qu’employeur, elle encourage l’excellence, la reconnaissance des personnes et la responsabilité.


La Section d’histoire de l’art de la Faculté des lettres de l’Université de Lausanne met au concours un poste de maître assistant·e en histoire de l’art moderne.

Informations complémentaires

Entrée en fonction : . . . → En lire plus

Appel à publication : Master Drawings, second annual Ricciardi Prize

Master Drawings, second annual Ricciardi Prize Deadline: Dec 15, 2019

Master Drawings is accepting submissions through 15 December 2019 for its second annual Ricciardi Prize. Prize $5,000 for the best new and unpublished article on a drawings topic (of any period) by a scholar under the age of 40.

Length The average length is between 2,500 and 3,750 words, with five to twenty illustrations. Submissions should be no longer than 10,000 words and have no more than 100 footnotes.

Format Please note that all submissions must be in article form, following the format of the journal. We will not consider submissions of seminar papers, . . . → En lire plus

Offre de poste : « Professeur·e assistant·e en PTC tenure track au rang de professeur·e associé·e en histoire de l’art, Université de Lausanne »


Lieu d’enseignement, de recherche et de vie, l’UNIL rassemble près de 15’000 étudiant·e·s et 5’000 membres du personnel, du corps professoral et de la recherche. Idéalement situé au bord du lac et au centre-ville, son campus réunit quelque 120 nationalités.


La Section d’histoire de l’art de la Faculté des lettres de l’Université de Lausanne met au concours un poste de professeur·e assistant·e en PTC (tenure track) au rang de professeur·e associé·e en histoire de l’art contemporain, arts numériques et nouveaux médias.

Informations complémentaires

Entrée en fonction : 1er août 2020 Durée du contrat : *2 ans, renouvelable 2 . . . → En lire plus

Bourses pour le projet Eikones (Université de Bâle)

3 Postdoctoral NOMIS Fellowships at eikones, University Basel Application deadline: Oct 15, 2019

eikones – Center for the Theory and History of the Image at the University of Basel

Call for Applications: Three NOMIS Fellowships The center invites applications from outstanding junior and senior researchers in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences for three one-year NOMIS Fellowships beginning September 1, 2020.

Since 2005, eikones has served as a center for graduate and postgraduate research on images. The center is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of images as instruments of human knowledge and cultural practices. It investigates the functions and effects of images throughout . . . → En lire plus

Bourses Villa I Tatti

VILLA I TATTI, The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies in Florence, Italy, warmly invites applications for the following residential fellowships.

Full Year Fellowships. DEADLINE: 15 October. – I Tatti Fellowship For scholars working in any aspect of the Italian Renaissance broadly understood historically to include the period from the 14th to the 17th century, and geographically to include transnational dialogues between Italy and other cultures. Full details available at Term Fellowships (4-6 months). DEADLINE: 15 November. – Wallace Fellowship For scholars who explore the historiography and impact of the Italian Renaissance in the Modern Era. Full details available at . . . → En lire plus

Bourses Bibliotheca Hertziana

Fellowships, Rome Bibliotheca Hertziana Application deadline: Aug 31, 2019

The Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome offers Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships for the calendar year 2020 in the department of Prof. Dr. Tristan Weddigen. Under the general theme, Art of the Modern Age in a Global Context, the department welcomes projects in — but not necessarily limited to — one of its core research areas: Rome Contemporary, Materiality and Mediality, Italy in a Global Context, Transnational History of Art History, and Digital Visual Studies. The department’s website provides further information on these research areas. Candidates should propose a funding period of six to . . . → En lire plus

Prix Willibald-Sauerländer, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich


The Willibald Sauerländer Award is an annual award for distinguished research in the history and practice of art historical writing.

The prize funded by Conivncta Florescit Friends of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte honours the memory of Willibald Sauerländer (1924-2018), from 1970 to 1989 director of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte and an honorary professor at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich.

Consideration will be given to a Ph.D. dissertation, M.A. thesis, or publication. Applicants should be graduated.

The winning candidate, chosen by an independent committee of scholars, will receive € 6,000, and is expected to spend three months conducting research at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich.

The laureate for 2019 is Dr. C. Oliver . . . → En lire plus

L’Erma C – Prix pour la publication


The publishing house “L’Erma” di Bretschneider in Rome holds the second edition of the international “L’ERMA C” prize, aiming to publish an original manuscript produced by a young scholar regarding the history, theory, or criticism of art or architecture worldwide from the 20th century to today.

Submission to the competition is free of charge and open to authors at forty years of age or younger on the application deadline by July 30, 2019.


CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS TO THE SECOND EDITION Organized in collaboration with Prof. Henri de Riedmatten and Prof. Zeuler R. Lima

. . . → En lire plus

Association of Print Scholars Publication Grant

Association of Print Scholars Publication Grant Application deadline: Aug 31, 2019

The Association of Print Scholars invites submissions for the 2019 APS Publication Grant, supported by C.G. Boerner and Harris Schrank.

The APS Publication Grant supports the publication of innovative scholarly research about printmaking across all time periods and geographic regions. The grant carries a maximum award of $2,000 and is funded through the Association of Print Scholars and the generosity of C.G. Boerner and Harris Schrank.

Proposed projects should be feature-length articles, online publications or essays, exhibition catalogues, or books, which are nearing completion and publication. Examples of possible uses for an APS Publication Grant . . . → En lire plus

London National Gallery Curatorial Traineeships

National Gallery Curatorial Traineeships (2 posts), London London + Southampton or Sheffield Application deadline: Jun 30, 2019

2 x National Gallery Curatorial Traineeships, with Art Fund support and the assistance of the Vivmar Foundation, in partnership with Southampton City Art Gallery and Museums Sheffield

Salary: £31,500 Type: Fixed Term Full-Time Closing date: 30 June 2019 Interview date: 1st stage: 17 July. 2nd stage: 24 July

All applications must be submitted through the jobs section of the National Gallery website:

Each Traineeship offers a 22-month fixed-term contract at a salary of £31,500 p.a. and consists of 6 months curatorial skills training at . . . → En lire plus

Contrat doctoral (50%), Histoire de l’architecture, Stuttgart

PhD Position (50%), Architectural History, Stuttgart Application deadline: Jul 8, 2019

The University of Stuttgart establishes its new Cluster of Excellence „Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture (IntCDC)“ in 2019.

For the very first time, a Cluster of Excellence has been awarded to architecture, allowing to establish one of the biggest centres in the field globally, led by Achim Menges. For more information, a comprehensive description and a movie about the cluster see

Architectural history will contribute to the upcoming co-design in a joint research-project with architecture and sociology, reflecting early efforts of industrialisation, integration and computation. Archival . . . → En lire plus