Appel congrès national CTHS 2025

APPEL À COMMUNICATIONS Congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques 2025 Reconstruire, réformer, refonder

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Le prochain Congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques se déroulera du lundi 14 au vendredi 18 avril 2025 à Orléans. Vous pouvez dès à présent nous faire parvenir vos propositions de communications en vous inscrivant directement sur le site internet du CTHS ou en écrivant à l’adresse Les candidatures doivent nous être envoyées avant le vendredi 18 octobre 2024.

Les dossiers reçus après cette date ne pourront être pris en compte.

Retrouvez l’ensemble des informations et consignes relatives au Congrès 2025 sur notre site internet. L’appel à communications Soumettre . . . → En lire plus

Dissertation Proposal Development Grant, Technische Universität Berlin

Technische Universität Berlin, TUB, Hauptgebäude

Call for proposals for exposé grants to prepare a dissertation project.

The Department of Art History as Cultural History (Kunstgeschichte als Kulturgeschichte = KuK) led by Prof Bénédicte Savoy at the Technische Universität Berlin is offering up to three exposé grants for the preparation of a dissertation project. During the six months of funding provided by the grant, an exposé is to be developed for a subsequent application for an external doctoral scholarship. This offer includes the supervision of the project at the department, in accordance with the doctorate regulations of the TU Berlin.

The topic . . . → En lire plus

Two NOMIS Postdoctoral Fellowships 2025-26, Basel

Two NOMIS Postdoctoral Fellowships 2025-26, Basel

eikones – Center for the Theory and History of the Image at the University of Basel (CH), Sep 1, 2025–Aug 31, 2026 Application deadline: Aug 11, 2024


eikones – Center for the Theory and History of the Image at the University of Basel.

Call for Applications: Two NOMIS Fellowships (100%)

The center invites applications from outstanding junior and senior researchers in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences for two one-year NOMIS Fellowships beginning September 1, 2025.

Since 2005, eikones has served as a center for graduate and postgraduate research on images. The center is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study . . . → En lire plus

Fellowships – Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect, LMU München

Fellowships at the Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect.

FELLOWSHIPS: The Käte Hamburger Research Centre “Dis:connectivity in processes of globalisation” (global dis:connect) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich invites applications for fellowships of between 6 and 12 months for the academic year 2025/26. The centre explores from international and transdisciplinary perspectives the interdependent, complex relationship between global interconnectedness, lack of interconnectedness and disentanglement in historical and contemporary globalisation processes. Scholars from the humanities and social sciences, especially from the fields of history, theatre studies and art history, are invited to apply. The work of the fellows should have a clear connection to the general goals of the Käte Hamburger Research Centre and deal with at least one of its guiding topics.

PROPOSALS MAY ADDRESS… • …the significance of different . . . → En lire plus

Appel à publication : Anthology of Historical Art in the Long Nineteenth Century

2021 saw the publication of ‘Representing the Past in the Art of the Long Nineteenth-Century: Historicism, Postmodernism, Internationalism’ by Routledge. That edited collection aimed to nurture new perspectives on historical painting, bring new countries into the frame, and challenge established wisdoms about what historical art was in the period between 1789 and 1914. History Painting, historical genre painting, and documentary artistic practices engaging multiple media were all touched upon with case studies from around the globe including Australia, China and Turkey, in order to offset the Western focus of traditional historiography on this subject.

Routledge have now commissioned a new anthology aimed at providing a reader for historical art of the long nineteenth century as a follow-up to the edited collection. The ambition is to provide an ambitious . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : Rubens and the World (Antwerp, 5-6 May 25)

Tout le monde pour ma patrie: Rubens and the World. Rubenshuis, Kolveniersstraat 20, Antwerp, May 5–6, 2025

Peter Paul Rubens’s visual ideas spread astoundingly far from his home in Antwerp both during and after his lifetime. In the seventeenth century his paintings arrived at destinations throughout Europe, and dealers shipped painted copies and titanic quantities of engravings after his designs even farther afield, reaching Cuzco, Isfahan, Jingdezhen, and many other places. He saw himself as a man of the world, as he wrote in a letter to a friend in 1625: “I regard the whole world as my country, and I believe that I should be very welcome everywhere.” The world also came to Rubens, whether in the form of models of African descent who feature in his . . . → En lire plus

Séminaire d’Histoire de l’art de l’IRPA : The Archduchess Isabella (1566-1633). Artistic Agency between Madrid and the Southern Netherlands

Prochain Séminaire d’Histoire de l’art de l’IRPA organisé à Bruxelles les 12 et 13 septembre 2024 autour le mécénat artistique de l’archiduchesse Isabella :

The Archduchess Isabella (1566-1633). Artistic Agency between Madrid and the Southern Netherlands

La présentation du séminaire, le programme et le formulaire d’inscription sont disponibles sur ce lien :

N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour toute information complémentaire.

Dr. Eduardo Lamas Scientific assistant – Art history research & Head Photo-Library,

Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage Parc du Cinquantenaire 1 / Jubelpark 1 B-1000 Brussels Tel. 32.(0)2.739.67.11 – fax 32.(0)2.732.01.05 – Twitter:

Appel à communication. Making and Remaking Saints in the Iberian Peninsula and Beyond during the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period c. 600 – 1600 (Salmanca, 24-26 mars 2025)

IBERSAINTS: Making and Remaking Saints in the Iberian Peninsula and Beyond during the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period c. 600 – 1600 // IBERSANTOS: Crear y Recrear los Santos en la Península Ibérica y Atrás durante la Edad Media y El Periodo Moderno Temprano c. 600 – 1600.

CALL FOR PAPERS AND POSTERS 24 – 26 March 2025 Sala de Grados – Faculty of Geography and History, University of Salamanca Museum of Salamanca

We kindly invite paper and poster proposals for an in-person international conference hosted by the University of Salamanca in collaboration with the Museum of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain.

This international conference seeks to explore the means of constructing and reconstructing saints in and beyond the Iberian Peninsula with particular emphasis on: – the import . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication. Hard Bodies (Frankfurt a.M., 9-11 Jan 25)

Hard Bodies: Aesthetic, Materiality, and Mediality of Masculinity in American and European Art and Visual Culture, c. 1900 – today

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M., Jan 9–11, 2025 Deadline: Jul 15, 2024

Description: The hard body is omnipresent in contemporary culture. It evokes purity, whiteness, and resistance to cracking or contamination. It is the result of disciplined self-optimization (physical training, a strict diet, dietary supplements, and/or surgery) and part of the iconography of white supremacy. Contemporary artists only refer to the hard male body to destroy it – like Candice Lin in her installation A Hard White Body (2017).

So, why should we revisit the hard male body, with its undeniable hegemonic bias? Why not dismiss it, and look at the fragmented, performative, vulnerable, and transformative male body instead?

This . . . → En lire plus

Colloque Breaking Out, repenser les imaginaires carcéraux féminins

Colloque « Breaking Out, repenser les imaginaires carcéraux féminins »
24 et 25 juin 2024 -Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens
Une actualité éditoriale, curatoriale et scientifique tend à reconsidérer l’importance d’une réflexion quant aux imaginaires contemporain des espaces carcéraux – et des corps et individualités qui les habitent, en particulier féminins. Après une période de relative invisibilisation de ces questions ayant fait suite aux travaux largement diffusés de l’observatoire des prisons et de Michel Foucault en particulier dans les années soixante-dix, un ensemble de manifestations permet d’observer une transformation des représentations et des imaginaires associés aux conditions carcérales des . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communications. (P)Ostkolonialismus (Berlin, 24-25 Oct 24)

(P)Ostkolonialismus (Berlin, 24-25 Oct 24)

Berlin, Oct 24–25, 2024 Deadline: Jul 14, 2024

In the 19th century, Poland, the so called “Wild East”, already formed part of Germany’s colonial aspirations (Kopp 2012). Both Prussia and the German Empire, as well as the Nazi state, repeatedly attempted to fulfill their colonial settlement ambitions in Eastern Europe. This materialized in Bismarck’s Germanization policy, the occupied territory “Ober Ost” during the First World War, and Nazi Germany’s “Generalplan Ost”. The German mass crimes in the region during the Second World War were based on these continuities of anti-Slavic policies and convictions. Colonial and racist patterns of thought and behavior towards Eastern Europe continue to have an impact in many respects in the present day.

As early as the late 1990s, . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : Mannerism and Crisis (Boston, 20-22 Mar 25)

When Mannerism emerged as a field of art historical study during the first part of the twentieth century, it was construed as a moment of crisis. To proponents of Geistesgeschichte such as Max Dvořák, Walter Friedlaender, and Erwin Panofsky or Marxists like Friedrich Antal and Arnold Hauser, Mannerism became a token of crises, either of a philosophical and existential nature or an outcome of tensions in the socio-economic base. Much criticism of these scholarly approaches has since emerged from different ideological and methodological perspectives, including that of John Shearman who during the 1960s argued for a “stylish style,” indifferent to societal change. The aim of this session is not to rehearse the historiography but to . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : Baroque Times: The table’s scenography (Vila Nova de Foz Côa, 14-16 Nov 24)

International Congress: « Baroque Times: The table’s scenography ».

Call for Papers: When discussing the table or the act of being at the table, our immediate thoughts go to the act of eating, the company present, and the food to be shared. However, the table transcends its practical function to become a richly layered symbol, both materially and conceptually, embodying sociability in myriad ways throughout history.

During the modern era (17th-18th centuries), the table’s significance unfolded across diverse contexts and environments, from the opulent settings of palaces to the humble abodes of common citizens. Regardless of setting, the table served as a focal point, drawing together a spectrum of personalities and activities, thus assuming a . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : Vanity, Morality, and Race in Seventeenth-Century Britain (New Haven, 27-28 sept. 2024)

Puritan Picture: Vanity, Morality, and Race in Seventeenth-Century Britain.

Yale Center of British Art, New Haven, CT, USA, Sep 27–28, 2024

The middle decades of the seventeenth century in Britain were characterized by radical political, religious, and social change. In this period, an unknown artist created a remarkable painting that spoke to fears and anxieties crystallizing around a perceived increase in moral laxity, gender transgression, and the insidious influence of foreigners. The painting depicts two women side by side, each wearing a conspicuous array of beauty patches. The woman on the left reprimands her companion with the words “I black with white bespott: . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : The Art of Embroidery: History, Tradition, & New Horizons (Lorca, 27-30 Nov 24)

International Conference: « The Art of Embroidery: History, Tradition, and New Horizons. »

Organized by the Lorca City Council and the Research Group “Sumptuary Arts” of the History of Art Department, University of Murcia.

This congress aims to create a space to present and discuss the results of the most recent studies on the history of embroidery in its broadest dimension, without prioritizing specific cultural, artistic, or chronological areas, but encompassing all aspects that such an ancient art as embroidery entails.

Languages for communications: Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, English, French.

Research Lines: Those interested in participating in the congress by presenting a communication must . . . → En lire plus

2 Research Assistants/PhD, The M/Other Project, Lüneburg

Research Assistant (m/f/d) – School of Culture and Society – Leuphana Universität Lüneburg.


As a humanistic, sustainable and action-oriented university, Leuphana University of Lüneburg stands for innovation in education and science. Methodological diversity, interdisciplinary cooperation, transdisciplinary cooperation with practice and an overall dynamic development characterise its research profile in the core topics of education, culture, management/technology, sustainability and state. Its international study model with the Leuphana College, the Leuphana Graduate School and the Leuphana Professional School is unique in Germany and has won many awards. We are currently looking for two PhD-candidates to join the project “The M/Other Project: Creativity, Procreation, and Contemporary Art” which has been funded by the VolkswagenFoundation and is led by Prof. Jordan Troeller, Junior Professor of Art History and Aesthetic Practice. The PhDs will . . . → En lire plus



CONFÉRENCE LE MARDI 18 JUIN de FELIPE PEREDA, Fernando Zóbel de Ayala Professor of Spanish Art, Harvard University

Professeur invité CY Advanced Studies de Cécile Vincent-Cassy (CY Cergy Paris Université / UMR Héritages 9022)

14h, Maison Internationale de la Recherche de Neuville, 1 rue Descartes, 95000 Neuville-sur-Oise RER A, station Neuville


Goya, les femmes, la pornographie et la terreur

Si la pornographie signifie littéralement écrire sur la prostitution, peu d’œuvres de la fin du XVIIIe siècle relèvent aussi clairement de ce genre que les Caprices, un ensemble de 80 estampes radicalement subversives, dont une grande partie commente de manière satirique l’exploitation et le dénigrement des femmes. Cette conférence examinera les Caprices en relation avec les débats contemporains sur les droits des femmes (en . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : Geological Imagination in the Art of the Long Nineteenth Century (Huntington Library, 2025)

The Geological Imagination in the Art of the Long Nineteenth Century (Huntington Library, 2025).

Organizers: Nina Amstutz (University of Oregon) Stephanie O’Rourke (University of St Andrews)

Call for Papers: In the last decade, there has been a surge of interest in geology and its attendant fields – such as stratigraphy, paleontology, and geomorphology – in the arts and humanities, catalyzed by the notion that we have entered a new geological epoch. Yet this “geological turn” in the academy did not originate with the recent public awareness of anthropogenic climate change. During the long nineteenth century–a period widely accepted as the ‘crucible of western modernity’ and the emergence . . . → En lire plus

Journée d’études : « Animal, animalité, bestialité dans les images médiévales », 15e rencontres GRIM-IMAGO (Paris, 13 juin 2024).

Journée d’études : « Animal, animalité, bestialité dans les images médiévales », 15e rencontres GRIM-IMAGO (Paris, INHA, salle Demargne, 13 juin 2024).


Voir l’appel à communications.



10h Introduction

10h15 – Pierre-Olivier Dittmar, L’animal comme image dans l’Occident médiéval

11h00 – Raphaël Demès, Phénix ou harpie ? Le cas d’un oiseau à tête humaine sur le linceul du comte de Castille, Sancho García (965-1017)

11h30 – pause

11h45 – Kshanti Gamage, La crosse serpentiforme en émail de l’œuvre de Limoges (1190-1230) : représentation et performance

12h15 – Angélique Ferrand, Voir autrement le Cancer de Sant Pere de Sorpe (XIIe siècle) : d’une vermine anthropocéphale aux souffrances de . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : Quand l’objet archéologique est sujet historique (Lyon, 14-15 nov. 2024)

Appel à communications Quand l’objet archéologique est sujet historique. Perception, fonction et réception des artefacts

Le laboratoire junior ArchéOrigines, fondé avec le soutien de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée de Lyon il y a bientôt deux ans, a consacré toutes ses activités à l’histoire de l’archéologie. En 2023, une table ronde sur « Les mots de l’archéologie »[1], puis une journée d’étude sur la naissance des musées d’archéologie ont été organisées[2]. La diversité des « Histoires d’archéologies » a été présentée à Dijon[3] et, plus récemment, un séminaire sur les liens unissant archéologie et nationalisme a été proposé à Lyon[4]. L’apport des études de genre à l’histoire de l’archéologie a été mis en perspective lors de la journée . . . → En lire plus