Les 10 ans du GRHAM !

10 ans déjà : une décennie au service de l’histoire de l’art moderne !

Nous sommes ravis de vous convier aux 10 ans du GRHAM, notre association de chercheuses et chercheurs en histoire de l’art moderne !

Cet événement sera l’occasion de revenir sur une décennie riche en publications, colloques, projets, découvertes et partages. Rendez-vous à toutes et à tous le 30 janvier à l’INHA pour une fin de journée qui s’annonce riche et conviviale.

Lieu : Galerie Colbert (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne / INHA), 2 rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris. Dates et horaires : le 30 janvier, de 16h à 21h.

Programme :

16h-17h45 – . . . → En lire plus

Table ronde organisée par le CFHA : Pourquoi s’engager dans l’histoire de l’art en 2025 ?


ouverte au public

à l’issue de l’assemblée générale du Comité français d’histoire de l’art

Pourquoi s’engager dans l’histoire de l’art en 2025 ?

samedi 25 janvier 2025, 16h15-18h

INHA, salle Vasari


Le conseil du CFHA a souhaité donner la voix à des jeunes professionnels des métiers de l’histoire de l’art et du patrimoine, pour connaitre les raisons de leur choix de l’histoire de l’art, leurs positions face à la discipline, les difficultés rencontrées et leurs aspirations.

Avec Élodie Baillot, Benjamin Carcaud, Jouan Jessy, Laura Pichard, Camille Philippon, Christophe Zhang.

Pour suivre le débat à distance, cliquez sur le lien ici.


Élodie Baillot. Maîtresse de conférences en histoire de l’art à l’université Lumière Lyon 2, . . . → En lire plus

2 positions in Medieval Art History, StoryPharm project, University of Salerno

2 positions in Medieval Art History, StoryPharm project, University of Salerno

« StoryPharm » international PhD project (European Marie Skłodowska-Curie program) Application deadline: Feb 17, 2025

« StoryPharm »: Storytelling as Pharmakon in Premodernity and Beyond: Training the New Generation of Researchers in Health Humanities.

The University of Salerno (UniSa) is pleased to advertise 2 three-year Special Scientist PhD positions in HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL ART with a generous research allowance in an international, multi-partner EU project, employment beginning between June and August 2025. The StoryPharm project, which is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action – Doctoral Networks – Grant . . . → En lire plus

Willibald Sauerländer Award 2025, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte

Willibald Sauerländer Award 2025

The Willibald Sauerländer Award honours and supports early career research in the history of art history

The prize, funded by CONIVNCTA FLORESCIT Friends of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, honours the memory of Willibald Sauerländer (1924–2018), from 1970 to 1989 director of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte and an honorary professor at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich.

Consideration will be given to a Ph.D. dissertation, M.A. thesis, or publication completed within the last three years. Applicants should have been graduated within the last five years. The winning candidate, chosen by an independent committee of scholars, will receive € 7,000, and is expected to spend three months conducting research at . . . → En lire plus

contrat postdoctoral d’excellence – jeune chercheur 2025, INHA

Proposition d’un contrat postdoctoral d’excellence – jeune chercheur 2025 Qui peut candidater ?

Les candidatures peuvent s’effectuer jusqu’à 3 ans après la thèse (soutenances entre le 1er janvier 2022 et le 31 décembre 2024) soutenue dans une université de l’Union Européenne. Elles pourront émaner de tous les domaines des sciences humaines et sociales mais devront se préoccuper des questions d’histoire de l’art et du patrimoine, depuis la préhistoire jusqu’à nos jours et le projet de recherche devra être lié aux musées, centres d’art ou lieux patrimoniaux (collections, architecture, publics…).


Nature des contrats

Pour l’année 2025, un contrat postdoctoral d’un an . . . → En lire plus

Two Juliane and Franz Roh Fellowships in Modern and Contemporary Art, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte

Two Juliane and Franz Roh Fellowships in Modern and Contemporary Art

The Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte will award two Juliane and Franz Roh Fellowships in Modern and Contemporary Art (20th-21st century) at the Studienzentrum zur Kunst der Moderne und Gegenwart at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte.

The fellowships are intended for doctoral students and postdoctoral scholars who have graduated within the last five years who are working on a project related to modern or contemporary art. Fellows are expected to partake in the activities of the ZI and to present the fellowship project.

The fellowships last three months and can commence between April and October 2025.

Graduate fellows will receive a monthly stipend of . . . → En lire plus

Jutta Held Award 2025, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich

Jutta Held Award 2025

The Jutta Held Award honours and supports early career research in art history with a socio-political focus.

The award, funded by Stiftung Kritische Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften, honours the memory of Jutta Held (1933–2007), one of the first female professors of art history. The award is made in recognition of her commitment to social issues and gender studies in art and cultural history, and aims to promote such critical approaches in early-career scholarship.

Consideration will be given to a Ph.D. dissertation, M.A. thesis, or publication completed within the last three years. Applicants should have graduated within the last five years. The winning candidate, chosen by an independent committee of scholars, will receive € 7,000, and is expected . . . → En lire plus

Panofsky Fellowship 2025, Munich, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte

Panofsky Fellowship 2025 | Early Modern Art and Intellectual Culture

Prof. Dr. Marisa Bass, Yale University, New Haven, CT, will hold the Panofsky Professorship at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte Munich in 2025. In connection with this professorship the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte seeks applications for a Panofsky Fellowship.

The fellowship is intended for doctoral students and postdoctoral scholars (who have graduated within the last five years) who are working on a project related to the topic „Early Modern Art and Intellectual Culture“. Fellows are expected to maintain a presence at the ZI, to present the Fellowship project, and to partake in the activities of the ZI. The fellowship lasts three months . . . → En lire plus

INHA : Proposition d’un contrat postdoctoral d’excellence – jeune chercheur 2025

INHA : Proposition d’un contrat postdoctoral d’excellence – jeune chercheur 2025

Date limite de candidature : 20 février 2025 avant minuit.

Qui peut candidater ?

Les candidatures peuvent s’effectuer jusqu’à 3 ans après la thèse (soutenances entre le 1er janvier 2022 et le 31 décembre 2024) soutenue dans une université de l’Union Européenne. Elles pourront émaner de tous les domaines des sciences humaines et sociales mais devront se préoccuper des questions d’histoire de l’art et du patrimoine, depuis la préhistoire jusqu’à nos jours et le projet de recherche devra être lié aux musées, centres d’art ou lieux patrimoniaux (collections, architecture, . . . → En lire plus

Prix Marc de Montalembert

La Fondation Marc de Montalembert et l’École du Louvre se sont associées pour l’attribution du Prix Marc de Montalembert d’un montant de 9000 euros. Ce prix soutient l’achèvement d’un travail de recherche qui promet un apport original à la connaissance des arts et de la culture du monde méditerranéen, depuis les périodes anciennes jusqu’à l’époque contemporaine. La Fondation Marc de Montalembert offre en outre au lauréat la possibilité de séjourner à son siège à Rhodes, en Grèce.

Conditions d’éligibilité Les candidat(e)s doivent : – être né(e)s dans un pays riverain de la Méditerranée, ou en avoir la nationalité ; – avoir moins de 36 . . . → En lire plus

Université de Genève : professeur d’histoire de l’art de la période moderne (XVI-XVIIIèmes siècles)

Professeur d’histoire de l’art de la période moderne (XVI-XVIIIèmes siècles) Université de Genève, Faculté de Lettres

Description du poste La Faculté des lettres de l’Université de Genève met au concours un poste de professeur-e ordinaire ou professeur-e associé-e en histoire de l’art de la période moderne (XVI-XVIIIèmes siècles). Ce poste à charge complète comprend des enseignements aux niveaux bachelor, master et post-grade ainsi que la direction de travaux de maîtrise universitaire et de thèses de doctorat. Le profil souhaité comprend différents champs de recherches en Histoire de l’art de la période moderne (européens et extra-européens) ainsi qu’une approche méthodologique diversifiée. Le-la candidat-e sera appelé-e à développer des recherches au niveau national et . . . → En lire plus

Professor of Early Modern European Art History, New York University Abu Dhabi

The Division of Arts and Humanities at New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) invites applications for an open rank (tenure-track / tenured) faculty position in Early Modern European Art History. Applicants must have expertise in early modern European art and its entanglements with the diverse histories of empire, colonialism, and cultural exchange.

The Program seeks scholars who can demonstrate a commitment to methodological reflection and innovation that is open to cross-disciplinary and global art historical perspectives. The successful candidate will help develop collaborations with other programs in the Arts & Humanities Division as well as with other divisions at NYUAD. Responsibilities include . . . → En lire plus

campagne de recrutement des membres de l’EFR pour l’année 2025-2026

L’École française de Rome recrute des membres scientifiques qui se consacrent à des travaux de recherche dans les domaines relevant de l’établissement, en histoire, archéologie et sciences sociales, répartis en trois sections :

> l’Antiquité

> le Moyen Âge

> les Époques moderne et contemporaine.

Le projet peut émaner de candidats en fin de doctorat ou entamant une recherche post-doctorale. En conformité avec la mission de formation à la recherche de l’EFR, la commission d’admission examine avec une attention particulière les dossiers émanant de chercheurs en début de carrière.

Pour l’année 2025-2026, dix-huit postes de membres de l’École française . . . → En lire plus

Assistant Professor of Research-Creation in Visual Arts, Université de Montréal

Assistant Professor of Research-Creation in Visual Arts, Université de Montréal

Montréal, Québec Canada, Jun 01, 2025

The Department of Art History, Cinema and Audiovisual Media offers teaching covering different artistic trends up to the present day, while giving an important place to the arts of the Americas and to a multiplicity of theoretical and methodological approaches. The successful candidate will breathe new life into the practice of visual arts in the department and consolidate the increasingly important place in our teaching of research-creation.


Through your teaching and your research activities, you will play a pivotal role in fostering excellence within . . . → En lire plus

Research Grant, American Friends of Chartres

The American Friends of Chartres is accepting proposals from current graduate students and emerging scholars for its annual research grant for the study of Chartres. The American Friends of Chartres will provide a grant of $2,500.00 and will facilitate lodging, as well as access to the cathedral, the Centre International du Vitrail, the municipal library, archival collections and related resources.

The grant will help to support a research project requiring on-site research in Chartres that promises to advance knowledge and understanding of the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Chartres or its historical contexts in the medieval to early modern period. Topics in the fields . . . → En lire plus

Post-Doc-Assistant in Art History, Université de Bâle

Post-Doc-Assistant in Art History 100%

The Institute of Art History (in the Department of Arts, Media, Philosophy) at the University of Basel is seeking to fill the position of Assistant (Post-Doc, 100%) for the Professorship of Early Modern Art (Prof. Dr. Aaron Hyman) as of February 1, 2025.

Your position: In addition to work on a book project / habilitation thesis at the University of Basel, duties will include teaching (3 SWS) and the supervision of students as well as academic administration and collaboration on academic projects.

Your profile: We are looking for candidates with a focus on Early Modern Art (primarily Europe or Europe in connection with . . . → En lire plus

2 positions in an ERC Advanced Grant Project SAIGA, Warsaw

Two positions in an ERC Advanced Grant Project « Scholars, Animals, Images, Geographies and the Arts: De-exoticizing Eastern Europe in the Early Modern Period » (SAIGA), University of Warsaw, Poland

Project’s PI: Grażyna Jurkowlaniec (https://ihs.uw.edu.pl/en/jurkowlaniec/ ) Deadline: 31 October 2024 Start Date: 1 January 2025 Duration: 57 months

2 Positions with an art historical connection: [1] Assistant Professor, full-time, gross monthly salary (including all bonuses): approximately PLN 16,200 (PLN 210,600 yearly) – Specialization: visual or material sources in early modern natural history [2] Research Assistant, full-time, gross monthly salary (including all bonuses): PLN 10,500 (PLN 136,500 yearly) – Specialization: art history or book history, 15th–19th centuries

Further Positions: [3] Assistant Professor, full-time, gross monthly salary (including all bonuses): approximately PLN 16,200 (PLN 210,600 yearly) – Specialization: historical . . . → En lire plus

CASVA, Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts welcomes applications for its senior fellowship program.

Postdoctoral Fellowships

A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships and Beinecke Postdoctoral Fellowships are two-year, residential appointments that support research and writing for publication. In their first year, postdoctoral fellows design and direct an intensive weeklong seminar for the Center’s predoctoral fellows in residence, focusing on a topic related to the postdoctoral fellow’s field of interest and with a special emphasis on methodological issues. In the second year, postdoctoral fellows teach a course at a neighboring university. The A. W. . . . → En lire plus

Associate or Full Professor of Early Modern Art, University of Michigan

Associate or Full Professor of Early Modern Art, University of Michigan

The Department of History of Art at the University of Michigan invites applications for a full-time, tenured position for the Ilene H. Forsyth Distinguished Professorship in Early Modern Art to begin August 25, 2025. This is a university year appointment and will be at the level of associate or full professor in early modern art. The position may be filled by an applicant working on art produced anywhere in the world between 1400 and 1800 CE. Research and teaching foci could include (but are not limited to) the themes of mobility, materiality, ecology, race, . . . → En lire plus

Gutenberg University Mainz Academic staff member in Art History

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) is one of the largest universities in Germany. Thanks to its location in the Rhine-Main science region, the university can unfold to its full potential and showcase its innovative power and dynamism. Its status as a comprehensive university allows for multidisciplinary learning and teaching and has great potential for internationally renowned, interdisciplinary research. Almost all of its institutes are located on a single campus close to the Mainz city center – creating a lively academic culture for researchers, teaching staff, and students from every continent. Faculty 07: History and Cultural Studies / Institute of Art History and Musicology Academic . . . → En lire plus