Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 16 mars 2025;
- Date limite : 31 mars 2025
The University of Notre Dame announces the creation of the Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship, a university-wide initiative to support highly motivated scholars seeking to make a difference in the world. These prestigious fellowships target exceptional early-stage scholars seeking to advance their careers in an interdisciplinary academic environment. The College will appoint the fellows for one year, with the option of a one-year renewal. Each fellow will receive an annual salary of $75,000, and will work together with the host department and the director of postdoctoral studies in the College to identify a suitable primary research mentor. Additional co-mentors can also be appointed and must have an appointment . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 16 février 2025;
- Date limite : 21 mars 2025
 Visiting Senior Fellowships, National Gallery of Art
Application deadline: Mar 21, 2025
The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts welcomes applications for visiting senior fellowships. These two-month appointments support research in the history, theory, and criticism of the visual arts and related disciplines of any period or geographical area. Visiting senior fellows will receive an office in the National Gallery’s East Building as well as housing, as available. They will also be awarded a stipend depending on their fellowship and relocation needs.
Qualifications: – Visiting senior fellowships are intended for those who have held a PhD for five years or more at the time of application, . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 16 février 2025;
- Date limite : 31 mars 2025
Publication Grants, The Leonard A. Lauder Research Center for Modern Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Deadline: Mar 31, 2025
Leonard A. Lauder Research Center for Modern Art
Applications are open until March 31, 2025, for Leonard A. Lauder Spring Publication Grants, supporting new work in the field of modern art. We use the term ‘modern art’ inclusively to refer to architecture, drawing, design (including exhibition, graphic, interior and stage design), film, painting, performance, photography, printmaking, sculpture, and textiles in the period from the last third of the nineteenth century through the 1960s, from any country, region or culture. (If your application is focused on art from the 1970s onwards or on other historical periods your application will be rejected). Recognizing the increasing costs associated . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 5 janvier 2025;
- Date limite : 15 janvier 2025
Milka Bliznakov Research Prize
Blacksburg, VA, USA, Dec 12, 2024–Jan 15, 2025 Application deadline: Jan 15, 2025
The International Archive of Women in Architecture Center invites architects, scholars, professionals, students, and researchers to honor IAWA founder Professor Milka T. Bliznakov through research on women in architecture and related design fields.
This research, in concert with the preservation efforts of the IAWA, is intended to help fill the current void in historical knowledge about women’s professional achievements. The prize is designed to facilitate in-person research in the IAWA archive and produce scholarship related to the work of women who shaped the designed environment, thus preserving for posterity a record of their achievements.
The Board of Advisors of the International Archive of Women in Architecture Center (IAWA) presents this . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 5 janvier 2025;
- Date limite : 25 janvier 2025
Early-Career Research and Program Assistant, Williamstown
Clark Institute, Research and Academic Program (RAP) at the Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, MA, Jun 1, 2025–Jun 1, 2027 Application deadline: Jan 25, 2025
The Early-Career Research and Program Assistant position is an opportunity for an early-career scholar in art history to be part of an art history research program and community, known as the Research and Academic Program (RAP) at the Clark Art Institute. We are a fellowship program for mid-career and senior art historians, artists, . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 15 décembre 2024;
- Date limite : 31 déc. 2024
1525, New York, The Pierpont Morgan Library, MS M.0948, folio 159
4 Fellowship Opportunities, The Morgan Library and Museum, New York
The Morgan Library & Museum, Sep 1–May 31, 2025 Application deadline: Dec 31, 2024
[1] Drawing Institute Predoctoral Research Fellowship 2025–26 [2] Drawing Institute Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2025–26 [3] Belle da Costa Greene Curatorial Fellowships [4] Shelby White & Leon Levy Fellowship in Manuscript Cataloging
The Morgan Library & Museum is offering four fellowships for pre- and post-doctoral students. Deadline for applications is December 31, 2024. Additional information is available at:
[1] Drawing Institute Predoctoral Research Fellowship 2025–26 The Morgan Drawing Institute will award one nine-month Predoctoral Research Fellowship to . . . → En lire plus
Posté par direction études et recherche INHA, le 14 décembre 2024;
- Date limite des candidatures : 20 février 2025
INHA : Proposition d’un contrat postdoctoral d’excellence – jeune chercheur 2025
Date limite de candidature : 20 février 2025 avant minuit.
Qui peut candidater ?
Les candidatures peuvent s’effectuer jusqu’à 3 ans après la thèse (soutenances entre le 1er janvier 2022 et le 31 décembre 2024) soutenue dans une université de l’Union Européenne. Elles pourront émaner de tous les domaines des sciences humaines et sociales mais devront se préoccuper des questions d’histoire de l’art et du patrimoine, depuis la préhistoire jusqu’à nos jours et le projet de recherche devra être lié aux musées, centres d’art ou lieux patrimoniaux (collections, architecture, . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 16 novembre 2024;
- Date limite : 15 janvier 2025
F ellowships at the William L. Clements Library
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Nov 4, 2024–Jan 15, 2025 Application deadline: Jan 15, 2025
The William L. Clements Library at the University of Michigan welcomes applications for 2025-2026 research fellowships. The Library offers several named fellowships related to visual culture, ephemera, or creative artistic practice that would benefit from access to the archives.
The Clements’ holdings–books, manuscripts, pamphlets, maps, prints and views, newspapers, and ephemera– are among the best in the world on almost any aspect of the American experience from 1492 through 1900, and support a diverse array of . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 16 novembre 2024;
 The Curatorial Assistant (three year appointment) is a full-time, onsite position, reporting to the Curator of Ancient Glass and Manager, Curatorial Affairs.
As a member of the curatorial team, the Curatorial Assistant supports all areas of curatorial responsibility including acquisitions, exhibitions, cataloging, and research of the Corning Museum of Glass collections from ancient through contemporary. Collaborates with staff from departments across the Museum, including the Rakow Research Library, Collections Management, Education and Interpretation, Publications, Marketing and Communications, Graphics, Digital Media, Advancement and other departments as needed.
Curatorial Support – . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 30 octobre 2024;
- Date limite : 2 dec. 2024
Allen Memorial Art Museum (AMAM) at Oberlin College and Conservatory in Oberlin
Director Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin Collège
Oberlin College invites applications for the position of John G. W. Cowles Director of the Allen Memorial Art Museum (AMAM). This is a continuing, full-time, 12-month Administrative and Professional Staff position reporting to the Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences.
One of the most distinguished college or university art museums in the United States, the AMAM inspires curiosity, inquiry, learning, and connection through experiences with original works of art for the broadest audience possible, both on campus . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 15 octobre 2024;
- Date limite : 2 dec. 2024
 The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America announces the Call for Applications for its 2025–26 Fellowship Program.
We invite applications for:
– up to four Weinberg Fellowships in Architectural History and Preservation – up to two Gerda Henkel Foundation Fellowships in the History of Art – one Alexander Bodini Fellowship in Developmental and Adolescent Psychiatry – one Burke Fellowship in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Japan and Italy
and we welcome proposals outside these precise categories as well.
Candidates—at the post-doctoral or faculty level—can apply from all countries. Fellows receive a stipend, travel allowance, health benefits, and an office in the Academy on . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Galerie Mennour, le 13 octobre 2024;
- Date limite des candidatures : 22 novembre 2024
Bourse Mennour pour la recherche en histoire de l’art contemporain – édition 2025
Forte d’un premier succès en 2024 – avec plus d’une trentaine de candidatures, venues d’étudiants de plus de vingt écoles et universités différentes en France, dont près de la moitié en région, et deux lauréates – la Bourse Mennour pour la recherche en histoire de l’art contemporain est renouvelée.
Soucieuse d’encourager l’écriture de l’histoire de l’art, la galerie apportera à nouveau un soutien à la recherche, dans le cadre du Mennour Institute, avec deux nouvelles dotations d’une valeur de 5 000 euros chacune, qui seront attribuées à deux étudiant(e)s inscrit(e)s ou en attente d’inscription en doctorat en France.
Les sujets de recherche pourront couvrir tous les champs liés à l’histoire de la création artistique de . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 30 septembre 2024;
- Date limite : 15 octobre 2024
The Clark Art Institute’s Research and Academic Program (RAP) awards funded residential fellowships to established and promising scholars with the aim of fostering a critical commitment to inquiry in the theory, history, and interpretation of art and visual culture.
As part of our commitment to fostering diverse engagements with the visual arts, RAP particularly seeks to elevate constituencies, subjects, and methods that have historically been underrepresented in the discipline.
In addition to the general Clark Fellowships, which are open to any topic, time period, and geographic focus, RAP offers a number of special fellowships for specific research interests that are intended to nurture a variety of . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 30 septembre 2024;
- Date limite : 15 oct. 2024
The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts welcomes applications for its senior fellowship program.
A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships and Beinecke Postdoctoral Fellowships are two-year, residential appointments that support research and writing for publication. In their first year, postdoctoral fellows design and direct an intensive weeklong seminar for the Center’s predoctoral fellows in residence, focusing on a topic related to the postdoctoral fellow’s field of interest and with a special emphasis on methodological issues. In the second year, postdoctoral fellows teach a course at a neighboring university. The A. W. . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 8 septembre 2024;
- Date limite : 16 septembre 2024
Associate or Full Professor of Early Modern Art, University of Michigan
The Department of History of Art at the University of Michigan invites applications for a full-time, tenured position for the Ilene H. Forsyth Distinguished Professorship in Early Modern Art to begin August 25, 2025. This is a university year appointment and will be at the level of associate or full professor in early modern art. The position may be filled by an applicant working on art produced anywhere in the world between 1400 and 1800 CE. Research and teaching foci could include (but are not limited to) the themes of mobility, materiality, ecology, race, . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 8 septembre 2024;
- Date limite : 1er octobre 2024
Getty Library Research Grants 2025, Los Angeles
Getty Library Research Grant applications for calendar year 2025 are now online. The Getty Library offers short-term grants for researchers—including undergraduates— providing partial support for travel to the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles to use our collections.
In addition to the open call for applications, the following focused grants are available:
–The Whitney and Lee Kaplan African American Visual Culture Library Research Grant supports research that uses an encyclopedic and interdisciplinary collection of published works related to African American art.
–The Anne Willan and Mark Cherniavsky Gastronomy Collection of Rare and Contemporary Books Library Research Grant supports projects . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 8 septembre 2024;
- Date limite : 21 septembre
Visiting Senior Fellowships at the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art.
The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts is pleased to share opportunities for visiting senior fellowships—two-month appointments to take place between March 1 and August 15, 2025. Applications are due September 21, 2024.
Fellows receive an office in the National Gallery’s East Building as well as housing, subject to availability. They have access to the notable resources of the National Gallery, including its library and art collection, as well as those of greater Washington. Fellows participate in lectures, colloquia, and discussions with the . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 15 juillet 2024;
- Date limite : 1er octobre 2024
The Getty Research Institute is pleased to announce that the 2025-2026 application for residential grants and fellowships for pre-docs, post-docs, and scholars is open as of July 1, 2024. Applications are due by October 1, 2024 at 5pm PT.
REPAIR For 2025–2026, Getty invites scholars and arts professionals to apply for a residential fellowship on the topic of repair, a theme that bridges time periods, world geographies, and professional practices. Situated between the forces of creation and destruction, the act of repair can be deeply transformative, with the potential to heal, alter, and renew the material environment. Scholars are asked to think critically about repair, questioning interpretive assessments . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Le Centre allemand d'histoire de l'art de Paris, le 8 juillet 2024;
- Date limite : 10 août 2024
Le Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art Paris (DFK Paris) recrute à partir du 1er novembre 2024 (ou à une date fixée d’un commun accord) un·e chargé·e de recherche à temps plein pour le poste de conseiller ou conseillère scientifique de la direction H/F pour une durée initiale de 3 ans. Une prolongation de deux ans maximum est possible.
Outre vos propres recherches en histoire de l’art dans le cadre du programme scientifique de l’institut, vos missions consisteront principalement à assister le directeur dans ses projets de recherche ainsi que dans l’organisation de l’institut. Vous vous occuperez en partie des sujets annuels et effectuerez des tâches de coordination dans le cadre de la présentation de l’institut à l’extérieur (rapports, présence sur le web, etc.).
Pour pouvoir postuler, vous devez avoir obtenu . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 31 mai 2024;
- Date limite : lundi 8 juillet
La bourse Focillon est une bourse d’étude créée au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, pour instituer des liens entre la France et les États-Unis. Elle porte le nom du grand historien de l’art Henri Focillon (Dijon, 1881-New Haven (Yale) 1943), directeur du musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, professeur à la Sorbonne, et dans différentes universités américaines à partir de 1932. Financée à son origine par le ministère des Affaires étrangères, elle est portée depuis 2010 par le ministère de la Culture, précisément par la délégation à l’inspection, la recherche et l’innovation (DIRI), au sein de la Direction générale des patrimoines et de l’architecture. Elle est placée sous l’égide du Comité français d’histoire de l’art.
La bourse Focillon est destinée . . . → En lire plus
Équipe Rédacteur en chef : Olivier Bonfait.
Rédacteurs : Elliot Adam (Moyen Age) ; Nicolas Ballet (XX-XXIe siècles) ; Matthieu Fantoni (musées) ; Antonella Fenech Kroke (bourses) ; Vladimir Nestorov (Lettre mensuelle)
Administrateur web : Matthieu Lett.
ancien éditeur : Pascale Dubus
anciens rédacteurs : Gautier Anceau, Sébastien Bontemps, Damien Bril ; Sébastien Chauffour ; Ludovic Jouvet ; Aude Prigot