Appel à candidature : bourses Tobey à la Villa I Tatti (Florence, 2015)

Portrait de Pétrarque, enluminure d'un manuscrit florentin contenant deux oeuvres de Pétrarque, XVe siècleLa Villa I Tatti de Florence propose la bourse David et Julie Tobey d’une durée de trois mois pour encourager la recherche sur les dessins, les gravures et les manuscrits illustrés de la Renaissance italienne.

Les chercheurs doivent avoir une solide expérience des études de la Renaissance italienne. Ils doivent être doctorants (avec un sujet de thèse approuvé) ou titulaires d’un doctorat. La priorité sera accordée aux candidats qui ont obtenu leur doctorat après 2004. Les candidats doivent connaître l’anglais ou l’italien et être en mesure de comprendre les deux langues. Les projets doivent concerner la Renaissance italienne, généralement définie . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : programme de bourses du Center for Italian Modern Art (New York, 2016)

Giorgio Morandi, Nature morte, 1951In collaboration with several Italian and U.S. universities, the Center for Italian Modern Art awards a number of fellowships each year to support the study of Italian modern and contemporary art by scholars at the master’s, doctoral, and post-doctoral level. Citizens of all nationalities are eligible to apply. The intention of the program is to bring together young scholars from diverse academic backgrounds in an interactive and collaborative environment at CIMA’s New York location. While fellows may pursue their own research and study, they will also work on the « study topic » established by CIMA’s annual exhibition installation.

CIMA also awards at least one Travel . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « La découverte scientifique dans les arts »

Albert Edelfelt, portrait de Louis Pasteur, 188L’articulation des deux domaines a priori antagonistes que sont les sciences et les arts est au coeur depuis vingt ans de nombreuses entreprises de recherche. Ce colloque jeunes chercheurs, soutenu par des chercheurs titulaires, tentera de s’inscrire dans cette tradition en questionnant particulièrement les nouvelles modalités de la représentation de la découverte scientifique dans les arts depuis le XIXe siècle. Pluridisciplinaire et orienté prioritairement en direction des chercheurs débutants, il n’est pas pour autant exclusif : nous accepterons volontiers les éventuelles contributions de chercheurs confirmés qui souhaiteraient enrichir nos débats.

Découverte scientifique et arts : voilà un couple . . . → En lire plus

Prix annuel Terra Foundation, publication

American Art International Essay Prize

Capture d’écran 2014-12-16 à 01.28.18The Terra Foundation for American Art International Essay Prize recognizes excellent scholarship by a non-U.S. scholar in the field of historical American art. Manuscripts should advance the understanding of American art, demonstrating new findings and original perspectives. The prize winner will be given the opportunity to work toward publication in American Art, the Smithsonian American Art Museum’s scholarly journal. He or she will also receive a $1,000 cash award and a travel stipend of up to $3,000 to give a presentation in Washington, D.C., and meet with museum staff and fellows. This annual prize is supported by funding from . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Terra Foundation Awards, Fellowships & Grants »

terra-lgTerra Foundation Awards, Fellowships & Grants A wide range of Terra Foundation academic awards, fellowships, and grants help scholars in the field of American art realize their academic and professional goals and support the worldwide study and presentation of historical art of the United States. For more information about the following opportunities, please follow the links to our website: • Doctoral, postdoctoral, and senior research travel grants to the United States doctoral-postdoctoral-research-travel-grants-to-the-united-states/ • Terra Foundation for American Art International Essay Prize, Smithsonian American Art Museum international-essay-prize/ • Terra Summer Residency fellowships in Giverny, France terra-summer-residency/ • Academic Program Grants

Appel à candidature : « Postdoctoral Fellowships, Art Histories and Aesthetic » (Berlin, 2015-2006)

imgresPostdoctoral Fellowships, Art Histories and Aesthetic

Practices, Berlin

Application deadline: Jan 12, 2015

Call for Applications Berlin, 01.10.2015 – 31.07.2016

Closing Date: 12.01.2015 ART HISTORIES AND AESTHETIC PRACTICES. Kunstgeschichte und ästhetische Praktiken

The Berlin-based FORUM TRANSREGIONALE STUDIEN invites scholars to apply for up to ten postdoctoral fellowships within the framework of the research program Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices. Kunstgeschichte und ästhetische Praktiken for the academic year 2015/2016. Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices is a research and fellowship program which questions and transcends traditional disciplinary boundariesof art history in a transcultural, global horizon. By creating a space of dialogue for scholars from all continents and regions, it aims to discuss the potentials and contours of a plural history of art. . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « 2015 Emerging Scholars Prize HGCEA »

Caspar_David_Friedrich_-_Wanderer_above_the_sea_of_fog2015 Emerging Scholars Prize HGCEA

Deadline: Dec 20, 2014

Historians of German and Central European Art (HGCEA)

2015 Emerging Scholars Prize Submissions are now being accepted for the third annual HGCEA Emerging Scholars Publication Prize, an award of $500 given to the author of a distinguished essay published the preceding year on any topic in the history of German or Central European art, architecture, design, or visual culture. Submissions, which must be in English and may be from electronic or print publications, must have a publication date of 2014; authors must be either current Ph.D. students or have earned a PhD in or after 2010 and must be members of HGCEA at the time of submission. The recipient of the . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : bourses de la Fondation Giorgio Cini (Venise, 2015)

fondazione_headerLa Fondation Giorgio Cini offre trois bourses de six mois à des doctorants et six bourses de trois mois à des post-doctorants, respectivement âgés de moins de 35 et 40 ans pour effectuer leurs recherches à Venise. Les disciplines concernées sont l’histoire de l’art, la littérature, la musique, le théâtre, les livres anciens, l’histoire de Venise, l’histoire comparée de la culture et de la spiritualité.

Les boursiers recevront une allocation et seront logés dans la résidence du centre Vittore Branca sur l’île San Giorgio Maggiore à Venise entre avril 2015 et avril 2016. Ils participeront aux activités du Centre International d’études sur la culture italienne Vittore Branca . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Bourse post-doctorale, Max Planck Institute for Art History (Janvier 2015)


The Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max Planck Institute for Art History, announces a one-year postdoctoral fellowship, beginning 1 January 2015.

Candidates must be in possession of an upper level university degree (Ph.D.), good working knowledge of German, Italian, and English, and a research project proposal consistent with the aims and objectives of the Minerva research group. The recipients of these fellowships are also expected to participate with constancy in the activities of both the group and the Institute. Applications must include the following documentation:

– Curriculum vitae

– Photocopies of university diploma

– Description of the research project (max 2 pages)

– Summary of Doctoral dissertation (max 2 pages)

– List of publications (if any)

– Letter of recommendation from . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : 4 bourses du Ryerson Image Centre de Toronto

urbantoronto-6908-22938Ryerson Image Centre (Toronto)

Ryerson Image Centre, Toronto, January 05, 2015

Application deadline: Nov 30, 2014 RYERSON IMAGE CENTRE – 2015 Research Fellowships

In 2015, the Ryerson Image Centre will offer four fellowships for research related to photography:

The Nadir Mohamed Postdoctoral Fellowship This fellowship includes a $10,000 (CAD) stipend for travel, research and other expenses. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. degree. All proposals will be welcome, but special consideration will be given to projects that utilize the collections and resources of the Ryerson Image Centre and the Ryerson University Archive and Library Special Collections. Fellow will be expected to carry out her/his research at the RIC a minimum of one (1) to a maximum of three (3) months, between . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : poste d’Assistant Professor spécialiste de la Renaissance, Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, juillet 2015)

Johns HopkinsThe Department of German and Romance Languages and Literatures at Johns Hopkins University ( is seeking applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of French Literature with expertise in Renaissance to early 17th-century French literature. The successful candidate will have knowledge of one or more subfields relevant to the study of Renaissance Europe, such as intellectual history/history of ideas; rhetoric; poetics; history of the book; esthetics and the arts. The scholar will be expected to teach courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Qualifications Native or near-native fluency in French and English, as well as knowledge of Latin, are required. Applicants must have the Ph.D. . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Professor/Associate Professor in Modern Design History (Bard graduate Center, N.Y.)

BGClogo_400x400Professor/Associate Professor in Modern Design History

The Bard Graduate Center in New York City wishes to make an appointment in modern and contemporary design history with a focus on Europe of the 19th and 20th centuries. Candidates with an interest in textile and dress are particularly encouraged to apply, although it is not restricted to this field. Preference will be given to an established scholar with a substantial track record of publications and graduate training. The BGC is a graduate research institute committed to the study of the cultural history of the material world, drawing on methodologies and approaches from art and design history, economic and cultural history, history of . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « American Art International Essay Prize » (Terra Foundation)


Terra Foundation for American Art International Essay


Application deadline: Jan 15, 2015

The Terra Foundation for American Art International Essay Prize recognizes excellent scholarship by a non-U.S. scholar in the field of historical American art (circa 1500–1980). The aim of the award is to stimulate and actively support non-U.S. scholars working on American art topics, foster the international exchange of new ideas, and create a broad, culturally comparative dialogue on American art. The winning manuscript will advance understanding of American art, demonstrating new findings and original perspectives, and will be translated and published in American Art, the Smithsonian American Art Museum’s scholarly journal, which covers the cost of image rights and The winner receives a $1,000 cash award . . . → En lire plus

Appel à publication : American Art International Essay Prize

Call for Participation

Capture d’écran 2014-09-19 à 01.47.55Terra Foundation for American Art International Essay Prize in Partnership with the Journal American Art

The Terra Foundation for American Art International Essay Prize recognizes excellent scholarship by a non-U.S. scholar in the field of historical American art. Manuscripts should advance the understanding of American art, demonstrating new findings and original perspectives. The prize winner will be given the opportunity to work toward publication in American Art, the Smithsonian American Art Museum’s scholarly journal. He or she will also receive a $1,000 cash award and a travel stipend of up to $3,000 to give a presentation in Washington, D.C., and meet with . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidatures post-doc / Labex CAP

Appel à candidatures

Huit contrats post-doctoraux sont ouverts au concours 2014-2015


Le Laboratoire d’excellence « Créations, Arts et Patrimoines » (Labex CAP), héSam université, annonce le recrutement par voie de concours de huit chercheuses / chercheurs de niveau post-doctoral pour une période d’un an.

Le jury pluridisciplinaire, composé des membres du Conseil et du Bureau du Labex, sélectionnera les huit projets de recherche les plus pertinents et originaux, proposés dans le cadre d’un appel à projets blanc, s’inscrivant néanmoins dans la problématique générale du Labex CAP. Ces projets appuieront spécifiquement les deux pôles de recherche définis pour les années 2014-2015 : « Création et processus créatifs » et «Enjeux contemporains du Patrimoine».

L’hypothèse méthodologique du Labex CAP consiste à rapprocher, par des travaux de . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « IFA/Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2015-2016 »

James_B_Duke_House_001The Institute of Fine Arts announces a postdoctoral fellowship supported by a grant from the A. W. Mellon Foundation. This award will be for academic year 2015 – 2016. The A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow will be in residence at the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. This fellowship will give the Fellow the opportunity to pursue a research project while gaining teaching experience at a graduate level. The Fellow is expected to carry out research on a project leading to a major publication.

The A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship award is $55,000 per year, with benefits. There is a further $10,000 housing allowance and $2,000 for . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : postes de doctorants et post-doc pour le projet LexArt

Gerrit Dou, Savant aiguisant sa plume, Gerrit Dou, 1630-1635, The Leiden Collection NYLe projet européen LexArt – WORDS FOR ART : The Rise of a Terminology (1600-1750), financé par l’ERC (European Research Council-Advanced Grant 2012) porte sur l’étude systématique du vocabulaire artistique tel qu’il s’élabore et se diffuse au Nord des Alpes au XVIIe siècle à partir des textes fondateurs italiens, puis se transforme en relation avec les pratiques artistiques en France, en Grande-Bretagne, aux Pays-Bas et dans les pays germaniques. Le but du projet Lexart est de proposer à la communauté scientifique un instrument de travail nouveau. A la fois réflexif et documentaire par la publication . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidatures / Bourses Immersion du Labex CAP

Appel à candidatures / Bourses Immersion du Labex Créations, Arts et Patrimoines
Date limite : le 8 septembre 2014
Le Laboratoire d’excellence Créations, Arts et Patrimoines (Labex CAP), HéSam université, a le plaisir d’annoncer l’attribution par voie de concours de sept bourses « Immersion » pour l’année 2014-2015.Le programme « Immersion » est un dispositif nouveau à double visée. Il contribue à la formation professionnelle des doctorants et/ou étudiants en master qui s’orientent vers les métiers de la culture en rapport avec la recherche universitaire. Il vient également en appui au développement des départements recherche des musées et à la réalisation des projets de recherche des institutions patrimoiniales membres du Labex CAP.
. . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellowship, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago »

resize__575__575__5__text_images__full_1308248977collectionThe Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago (MCA) is one of Chicago’s major cultural collecting institutions and one of the nation’s largest facilities devoted to the art of our time, offering exhibitions, performances, and programs of the most thought-provoking art created since 1945.

The MCA’s Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellowship is intended to offer a significant opportunity for an emerging scholar to gain professional curatorial experience and to conduct research in a major museum setting. The Fellow will primarily be responsible for collection and exhibition-related research and scholarship, with additional duties as appropriate. The Fellow will assist in organizing a collection-based exhibition and will have the opportunity to organize at . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Research Fellowship at the Bard Graduate Center: Decorative Arts, Design History, Material Culture »

15305The Bard Graduate Center invites applications for a new funded research fellowship program. Scholars from university, museum and independent backgrounds are invited to apply. Candidates must already have a PhD or equivalent professional experience. The fellowship is open to both collections-based research at the BGC or elsewhere in New York, and to writing or reading projects in which being part of the BGC’s dynamic research environment is intellectually valuable. The stipend rate is $3,500 per month and housing costs are assumed by the BGC. Both long- and short-term fellowships are available (for example, 6, 4, 2 or 1 month), with a one-month minimum. The timing of dates will be negotiated . . . → En lire plus