Appel à candidature « Anne van Biema Fellowship, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. »

The Anne van Biema Fellowship was established by bequest to promote excellence in research and publication on the Japanese visual arts. Fellowships support research at the Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC. Research proposals are evaluated in terms of merit, originality, methodology, and potential for significant publication that will advance scholarly and public understanding of the Japanese visual arts. Interdisciplinary proposals with a primary focus on Japanese visual arts are considered.

Awards are made to scholars at the post-doctoral or equivalent professional level for periods of two to nine months, and are not renewable. The maximum stipend of $33,750 for nine months . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature « Internships in the Museum Profession, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. »

Internships in the Museum Profession at the National Gallery of Art provide institutional training to students interested in pursuing a museum career. Working closely with professional staff at the Gallery, interns participate in the ongoing work of a department, complete a project or a discrete portion of a larger project, and attend a weekly seminar that introduces the staff, departments, programs, and functions of the Gallery. Possible placements are in the conservation, curatorial, design, and education departments.

Eligibility Although consideration will be given to students with a spring 2013 undergraduate degree, preference will be given to applicants who are enrolled in a graduate program or are recent MA, MFA, or . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature « 2013-2014 Fellowships at the New-York Historical Society, New York »

The New-York Historical Society offers eight fellowships for the 2013-2014 academic year. Designed to encourage and promote the use of its extraordinary collections of primary and secondary sources relating to the history of New York and the nation, the fellowships are open to scholars at various times during their academic

The New-York Historical Society, founded in 1804, holds a unique collection of books, manuscripts, graphic materials, decorative objects, and works of art. New-York Historical’s Patricia D. Klingenstein Library comprises more than 350,000 books, three million manuscripts, and distinctive collections of maps, photographs, prints, and ephemera documenting the history of America from the perspective of New York. Fellows will be encouraged to explore . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : bourses de la Fondation Giorgio Cini (Venise, 2013)

La Fondation Giorgio Cini offre trois bourses de six mois à des doctorants et six bourses de trois mois à des post-doctorants âgés de moins de 35 ans pour effectuer leurs recherches à Venise. Les boursiers recevront une somme de 1000 € par mois et seront logés dans la résidence du centre Vittore Branca sur l’île San Giorgio Maggiore à Venise. Ils participeront aux activités du Centre International d’études sur la culture italienne Vittore Branca (Centro Internazionale di Studi della Civiltà Italiana “Vittore Branca”), Les bourses s’adressent aux étudiants italiens et étrangers travaillant sur la culture italienne, en particulier sur Venise. Dans le domaine de . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : bourses INHA pour des séjours de recherche à Paris

Pour effectuer un séjour de recherches à Paris durant l’année 2013, l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA) met à la disposition de chercheurs résidant hors Ile-de-France, douze défraiements de 500 euros (remboursement sur justificatifs).

Peuvent candidater : les doctorants inscrits dans une université européenne ; les chercheurs engagés dans la vie professionnelle (maîtres de conférences, conservateurs du patrimoine, conservateurs territoriaux du patrimoine et attachés de conservation), sans condition de nationalité.


Le dossier de demande comprendra : – un curriculum vitae – une lettre de motivation adressée au Directeur Général de l’INHA, à l’attention du directeur du département des Études et de la recherche. Ce courrier détaillera le projet scientifique, ainsi que les motifs . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : poste de maître assistant en histoire de l’art moderne à l’Université de Zurich

The Chair for History of Early Modern Art invites applications for the position of Doctoral or Postdoctoral Faculty Fellow (Wissenschaftlicher Assistent) non-tenure-track, part-time (50%). Applicants should demonstrate wide ranging regional and thematic interests in European painting, sculpture and/or architecture and art theory, 1400-1800.

Full-time faculty fellows teach at least one two-hour class per semester, organize research excursions and conduct their own independent research projects. The ability to teach and perform administrative duties in German, at the latest one year after the start date, is required. Completion of the PhD by the start date is preferred.

Employment conditions follow the guidelines as established by the University of Zurich. The three-year fixed-term contract can be renewed for . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : maître assistant en histoire de l’art médiéval (Université Laval, Québec)

Un poste d’Assistant Professor en histoire de l’art médiéval s’ouvre à l’Université Laval de Québec (Canada).

Qualifications :

1. Doctorat en histoire de l’art ou domaine équivalent obtenu au plus tard à la date d’entrée en fonction.

2. Spécialisation en histoire de l’art du Moyen Âge (Ve – XVesiècle) : Orient et/ou Occident

Description du poste :

Enseignement aux trois cycles dans les programmes d’histoire de l’art. Enseignement de l’histoire de l’art du Moyen Âge du Veau XVesiècle dans les différentes formes d’expression. Recherches et publications dans le domaine de spécialisation. Participation au fonctionnement du Département, de la Faculté des lettres et de l’Université.

L’Université Laval est une université francophone où l’enseignement se donne en français.

. . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature « Research Fellowships in the Humanities, Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin »

The Harry Ransom Center, an internationally renowned humanities research library and museum at The University of Texas at Austin, annually awards over 50 fellowships to support projects that require substantial onsite use of its collections. The fellowships support research in all areas of the humanities, including literature, photography, film, art, the performing arts, music, and cultural history. ONE TO THREE MONTH FELLOWSHIPS ($3,000 per month) One to three month fellowships are available for post-doctorates or independent scholars whose projects require extensive work with the Ransom Center’s collections.

TRAVEL STIPENDS ($1,700 for INTERNATIONAL) Travel stipends are available for post-doctorates or independent scholars whose projects require less than one month’s work with . . . → En lire plus

Activité :«La bibliothèque d’art américain de la fondation Terra »

La bibliothèque d’art américain de la fondation Terra

Située au cœur de Paris, la bibliothèque d’art américain de la fondation Terra est la seule bibliothèque européenne dédiée exclusivement aux arts visuels des États-Unis. Avec plus de 9.000 ouvrages sur l’histoire de l’art américain du dix-huitième siècle à 1980, le fonds se spécialise sur l’art du dix-neuvième siècle et du début du vingtième. Il comporte de nombreux titres en langue anglaise sur la peinture, la sculpture et les arts graphiques, ainsi que sur la photographie et les arts décoratifs. De plus, la collection Roger Breed Stein offre d’importantes ressources sur la culture visuelle des États-Unis. Les chercheurs peuvent aussi consulter des . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Postes de doctorant/e ou post-doc dans le groupe de recherches FORM UND EMOTION » (DFG, programme Emmy Noether, Mayence)

Date limite pour déposer la candidature: novembre 12, 2012

Le groupe de recherches „FORM UND EMOTION. Affektive Strukturen in der französischen Kunst des 19. Jahrhunderts und ihre soziale Geltung“, payée par la Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (programme Emmy Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe), offre un poste de doctorant/e ou un poste de post-doc à partir du novembre 2012 pour un an. Eventuellement le contrat pourrait-être renouvelé pour un autre an. Le salaire suit les conditions de la DFG ainsi que celles de l’université Johannes Gutenberg de Mayence.

Nous cherchons des candidats internationaux venant des différentes disciplines dans les lettres et sciences humaines, lesquelles cherchent à contribuer à notre travail avec un projet de recherches. Ils devaient démontrer une grande qualification et motivation pour la recherche scientifique pluridisciplinaire ainsi qu’un fort intérêt pour la participation active dans . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : une bourse post-doctorale ou trois bourses doctorales à l’Université de Heidelberg

Heidelberg University is offering 1 Postdoctoral Fellowship or 3 PhD Scholarships in the Art Histories of China, Japan, and Europe, respectively, within the Cluster “Asia and Europe in a Global Context,” funded by the German Federal Excellence Initiative. The position/s shall begin from 1 January 2013, but a later appointment may be considered.

The three-year position/s are situated within the research group MC4 ‘Frames and Framing in Transcultural Interactions’ and shall take a new look at the processes of material and textual “en-framings” (mountings, texts, pictorial additions and adaptations) of specific paintings and objects as they travel from one cultural environment to another. The successful applicants are expected to contribute to the research group’s objectives in . . . → En lire plus

Call for PhD Research Fellow at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven – Belgium), Department of Art History/ Illuminare – Centre for the Study of Medieval Art

UtopiaFor the period 1 February 2013 – 31 January 2014

In relation to the project: In Search of Utopia, 1516-2016 Funding will be provided by the Veronique Vandekerchove Chair of the City of Leuven (KU Leuven) With the following project outline: Between 5 October 2016 and 15 January 2017 a major international loan exhibition is planned at M – Museum Leuven (Belgium) entitled In Search of Utopia, 1516. The exhibition is organized by the KUnST Leuven Foundation, M – Museum Leuven, and Illuminare – Centre for the Study of Medieval Art (University of Leuven). The curator of the exhibition and promoter of the research project is Prof. dr. Jan Van der Stock of the University of Leuven.

In 2016 it will be 500 . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature « Wolfsonian–FIU Fellowship Program, Wolfsonian-Florida International University, Miami Beach, Florida »

The Wolfsonian–Florida International University announces its fellowship program for 2013-14. The Wolfsonian is a museum and research center in Miami Beach, Florida, USA, that promotes the examination of modern visual and material culture. Its fellowship program is intended to support research on the museum’s collection, generally for periods of three to four weeks. Fellowships include a stipend, accommodations, and round-trip travel. The timing of dates will be negotiated with individual awardees. The program is open to holders of master’s or doctoral degrees, Ph.D. candidates, and to others who have a significant record of professional achievement in relevant fields. Scholars from outside of the United States are eligible.

The focus of the Wolfsonian . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature « Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellowship, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago »

The Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago (MCA) is one of Chicago’s major cultural collecting institutions and one of the nation’s largest facilities devoted to the art of our time, offering exhibitions, performances, and programs of the most thought-provoking art created since 1945.

The MCA’s Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellowship is intended to offer a significant opportunity for an emerging scholar to gain professional curatorial experience and to conduct research in a major museum setting. The Fellow will primarily be responsible for collection related research and scholarship, with additional duties as appropriate. The Fellow will assist in organizing a collection-based exhibition and will have the opportunity to organize at least . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature « Anne L. Poulet Curatorial Fellowship 2013–15, The Frick Collection, New York »

The Frick Collection is pleased to announce the availability of a two-year predoctoral fellowship for an outstanding doctoral candidate who wishes to pursue a curatorial career in an art museum. The fellowship will offer invaluable curatorial training and will provide the scholarly and financial resources required for completing the doctoral dissertation. Internationally renowned for its exceptional collection of Western European art from the early Renaissance through the end of the nineteenth century, The Frick Collection, complemented by the equally significant resources of the Frick Art Reference Library, offers a unique opportunity for object-based research. The fellowship is best suited to a student working on a dissertation that pertains to one . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature « Winterthur Research Fellowship Program, Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library, Delaware »

Winterthur, a public museum, library, and garden supporting the advanced study of American art, culture, and history, announces its Research Fellowship Program for 2013-14. Winterthur offers an extensive program of short- and long-term fellowships open to academic, independent, and museum scholars, including advanced graduate students, to support research in material culture, architecture, decorative arts, design, consumer culture, garden and landscape studies, Shaker studies, travel and tourism, the Atlantic World, childhood, literary culture, and many other areas of social and cultural history. Fellowships available to foreign applicants include 1-2 semester dissertation fellowships and 1-2 month short-term fellowships.

Dissertation Fellowship

Doctoral candidates conducting research or writing a dissertation receive four- to nine-month fellowships. Stipend: . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature « Getty Graduate Internships, Los Angeles »

Getty Graduate Internships are offered in the four programs of the J. Paul Getty Trust—the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Getty Research Institute, the Getty Conservation Institute, and the Getty Foundation—to students who intend to pursue careers in fields related to the visual arts. Training and work experience are available in areas such as curatorial, education, conservation, research, information management, public programs, and grantmaking.

Please see the list of internship areas and host departments participating in 2013—2014 [curatorial internships include Antiquities (Getty Villa, Greek and Roman Art); Sculpture and Decorative Arts; Drawings (European, prior to 1900); Illuminated Manuscripts (European, 800-1600); Paintings (European, prior to 1900); and Photographs (European . . . → En lire plus

Lauréats du concours post-doc du Labex Création, art et patrimoine (Labex CAP)

Le Labex CAP a le plaisir de vous annoncer les résultats du concours post-doc qui s’est déroulé du 9 juillet au 16 octobre 2012. Huit postes ont été mis au concours, dans le cadre de quatre appels fléchés sur thématiques prioritaires et un appel « blanc ». Les postes sont pourvus pour la période novembre 2012 – novembre 2013.

Nous remercions tout particulièrement les collègues experts, plus de 120, qui ont accepté d’évaluer les dossiers.


Lauréats du concours post-doc

Appel « Altérités, artifications, mondialisations » : Cécile Bargues, Dada, ses suites, et les primitivismes, Raoul Hausmann, Tristan Tzara, Jean Arp, Sophie Taeuber et Marcel Janco face aux arts dits . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature « Terra Foundation, Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research Travel Grants »

The Terra Foundation offers Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research Travel Grants to enable scholars outside the United States to consult research resources that are only available within the United States. These grants provide support for doctoral students and postdoctoral scholars to travel for research on topics concerning American art and visual culture prior to 1980. Applications are judged competitively on an annual basis.

Grant funding is available for short-term travel that gives scholars:

An opportunity to discover new source material Experience works of art first-hand in museums and private collections Make contact with artists, curators, and art dealers Consult local archives and library collections Establish professional networks for future research . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature « Terra Foundation Fellowships in American Art, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C »

Terra Foundation Fellowships in American Art at the Smithsonian American Art Museum seek to foster a cross-cultural dialogue about the history of art of the United States up to 1980. They support work by scholars from abroad who are researching American art or by U.S. scholars who are investigating international contexts for American art. Fellowships are residential and support full-time independent and dissertation research for one year. Fellows receive research and travel allowances, plus a stipend of $30,000 for predoctoral fellows and $45,000 for senior or postdoctoral fellows.

Qualifications and Selection: Applications for the Terra Foundation Fellowships in American Art will be evaluated on the basis of the proposal’s merit and . . . → En lire plus