Posté par Le Centre allemand d'histoire de l'art de Paris, le 13 avril 2024;
Appel à candidatures
Nature : le mot aimante autant qu’il affole. Pour les uns, il est ce que nous sommes en train de voir disparaître sous l’action de l’homme, pour les autres, il est une sorte de principe originel moral, au nom duquel on juge de nos actions, de leur caractère naturel, ou contre nature. Qui veut définir un tel terme se retrouve confronté à des déterminations négatives : la nature, c’est ce qui n’est pas… (la culture, l’artificiel, l’anthropisation, etc.).
C’est cette qualité paradoxale du mot « Nature », cette ductilité définitionnelle propre au fait qu’il s’agit là d’un concept, d’une abstraction, et non d’une chose existante sur laquelle il est possible de s’accorder (Descola), qui est à l’origine du sujet des années 2024-2026. Faire se rencontrer, comme nous . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 29 février 2024;
- Date limite : 24 mars 2024
Moore Curatorial Fellowship in Drawings and Prints, New York
The Morgan Library & Museum, New York, Jan 09, 2024 Application deadline: Mar 24, 2024
The Morgan Library & Museum seeks applications for the Moore Curatorial Fellowship in the Department of Drawings and Prints. This one-year appointment, eligible for a one-year renewal, provides the opportunity to gain firsthand experience and professional training in curatorial work and in the study and connoisseurship of old master and nineteenth-century drawings. The Moore Curatorial Fellow will be a fully integrated member of the department, with duties and responsibilities comparable to those of a curatorial assistant or assistant . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 14 février 2024;
Visiting Asst. Professor, Early Modern European Art History, Amherst College
3-year Visiting Assistant Professor of Art (Early Modern European Art and Architecture).
The Amherst College Department of Art and the History of Art seeks a scholar of early modern European art and architecture for a full-time three-year visiting appointment at the rank of visiting assistant professor, beginning on July 1, 2024. We are open to any concentration and seek candidates who will offer a broad range of introductory and upper-level courses. Applications from scholars whose teaching expands the dimensions of European early modern art and architecture to include cultural exchanges with African, American, and . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 1 février 2024;
- Date limite : 15 avril 2024
Stephen K. and Janie Woo Scher Fellowship, The Frick Collection
The Frick Collection is pleased to announce the availability of a six-month fellowship for an outstanding candidate who wishes to pursue research in the field of medals with a chronology spanning from around the year 1400 to 1900. The fellowship offers invaluable curatorial training and provides the scholarly and financial resources required for completing the assigned research project. Internationally renowned for its exceptional collection of western European art from the early Renaissance through the end of the nineteenth century, The Frick Collection—complemented by the equally significant resources of the Frick Art Reference Library—offers a unique opportunity for object-based research. The fellowship is best suited to a scholar pursuing research that contributes to expanding knowledge in the field of medals, and . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 14 décembre 2023;
- Date limite : 1er fév. 2024
Paul J. and Edith Ingalls Vignos Jr Curator of Modern European Art, Cleveland
The Cleveland Museum of Art (CMA) seeks a highly motivated, experienced curator to oversee the display, interpretation, and growth of the museum’s collection of modern European paintings and sculpture. Applicants should be interested in European art of the 19th and early 20th centuries including works by Neoclassical, Academic, Romantic, Realist, Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, Nabi, Symbolist, Fauve, Cubist, German Expressionist, Dada, Surrealist, and early post-war artists.
The museum is seeking candidates who are eager to lead a distinctive program of exhibitions and public programs in alignment with the museum’s strategic plan and priorities. Key responsibilities . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 14 novembre 2023;
- Date limite : 8 janv. 2024
Assistant or Associate Professor, Art History, IFA New York
New York, NY Application deadline: Jan 8, 2024
Faculty Position: Assistant or Associate Professor of Art History, 1400-1800 (Global), Institute of Fine Arts (IFA).
The Institute of Fine Arts of New York University seeks applicants at the rank of Assistant Professor (tenure-track) or recently tenured Associate Professor whose scholarship demonstrates a global perspective on the art of the fifteenth through the eighteenth centuries. We are especially interested in candidates whose work reimagines the critical parameters of the period and contributes to methodological innovation in the discipline.
The Institute of Fine Arts is a graduate educational institution serving MA and PhD students in art history, archaeology, and fine art conservation. The teaching load is two courses . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 14 novembre 2023;
- Date limite : 1er janv 2024
Assistant Professor, Department of Art History, Temple University
Art and Visual Culture of Africa and the African Diaspora.
The Department of Art History in the Tyler School of Art and Architecture at Temple University invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor rank specializing in the Art and Visual Culture of Africa and the African Diaspora, to start fall 2024. Though the chronological parameters of research are flexible, the committee welcomes applicants whose teaching and scholarship are centered on cross-cultural encounters and exchanges—examining the ways in which art is produced and circulates through networks of trade and immigration, and how its discourse is formed by the dynamics of race, colonialism, post-colonialism, and globalization. We are especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 14 novembre 2023;
- Date limite : 1er janv. 2024
Tenured and endowed position at associate or full rank.
The Department of the History of Art at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor invites applications for a full-time tenured and endowed position at the rank of associate or full professor in early modern art. The position may be filled by an applicant working in this field broadly up to 1800 CE with a focus on Europe, and/or Europe’s connections to other parts of the world. Research and teaching foci could include (but are not limited to) the themes of mobility, materiality, ecocriticism, race, gender, and others. The successful applicant will be asked to develop and teach courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, including some focusing on the arts of the Renaissance and/or Baroque in . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 31 octobre 2023;
 Professorship in Ancient Near Eastern Art, University of Chicago
The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures, West Asia & North Africa and the Department of Art History at the University of Chicago invite applications for a Professorship in Ancient Near Eastern Art, with appointment beginning July 1, 2024, or July 1, 2025.
The successful hire will be appointed at the rank of Professor and will be expected to carry out an innovative and ambitious program of research and publications; to contribute to the intellectual community of the Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures, the Art History department, and the University; to teach courses on . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 31 octobre 2023;
- Date limite : 8 déc. 2023
 Terra Foundation for American Art Convening Grants
Application deadline: Dec 8, 2023
The Terra Foundation for American Art invites applications to its Convening Grants. The next deadline for Letters of Inquiry is Friday, December 8, 2023; for programs taking place after September 1, 2024.
The Terra Foundation for American Art offers a wide range of grant opportunities for organizations and individuals locally and globally with the aim of fostering intercultural dialogues and encouraging transformative practices that expand narratives of American art.
Terra Foundation Convening grants support programs that foster interdisciplinary dialogue, exchange, and collaboration, such as workshops, conferences, as well as more experimental formats for gathering. Programs should advance innovative . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 31 octobre 2023;
- Date limite : 1er déc. 2023
Assistant or Associate Professor in Medieval Art History (before 1500).
Application deadline: Dec 1, 2023
The Department of the History of Art at Johns Hopkins University invites applications for a full-time position in Medieval Art and/or Architecture at the rank of assistant professor (tenure track) or early associate professor (with tenure), to begin July 1, 2024. Preference will be given to candidates specializing in the arts of the Mediterranean world, Byzantium and its frontiers, East Africa, and/or the Iberian Peninsula. We also encourage applications from scholars with a demonstrated interest in transregional and cross-cultural exchanges in the larger medieval world. The department seeks . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 15 octobre 2023;
- Date limite : 6 dec. 2023, 6 dec. 2023
Walter Burke Assistant or Associate Professor, Northern European Art History, ca. 1400-1700, Columbia University (New York, N.Y.).
The Department of Art History and Archaeology at Columbia University invites applications for the position of Walter Burke Assistant or Associate Professor, in the area of Northern European Art History, ca. 1400-1700, to begin July 1st, 2024. The position is open to applicants at the rank of Assistant Professor, untenured Associate Professor, or tenured Associate Professor. The department especially seeks candidates who, through their research, teaching, and/or service, will contribute to the diversity goals of the department and of the broader academic community.
Qualifications: The PhD must be . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 1 octobre 2023;
- Date limite : 16 oct. 2023, 16 oct. 2023
 Getty Library Research Grants 2024
Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, California, USA Application deadline: Oct 16, 2023
Getty Library Research Grants support a wide range of research pursuits through an open call for applications as well some specialized opportunities. They provide partial, short-term support for researchers ranging from undergraduates to advanced scholars, independent researchers, and artists requiring the use of specific collections housed in the Getty Research Institute.
Applications are due October 16, 2023
In addition to the open call for applications, the following focused grants are available:
Whitney and Lee Kaplan African American Visual Culture Library Grant: Supports research that utilizes a . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 1 octobre 2023;
Apply for a 2024–2025 Fellowship at the Smithsonian American Art Museum
SAAM and its Renwick Gallery invite applications to its premier fellowship program, the oldest and largest in American art. Scholars from any discipline who are researching topics relating to U.S. art, craft, and visual culture are encouraged to apply, as are those who foreground new perspectives, materials, and methodologies. Fellowships are residential and support full-time research. SAAM is devoted to advancing inclusive excellence in the discipline of art history, and therefore encourages candidates who identify as members of historically underrepresented groups to apply.
Each fellow is provided a carrel in SAAM’s Research and . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 14 septembre 2023;
- Date limite : 15 octobre, 15 octobre
Clark Art Institute, Visitor Center, Location: Williamstown MA, Architect: Tadao Ando
Fellowships at the Clark
Fellowships are awarded every year to established and promising scholars with the aim of fostering a critical commitment to inquiry in the theory, history, and interpretation of art and visual culture. As part of our commitment to cultivating diverse engagements with the visual arts, RAP seeks to elevate constituencies, subjects, and methods that have historically been underrepresented in the discipline. Furthermore, we are particularly committed to supporting scholarship that reveals the systemic inequalities of art history as a discipline and . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 13 juin 2023;
- Date limite : 2 octobre 2023, 2 octobre 2023
Bourses : Getty Residential Scholars 2023-2024: Extinction
Getty Research Institute, Jul 1–Oct 2, 2023 Application deadline: Oct 2, 2023
2023/24 Getty Residential Scholars: Theme Announcement & Call for Applications.
The Getty Research Institute is pleased to announce the theme for residential grants and fellowships for pre-docs, post-docs, and scholars at the Getty Center and Villa for the 2024/25 academic year.
Applications will open on July 1, 2023, and are due by October 2, 2023.
EXTINCTION In this moment of extreme environmental decay and monumental epidemic loss, the Getty Scholars Program invites applications on the pressing topic of extinction and its bearing on . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Le Centre allemand d'histoire de l'art de Paris, le 17 mai 2023;
Call for Applications
The German Center for Art History (DFK Paris, Max Weber Foundation), the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome (BHMPI), and the Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI) invite doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers in the field of art history and allied disciplines to apply for the 5th Transregional Academy on Art and Culture in Latin America, which will convene at the Museo de Arte de Lima from May 4 to May 12, 2024. The Academy is made possible with support from Getty through its Connecting Art Histories Initiative and will be conducted in cooperation with the Forum Transregionale Studien (Berlin).
Please find the call for applications on our website
Viewed from a transregional perspective, the relationship between an object and . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Le Centre allemand d'histoire de l'art de Paris, le 16 mai 2023;
Eine deutsche Version dieses Ausschreibens finden Sie auf unserer Webseite
Le Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art Paris (DFK Paris) propose pour la première fois à partir du 1er octobre 2023 plusieurs contrats doctoraux (à temps plein) d’une durée de 3 ans.
L’appel à candidatures sur le site du DFK Paris :
Ce soutien aux doctorant.e.s s’appuie sur le modèle des contrats doctoraux français destinés à soutenir les projets de thèse. La durée du financement est de 3 ans. Une prolongation d’une année supplémentaire est possible. L’objectif du programme est de vous aider à mener à bien votre projet de doctorat.
Feront l’objet de ce financement les sujets qui, dans le domaine de l’histoire de l’art, se montrent innovants en termes de contenu et de méthode, ne se . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 3 mai 2023;
- Date limite : 29 juin, 29 juin
La bourse Focillon est une bourse d’étude créée au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, pour instituer des liens entre la France et les États-Unis. Elle porte le nom du grand historien de l’art Henri Focillon (Dijon, 1881-New Haven (Yale) 1943), directeur du musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, professeur à la Sorbonne, et dans différentes universités américaines à partir de 1932. Financée à son origine par le ministère des Affaires étrangères, elle est portée depuis 2010 par le ministère de la Culture, précisément par la délégation à l’inspection, la recherche et l’innovation (DIRI), au sein de la Direction générale des patrimoines et de l’architecture. Elle est placée sous l’égide du Comité français . . . → En lire plus
Posté par Olivier Bonfait, le 14 avril 2023;
- Date limite : 15 mai 2023, 15 mai 2023
Kenyon College, a highly selective, nationally ranked liberal arts college in central Ohio, invites applications for a Visiting Assistant Professor of Early Modern Art History. This is a two-year appointment that will begin in August 2023. The successful candidate should have expertise in art and visual culture between c. 1400-1800; the geographic area of study is open. Secondary fields of interest may include gender studies; museum studies; architecture and design; colonial and/or post-colonial studies. The successful candidate will teach established courses, but may also develop classes at the introductory, intermediate, or advanced levels. We are interested in teacher-scholars who can offer creative ways to . . . → En lire plus
Équipe Rédacteur en chef : Olivier Bonfait.
Rédacteurs : Elliot Adam (Moyen Age) ; Nicolas Ballet (XX-XXIe siècles) ; Matthieu Fantoni (musées) ; Antonella Fenech Kroke (bourses) ; Vladimir Nestorov (Lettre mensuelle)
Administrateur web : Matthieu Lett.
ancien éditeur : Pascale Dubus
anciens rédacteurs : Gautier Anceau, Sébastien Bontemps, Damien Bril ; Sébastien Chauffour ; Ludovic Jouvet ; Aude Prigot