Visiting Senior Fellowships, National Gallery of Art

Visiting Senior Fellowships, National Gallery of Art

Application deadline: Mar 21, 2025

The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts welcomes applications for visiting senior fellowships. These two-month appointments support research in the history, theory, and criticism of the visual arts and related disciplines of any period or geographical area. Visiting senior fellows will receive an office in the National Gallery’s East Building as well as housing, as available. They will also be awarded a stipend depending on their fellowship and relocation needs.

Qualifications: – Visiting senior fellowships are intended for those who have held a PhD for five years or more at the time of application, . . . → En lire plus

Publication Grants, The Leonard A. Lauder Research Center for Modern Art

Publication Grants, The Leonard A. Lauder Research Center for Modern Art

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Deadline: Mar 31, 2025

Leonard A. Lauder Research Center for Modern Art


Applications are open until March 31, 2025, for Leonard A. Lauder Spring Publication Grants, supporting new work in the field of modern art. We use the term ‘modern art’ inclusively to refer to architecture, drawing, design (including exhibition, graphic, interior and stage design), film, painting, performance, photography, printmaking, sculpture, and textiles in the period from the last third of the nineteenth century through the 1960s, from any country, region or culture. (If your application is focused on art from the 1970s onwards or on other historical periods your application will be rejected). Recognizing the increasing costs associated . . . → En lire plus

The Clark Art Institute. Fellowships

The Clark Art Institute’s Research and Academic Program (RAP) awards funded residential fellowships to established and promising scholars with the aim of fostering a critical commitment to inquiry in the theory, history, and interpretation of art and visual culture.

As part of our commitment to fostering diverse engagements with the visual arts, RAP particularly seeks to elevate constituencies, subjects, and methods that have historically been underrepresented in the discipline.

In addition to the general Clark Fellowships, which are open to any topic, time period, and geographic focus, RAP offers a number of special fellowships for specific research interests that are intended to nurture a variety of . . . → En lire plus

Bourses : Getty Residential Scholars 2023-2024: Extinction

Bourses : Getty Residential Scholars 2023-2024: Extinction

Getty Research Institute, Jul 1–Oct 2, 2023 Application deadline: Oct 2, 2023


2023/24 Getty Residential Scholars: Theme Announcement & Call for Applications.

The Getty Research Institute is pleased to announce the theme for residential grants and fellowships for pre-docs, post-docs, and scholars at the Getty Center and Villa for the 2024/25 academic year.

Applications will open on July 1, 2023, and are due by October 2, 2023.

EXTINCTION In this moment of extreme environmental decay and monumental epidemic loss, the Getty Scholars Program invites applications on the pressing topic of extinction and its bearing on . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidatures: Bourse DFK Paris / Casa de Velasquez / MIAS Madrid

Bourse DFK Paris / Casa de Velázquez/ MIAS Madrid

Le Centre allemand de l’histoire de l’art (DFK Paris), la Casa de Velázquez et le Madrid Institute for Advanced Study (MIAS), ont décidé d’accorder une bourse commune pour un séjour de recherche de six mois consécutifs. Ce séjour s’articulera entre Paris (trois mois) et Madrid (trois mois). L’objectif de cette bourse est d’aider au développement d’un projet de recherche post-doctoral dans le domaine de l’histoire de l’art (Amérique latine, XXe et XXIe siècles).

Les candidatures pourront être déposées jusqu’au 2 janvier 2022 inclus, à l’adresse email suivante : ou .

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez cliquer ici.


Joint Fellowship DFK Paris / Casa de Velázquez/ MIAS Madrid

The German Center for Art History (DFK Paris), the . . . → En lire plus

Bourses au Clark Art Institute

Clark Art Institute Fellowships: French and Spanish Art Williamstown, MA, September 1 – May 1, 2020 Application deadline: Oct 15, 2019

The Clark offers between eleven and sixteen fellowships each year, ranging in duration from one to ten months, the majority awarded for one academic semester. National and international scholars, critics, curators, and museum professionals are welcome to propose projects that extend and enhance the understanding of the visual arts and their role in culture.


Sponsored by the Center for Spain in America, this one-semester fellowship is intended to support the study of all aspects of Spanish art from the . . . → En lire plus

Professeur d’histoire de l’art du XXe siècle, Yale University

Historian of Modern Art, Yale University, New Haven

Yale University, New Haven, July 01, 2018

The Department of the History of Art invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor in modern art across all media, including film and photography, from 1890 to 1960. We particularly invite applications from candidates with an expertise in global modernisms. Start date for the position is July 1, 2018.

Applicants should have Ph.D. or equivalent degree at time of hire by July 1, 2018 and should show accomplishment and promise in teaching and research appropriate to their experience. Applications, including description of teaching and research interests, curriculum vitae, . . . → En lire plus

Poste à pourvoir : Art Historian of the Black Atlantic, University of Chicago

Tenure-track Assistant or Provost Fellow

Deadline: 20 September 2017

The Department of Art History at the University of Chicago seeks (an) art or architectural historian(s) of the Black Atlantic, specializing in any pertinent historical period and in any territory of Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, North America, Iberia, and/or the more ramified Atlantic world. We are also interested in art or architectural historians working more broadly on race, (post)colonialism, and visual culture in the Atlantic world. The ability to work across fields and subfields is highly desirable, as we expect the successful candidate to collaborate with faculty within and beyond our department.

The Department of Art History values diversity. A goal of the search is to increase the diversity of the faculty in the Department of Art History and across . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Editeur au Burlington Magazine (Londres, automne 2017)

The Burlington Magazine

Reviews Editor

The Burlington Magazine, the world’s leading monthly English-language journal of art history, is seeking a Reviews Editor, to oversee the commissioning and editing of reviews of exhibitions and books.

This is a senior position, reporting to the Editor. The successful applicant will have a higher degree in art history with academic expertise in some aspect of European fine or decorative art before 1800, and will be competent in one or more European languages. You should be highly organised with a proven ability to manage multiple tasks to strict deadlines.

Good written, interpersonal and team-working skills are a must, and experience of working in a magazine, . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidatures : prix scientifique franco-néerlandais Descartes-Huygens 2017

Le prix scientifique franco-néerlandais Descartes-Huygens est ouvert cette année à l’ensemble des domaines scientifiques. La date limite de réception des dossiers est fixée au 15 juillet 2017.

Présentation du Prix Descartes-Huygens : Le prix scientifique franco-néerlandais Descartes-Huygens est décerné depuis 1995, pour la France, par le ministère chargé des affaires étrangères et le ministère chargé de la recherche et, pour les Pays-Bas, par l’Académie royale des arts et des sciences. Cette année, le prix est ouvert à l’ensemble des disciplines scientifiques. Le prix français permet au lauréat néerlandais d’effectuer, dans le cadre d’un ou plusieurs projets de coopération avec un ou des partenaires français, un ou des séjours de recherche au cours de l’année 2018 dans un ou plusieurs laboratoires de recherche en . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « The Classical Word in Context: Persia », bourses en résidence de la Villa Getty (Los Angeles, 2017-2018)

gri_logoThe Getty Villa theme, THE CLASSICAL WORLD IN CONTEXT: PERSIA, investigates the political, intellectual, religious, and artistic relations between Persia, Greece, and Rome from the ninth century BC to AD 651. Reaching from the borders of Greece to India, the Persian Empire was viewed by the Greeks as a vastly wealthy and powerful rival and often as an existential threat. The rise of the Roman Empire as a world power quickly brought it, too, into conflict with Persia, despite the common trade that flowed through their territories.

The 2017/2018 scholar year is the first of two terms that will be devoted to this theme. Priority will be given to research projects . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Iconoclasme et vandalisme », bourses en résidence du Getty Research Institute (Los Angeles, 2017-2018)

gri_logoLe Getty Research Institute propose des bourses en résidence pour l’année 2017–2018 pour les chercheurs confirmés sur le thème de l’Iconoclasme et du vandalisme. Il s’agira d’explorer l’iconoclasme comme forme de destruction mais aussi comme véhicule d’expression créatrice et de protestation. L’Iconoclasme transforme et créé entièrement de nouveaux objets ou de nouvelles significations à travers l’altération des oeuvres d’art. Ces objets ou significations, symboliquement investis, témoignent d’une histoire de la réception en offrant des clés sur la vie et le destin d’un objet. Tout changement radical dans la production culturelle peut, dans une certaine mesure, être considéré comme iconoclaste.

Les candidats sont invités à adopter une approche large du thème en . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : professeur ou professeur associé en histoire de la culture occidentale (Malibu, Pepperdine University, 2017)

Malibu, Pepperdine.University Pepperdine University’s Seaver College announces the Fletcher Jones Chair in Western Culture. Applicants must have the Ph.D. in a discipline such as Art History, Classics, History, Literature, Philosophy or a related field, a demonstrable commitment to excellent teaching, and an outstanding record of peer-reviewed scholarly publication.

The Fletcher Jones Chair in Western Culture will be dedicated to increasing students’ knowledge of the culture, history, and institutions of the world’s major regions and countries while significantly strengthening faculty recruitment, retention and development. Key responsibilities will include teaching large undergraduate lecture classes in the Western Culture program, providing leadership in developing and coordinating curriculum and special projects, . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Professor/Associate Professor of French Studies (Melbourne, Monash University, 2016)

monash_university_logoMonash is a university of transformation, progress and optimism. Our people are our most valued asset, with our academics among the best in the world and our professional staff revolutionising the way we operate as an organisation. For more information about our University and our exciting future, please visit

Monash University is seeking to appoint an outstanding candidate as Professor/Associate Professor of French Studies within the School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics in the Faculty of Arts.

You will have a dynamic research and teaching profile, with outstanding expertise in one or more areas of French studies; interdisciplinary approaches and new theoretical engagements are particularly welcome.

. . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Bourses pour chercheurs confirmés à l’Istituto Sangalli (Florence, 2016-2017)

The Sangalli InstituteThe international scientific community have been paying close attention to Florence and its cultural heritage for more than two centuries. Despite the plentiful of initiatives related to the city’s heritage, there was a gap that our Institute aims to close: a project to attract senior researchers from foreign universities and research centers, or with an excellent scholarship qualification, who are willing to use their research skills to stimulate and enrich Florence and its citizens.

The Sangalli Institute for the religious history and cultures, in collaboration with the City of Florence and the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Center, and with the generous financial support of the Ente Cassa di Risparmio di . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : 48 séjours de recherche offerts par le programme de mobilité EURIAS (2017-2018)

EuriasThe European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS) Fellowship Programme is an international researcher mobility programme offering 10-month residencies in one of the 18 participating Institutes: Aarhus, Amsterdam, Berlin, Bologna, Budapest, Cambridge, Delmenhorst, Edinburgh, Freiburg, Helsinki, Jerusalem, Lyon, Madrid, Marseille, Paris, Uppsala, Vienna, Zürich. The Institutes for Advanced Study support the focused, self-directed work of outstanding researchers. The fellows benefit from the finest intellectual and research conditions and from the stimulating environment of a multi-disciplinary and international community of first-rate scholars.

EURIAS Fellowships are mainly offered in the fields of the humanities and social sciences but may also be granted to scholars in life and exact sciences, provided that their proposed . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Bourses de recherche du musée du Prado / une bourse junior et une bourse senior (Madrid, septembre 2016)

Musée du Prado, Madrid The Fundación Gondra Barandiarán and the Museo Nacional del Prado have signed an agreement allowing the two institutions to jointly sponsor a program consisting of two remunerated scholarships for researchers involved with any aspect of art history related to the Museo del Prado’s collections.

This agreement stipulates the awarding of two scholarships: a senior scholarship for researchers over the age of 40, and a junior scholarship for those beneath that age. These scholarships will be funded by the Fundación Gondra Barandiarán and will have a maximum duration of three months each. The two scholarships will be carried out at the Museo del Prado’s Centro de Estudios (Research Center) . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Terra Foundation for American Art Academic Awards, Fellowships and Grants (2016)

logo terrafoundation(1)A wide range of academic awards, fellowships, and grants help scholars in the field of American art realize their academic and professional goals and support the worldwide study and presentation of historical art of the United States.

• Fellowships at the Smithsonian American Art Museum

These one-year residential fellowships at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, in Washington, DC, support full-time independent and dissertation research by scholars from abroad researching historical American art (circa 1550–1980) or by US scholars, particularly those investigating international contexts for American art.

Deadline: December 1, 2015

• Academic Program Grants

The Terra Foundation for American Art actively supports projects that . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Bourses en histoire et théorie de l’architecture, ETH Zürich

image.imageformat.lightbox.1460722994Fellowships in History and Theory of Architecture, Zurich

Application deadline: Feb 15, 2016

The Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta) at ETH Zürich is offering gta Fellowships in History and Theory of Architecture beginning in Fall 2016. The Institute aims to support researchers in their work and to allow them to fully profit from the resources of the Institute (Archive, Library Werner Oechslin). Senior researchers will have the possibility to stay for 4 to 6 months. Junior researchers can apply for a period of two years. The Institute offers:

• 2 Postdoctoral Fellowships in History and Theory of Architecture (duration 24 months)

• 1 Senior Researcher Fellowship in History and Theory of Architecture (duration up to 6 . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Research Fellowship at the Bard Graduate Center: Decorative Arts, Design History, Material Culture »

15305The Bard Graduate Center invites applications for a new funded research fellowship program. Scholars from university, museum and independent backgrounds are invited to apply. Candidates must already have a PhD or equivalent professional experience. The fellowship is open to both collections-based research at the BGC or elsewhere in New York, and to writing or reading projects in which being part of the BGC’s dynamic research environment is intellectually valuable. The stipend rate is $3,500 per month and housing costs are assumed by the BGC. Both long- and short-term fellowships are available (for example, 6, 4, 2 or 1 month), with a one-month minimum. The timing of dates will be negotiated . . . → En lire plus