Jutta Held Award 2025, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich

Jutta Held Award 2025

The Jutta Held Award honours and supports early career research in art history with a socio-political focus.

The award, funded by Stiftung Kritische Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften, honours the memory of Jutta Held (1933–2007), one of the first female professors of art history. The award is made in recognition of her commitment to social issues and gender studies in art and cultural history, and aims to promote such critical approaches in early-career scholarship.

Consideration will be given to a Ph.D. dissertation, M.A. thesis, or publication completed within the last three years. Applicants should have graduated within the last five years. The winning candidate, chosen by an independent committee of scholars, will receive € 7,000, and is expected . . . → En lire plus

Panofsky Fellowship 2025, Munich, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte

Panofsky Fellowship 2025 | Early Modern Art and Intellectual Culture

Prof. Dr. Marisa Bass, Yale University, New Haven, CT, will hold the Panofsky Professorship at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte Munich in 2025. In connection with this professorship the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte seeks applications for a Panofsky Fellowship.

The fellowship is intended for doctoral students and postdoctoral scholars (who have graduated within the last five years) who are working on a project related to the topic „Early Modern Art and Intellectual Culture“. Fellows are expected to maintain a presence at the ZI, to present the Fellowship project, and to partake in the activities of the ZI. The fellowship lasts three months . . . → En lire plus

poste de doctorant.e FNS (Lausanne)

La section d’histoire de l’art de la Faculté des lettres de l’Université de Lausanne met au concours un poste de doctorant.e FNS dans le domaine de l’histoire de l’art contemporain.
Informations liées au poste
Entrée en fonction : 1er juin 2025
Durée du contrat : 1 an, renouvelable une fois pour trois ans.
Taux d’activité : 100%
Lieu de travail : Lausanne-Dorigny
Vos activités
Selon la Directive 1.31 de l’Université de Lausanne, le taux d’activité d’un.e doctorant.e FNS est dédié à 85% à la réalisation d’une . . . → En lire plus

Arabic & Islamic Manuscripts Curator and Research Fellow positions, Dublin

Arabic & Islamic Manuscripts Curator and Research Fellow positions, Dublin

Library of Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Application deadline: Jan 10, 2025

The Library of Trinity College Dublin, Ireland is delighted to announce two new fixed term posts to work on its Arabic and Islamic manuscript collection within the research collections division:

Arabic & Islamic Manuscripts Curator Arabic & Islamic Manuscripts Research Fellow Details can be found on this webpage, if you search under ‘Library’ for Curator role and ‘Research’ for Research fellow role – https://www.tcd.ie/hr/vacancies/ Applications welcome before 10 January 2025 (Curator role) and 13 January 2025 (Research Fellow role).

Job Title : Arabic . . . → En lire plus

2 PhD Fellowships, History and Theory of Architecture, ETH Zürich

2 PhD Fellowships, History and Theory of Architecture, ETH Zürich

Zurich, Switerland, Oct 1, 2025–Sep 30, 2028 Application deadline: Feb 15, 2025

The doctoral program at the Institute of History and Theory of Architecture (gta), ETH Zurich, Switzerland offers two fellowship positions to start on 1 October 2025. This program focuses on the history and theory of architecture and urbanism in a wider context of cultural history, including the history and theory of art, science and technology.

The two fully-funded fellowship positions are open for research in any area of history and theory of architecture and urbanism, and we welcome innovative . . . → En lire plus

Université de Genève : professeur d’histoire de l’art de la période moderne (XVI-XVIIIèmes siècles)

Professeur d’histoire de l’art de la période moderne (XVI-XVIIIèmes siècles) Université de Genève, Faculté de Lettres

Description du poste La Faculté des lettres de l’Université de Genève met au concours un poste de professeur-e ordinaire ou professeur-e associé-e en histoire de l’art de la période moderne (XVI-XVIIIèmes siècles). Ce poste à charge complète comprend des enseignements aux niveaux bachelor, master et post-grade ainsi que la direction de travaux de maîtrise universitaire et de thèses de doctorat. Le profil souhaité comprend différents champs de recherches en Histoire de l’art de la période moderne (européens et extra-européens) ainsi qu’une approche méthodologique diversifiée. Le-la candidat-e sera appelé-e à développer des recherches au niveau national et . . . → En lire plus

2025-2026 Predoctoral Research Residencies, La Capraia, Naples

2025-2026 Predoctoral Research Residencies, La Capraia, Naples

Center for the Art and Architectural History of Port Cities « La Capraia, » Naples, Sep 8, 2025–Jun 7, 2026 Application deadline: Jan 31, 2025

The Center for the Art and Architectural History of Port Cities “La Capraia” (Centro per la Storia dell’Arte e dell’Architettura delle Città Portuali “La Capraia”) was founded in 2018 as a collaboration between the Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte, the Edith O’Donnell Institute of Art History at the University of Texas at Dallas, Franklin University Switzerland, and the Amici di Capodimonte.

Housed in “La Capraia,” a rustic eighteenth-century agricultural building at the heart of the Bosco di Capodimonte, the Center engages the Museo di Capodimonte and the city of Naples as a laboratory for new research . . . → En lire plus

Post-Doc-Assistant in Art History, Université de Bâle

Post-Doc-Assistant in Art History 100%

The Institute of Art History (in the Department of Arts, Media, Philosophy) at the University of Basel is seeking to fill the position of Assistant (Post-Doc, 100%) for the Professorship of Early Modern Art (Prof. Dr. Aaron Hyman) as of February 1, 2025.

Your position: In addition to work on a book project / habilitation thesis at the University of Basel, duties will include teaching (3 SWS) and the supervision of students as well as academic administration and collaboration on academic projects.

Your profile: We are looking for candidates with a focus on Early Modern Art (primarily Europe or Europe in connection with . . . → En lire plus

2 positions in an ERC Advanced Grant Project SAIGA, Warsaw

Two positions in an ERC Advanced Grant Project « Scholars, Animals, Images, Geographies and the Arts: De-exoticizing Eastern Europe in the Early Modern Period » (SAIGA), University of Warsaw, Poland

Project’s PI: Grażyna Jurkowlaniec (https://ihs.uw.edu.pl/en/jurkowlaniec/ ) Deadline: 31 October 2024 Start Date: 1 January 2025 Duration: 57 months

2 Positions with an art historical connection: [1] Assistant Professor, full-time, gross monthly salary (including all bonuses): approximately PLN 16,200 (PLN 210,600 yearly) – Specialization: visual or material sources in early modern natural history [2] Research Assistant, full-time, gross monthly salary (including all bonuses): PLN 10,500 (PLN 136,500 yearly) – Specialization: art history or book history, 15th–19th centuries

Further Positions: [3] Assistant Professor, full-time, gross monthly salary (including all bonuses): approximately PLN 16,200 (PLN 210,600 yearly) – Specialization: historical . . . → En lire plus

Bourses Villa I Tatti, Florence

Tatti, The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies in Florence, Italy, warmly invites applications for the 2025–2026 academic year. We offer the following ten fellowships (n.b. deadlines vary):

I Tatti Fellowship (twelve months; deadline: October 15) for post-doctoral research in any aspect of the Italian Renaissance, broadly understood historically to include the period from the 14th to the 17th century and geographically to include transnational dialogues between Italy and other cultures (e.g. Latin American, Mediterranean, African, Asian etc.).

Wallace Fellowship (four or six months; deadline November 15) for scholars who explore the historiography and impact of the Italian Renaissance in the Modern Era (19th-21st centuries).

. . . → En lire plus

Seminar in Curating Prints (London/Paris, 12-27 Mar 25)

Seminar in Curating Prints (London/Paris, 12-27 Mar 25)

Print Quarterly invites applications for a program dedicated to prints connoisseurship and curatorial practice, spanning from printmaking techniques to innovative strategies of display and public engagement in a museum context.

The program will take place over approximately nine days in London and Paris in the period 12-27 March 2025, with exact dates to be confirmed in October 2024. Most sessions will be held in museum print rooms, but insights into commercial print publishing, current printmaking and the art market will also be provided. . . . → En lire plus

Gutenberg University Mainz Academic staff member in Art History

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) is one of the largest universities in Germany. Thanks to its location in the Rhine-Main science region, the university can unfold to its full potential and showcase its innovative power and dynamism. Its status as a comprehensive university allows for multidisciplinary learning and teaching and has great potential for internationally renowned, interdisciplinary research. Almost all of its institutes are located on a single campus close to the Mainz city center – creating a lively academic culture for researchers, teaching staff, and students from every continent. Faculty 07: History and Cultural Studies / Institute of Art History and Musicology Academic . . . → En lire plus

Bourses André Chastel 2025 INHA-Académie de France à Rome

L’Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art et l’Académie de France à Rome – Villa Médicis ouvrent l’appel à candidature pour la sélection de la bourse André Chastel pour l’année 2025.

Depuis 2010, l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA) et l’Académie de France à Rome – Villa Médicis attribuent chaque année deux bourses pour des recherches portant sur l’art de la Renaissance à nos jours.


Ces bourses sont destinées à des chercheuses et chercheurs confirmés, français ou étrangers, souhaitant se rendre à Rome pour y effectuer des recherches.

Les candidats doivent soit être titulaires d’un doctorat depuis au moins 5 ans à la date de la clôture de l’appel, soit être conservateurs . . . → En lire plus

Poste de conseiller ou conseillère scientifique de la direction, Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art, DFK Paris

Le Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art Paris (DFK Paris) recrute à partir du 1er novembre 2024 (ou à une date fixée d’un commun accord) un·e chargé·e de recherche à temps plein pour le poste de conseiller ou conseillère scientifique de la direction H/F pour une durée initiale de 3 ans. Une prolongation de deux ans maximum est possible.

Outre vos propres recherches en histoire de l’art dans le cadre du programme scientifique de l’institut, vos missions consisteront principalement à assister le directeur dans ses projets de recherche ainsi que dans l’organisation de l’institut. Vous vous occuperez en partie des sujets annuels et effectuerez des tâches de coordination dans le cadre de la présentation de l’institut à l’extérieur (rapports, présence sur le web, etc.).

Pour pouvoir postuler, vous devez avoir obtenu . . . → En lire plus

Dissertation Proposal Development Grant, Technische Universität Berlin

Technische Universität Berlin, TUB, Hauptgebäude

Call for proposals for exposé grants to prepare a dissertation project.

The Department of Art History as Cultural History (Kunstgeschichte als Kulturgeschichte = KuK) led by Prof Bénédicte Savoy at the Technische Universität Berlin is offering up to three exposé grants for the preparation of a dissertation project. During the six months of funding provided by the grant, an exposé is to be developed for a subsequent application for an external doctoral scholarship. This offer includes the supervision of the project at the department, in accordance with the doctorate regulations of the TU Berlin.

The topic . . . → En lire plus

Two NOMIS Postdoctoral Fellowships 2025-26, Basel

Two NOMIS Postdoctoral Fellowships 2025-26, Basel

eikones – Center for the Theory and History of the Image at the University of Basel (CH), Sep 1, 2025–Aug 31, 2026 Application deadline: Aug 11, 2024


eikones – Center for the Theory and History of the Image at the University of Basel.

Call for Applications: Two NOMIS Fellowships (100%)

The center invites applications from outstanding junior and senior researchers in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences for two one-year NOMIS Fellowships beginning September 1, 2025.

Since 2005, eikones has served as a center for graduate and postgraduate research on images. The center is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study . . . → En lire plus

Fellowships – Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect, LMU München

Fellowships at the Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect.

FELLOWSHIPS: The Käte Hamburger Research Centre “Dis:connectivity in processes of globalisation” (global dis:connect) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich invites applications for fellowships of between 6 and 12 months for the academic year 2025/26. The centre explores from international and transdisciplinary perspectives the interdependent, complex relationship between global interconnectedness, lack of interconnectedness and disentanglement in historical and contemporary globalisation processes. Scholars from the humanities and social sciences, especially from the fields of history, theatre studies and art history, are invited to apply. The work of the fellows should have a clear connection to the general goals of the Käte Hamburger Research Centre and deal with at least one of its guiding topics.

PROPOSALS MAY ADDRESS… • …the significance of different . . . → En lire plus

Poste de directrice ou directeur du département d’histoire de l’art à l’Académie de France à Rome

Poste de directrice ou directeur du département d’histoire de l’art à l’Académie de France à Rome Description du poste Sous l’autorité du Directeur de l’Académie de France à Rome – Villa Médicis et en coordination étroite avec le Secrétaire général, le directeur ou la directrice du département d’histoire de l’art élabore et met en œuvre la politique scientifique de l’Académie. Membre de l’équipe de direction, le ou la titulaire du poste participe à ce titre à l’élaboration et à la mise en œuvre des orientations stratégiques de l’établissement et est partie prenante des chantiers transversaux de l’établissement.Il ou elle est en outre plus particulièrement en charge des missions suivantes : 1) Diriger les projets scientifiques conduits par le département histoire . . . → En lire plus

2 Research Assistants/PhD, The M/Other Project, Lüneburg

Research Assistant (m/f/d) – School of Culture and Society – Leuphana Universität Lüneburg.


As a humanistic, sustainable and action-oriented university, Leuphana University of Lüneburg stands for innovation in education and science. Methodological diversity, interdisciplinary cooperation, transdisciplinary cooperation with practice and an overall dynamic development characterise its research profile in the core topics of education, culture, management/technology, sustainability and state. Its international study model with the Leuphana College, the Leuphana Graduate School and the Leuphana Professional School is unique in Germany and has won many awards. We are currently looking for two PhD-candidates to join the project “The M/Other Project: Creativity, Procreation, and Contemporary Art” which has been funded by the VolkswagenFoundation and is led by Prof. Jordan Troeller, Junior Professor of Art History and Aesthetic Practice. The PhDs will . . . → En lire plus

Faut-il prendre d’assaut les musées pour les rendre écologiques?

Musée du louvre © Man Ray Trust / Adagp, Paris


Mercredi 5 juin à 18h au Centre Dominique-Vivant Denon, musée du Louvre

A l’occasion de la sortie de l’ouvrage L’écologie des musées. Un après-midi au Louvre aux Éditions Macula, l’auteur présentera son enquête dans les archives et la documentation du musée afin de rendre visible toutes les entités non-humaines qui ont été bloquées à l’intérieur et invisibilisées lorsque l’idée de musée a été inventée.

Avec l’auteur, Grégory Quenet, historien de l’environnement, professeur en histoire moderne à l’Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Françoise Mardrus, directrice des études muséales et de l’appui à la recherche et Donatien Grau, conseiller de la Présidente-directrice pour les programmes contemporains, musée du Louvre.

Gratuit sur réservation par . . . → En lire plus