Scholar Fellow in Art History, TCU, Fort Worth

Scholar Fellow in Art History, TCU, Fort Worth

Fort Worth, TX, Aug 01, 2023 Application deadline: Mar 1, 2023

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Scholar Fellow.

TCU’s School of Art seeks an emerging postdoctoral art historian, with a demonstrated commitment to research and teaching, to join our program in Art History as a DEI Scholar Fellow. The area of specialization is open, but preference will be given to a candidate with a research and teaching focus in any of the following areas: Africa, the Ancient Mediterranean World, Asia, the Islamic World, First Nations, and/or Native North America. We desire a candidate who . . . → En lire plus

Cambridge Visual Culture Visiting Research Fellowships 23/24

Cambridge Visual Culture Visiting Research Fellowships 23/24

Application deadline: Mar 24, 2023

Cambridge Visual Culture invites applications for their 23/24 programme of Visiting Research Fellowships in Visual Culture at the University of Cambridge. The programme aims to renew and catalyse the study of ‘the visual’ at Cambridge by bringing fresh voices and approaches to the University, and to extend visual culture studies into specialisms and fields which are under-represented in Cambridge. We encourage applications from scholars from non-traditional academic backgrounds, though please note that CVC is not in a position to organise studio space.

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Appel à chercheurs associés BnF 2023-2024

Appel à chercheurs associés BnF 2023-2024

La BnF lance la nouvelle édition de son appel à chercheurs, afin de s’associer le concours de jeunes chercheurs intéressés par l’étude de ses collections et de son histoire. La richesse exceptionnelle autant que l’ampleur de ces collections permettent d’explorer des sources inédites ou méconnues dans toutes les disciplines. Le statut de chercheur associé BnF offre une relation privilégiée à la Bibliothèque, à travers un accueil au cœur de ses départements et de ses collections. En plus des avantages offerts à l’ensemble des . . . → En lire plus

PhD Position, Project Portraying Medieval Women, University of Fribourg

PhD Position, Project Portraying Medieval Women, University of Fribourg

Taux d’activité: 80-100%

Lieu / District:

Fribourg, CH, Sarine, CH

Délai de postulation: 20.02.2023

Date d’entrée en fonction: 01.03.2023 ou à convenir

PostDoc Scientific Assistant, Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome

PostDoc Scientific Assistant, Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome

The Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History, Rome, invites early-career postdocs to apply for a max. two-year position of Scientific Assistant with the Department of Tristan Weddigen starting at the earliest convenience. Assistants conduct their own scientific research and organize scholarly activities contributing to one of the five research focuses of the Department which can be explored on the institute’s website. Salaries and benefits depend on German and Italian tax and social security law. The Max Planck Society supports diversity and welcomes applications from women and disabled persons. Candidates submit their application . . . → En lire plus

Job : Assistant Curator, Paintings and Drawings, V&A Museum, London

Assistant Curator, Paintings and Drawings, V&A Museum, London

The V&A is the world’s leading museum of art, design and performance. The V&A’s Collections Division comprises six curatorial departments alongside research, and conservation and collections care and access teams. The curatorial departments are arranged as: Decorative Arts and Sculpture; Furniture, Fashion & Textiles and Theatre & Performance; Graphic Art & Design, Photography and Architecture; and Asia. The staff in these teams are at the heart of the founding purpose of the museum: to care for, research and develop the collections, to exhibit them to the public, to make them available for study and research, and to broaden access to the collections.

We are seeking to appoint an Assistant Curator, Paintings and Drawings to join our Art, Architecture, Photography and design department.

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Bourse de mobilité étudiante pour assister au Festival d’histoire de l’art de Fontainebleau 2023 (2-4 juin)

Vous êtes étudiants en licence et souhaitez participer au festival de l’histoire de l’art les 2, 3 et 4 juin 2023 ? La bourse de mobilité étudiante de l’INHA est faite pour vous !

D’une . . . → En lire plus

Concours « Ma thèse en 180 secondes » (Festival d’histoire de l’art, Fontainebleau, 2-4 juin 2023)

Participez au concours « Ma thèse en 180 secondes »

Organisé par le festival de l’histoire de l’art avec le soutien de la Fondation pour l’Art et la Recherche, le concours « Ma thèse en histoire de l’art et en archéologie en 180 secondes » se tiendra le samedi 3 juin 2023 dans le cadre de la douzième édition du festival au château de Fontainebleau.

Ce concours permet aux doctorants de valoriser et de diffuser leurs travaux devant un public diversifié, tout en se faisant connaître d’un jury de professionnels Après une première sélection sur dossier selon la qualité scientifique de la . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Lauréats Daniel Arasse 2023-2024

Appel à candidature : Lauréats Daniel Arasse 2023-2024

L’École française de Rome et l’Académie de France à Rome ouvrent l’appel à candidature pour la sélection des lauréats Daniel Arasse 2023-2024

Depuis 2001, dans le cadre de leurs échanges scientifiques, l’École française de Rome et l’Académie de France à Rome attribuent chaque année huit bourses (correspondant à huit mensualités) pour des recherches portant sur l’art de la Renaissance à nos jours.

Ces bourses sont destinées aux chercheuses et chercheurs francophones, doctorants ou post-doctorants (pour une 1ère bourse postdoctorale), en histoire et théories des arts souhaitant se rendre à Rome pour effectuer une recherche dans les institutions romaines et/ou situées ailleurs en Italie portant sur . . . → En lire plus

Prix XVIIe siècle : appel à candidatures (ouvrages parus en 2022)

Prix XVIIe siècle : appel à candidatures (ouvrages parus en 2022)

Depuis 1984, la Société d’Etude du XVIIe siècle décerne, chaque année, un Prix XVIIe siècle assorti d’une somme de 2000 euros. Ayant pour but d’encourager la diffusion d’un savoir rigoureux auprès du plus large public, ce Prix récompense, sans exclusive de discipline, un ouvrage traitant du XVIIe siècle, paru l’année précédente.

Les auteurs dont l’ouvrage est paru durant l’année 2022 sont invités à candidater en adressant leur livre en double exemplaire avant le 31 mars 2023, au Président de la Société d’Etude du XVIIe siècle, à l’adresse suivante :

M. Jean-Robert Armogathe Cassiciacum 28 rue du Filoir 45 130 Meung-sur-Loire

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Appel à candidature pour la bourse de mobilité étudiante du festival de l’histoire de l’art

Vous êtes étudiants en licence et souhaitez participer au festival de l’histoire de l’art les 2, 3 et 4 juin 2023 ? La bourse de mobilité étudiante de l’INHA est faite pour vous !

D’une valeur de 150 euros, cette bourse, mise en place par l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art en 2021, permet à 100 étudiants inscrits dans un cursus universitaire ou une école hors Ile-de-France, quelle que soit la discipline, de participer à cet événement exceptionnel et de découvrir la richesse et le dynamisme d’une discipline comme l’histoire de l’art.

Les 2, 3 et 4 juin 2023, venez assister, dans le cadre majestueux du château de Fontainebleau, à plus de 250 événements autour du thème du climat et de la Belgique, pays invité de cette douzième édition !

Trois . . . → En lire plus

Panofsky Fellowship 2023: Contemporary Art and Digital Technologies: Virtual, Augmented, Mixed Reality (ZIK, Munich)

Panofsky Fellowship 2023 | Extended Worlds: Contemporary Art and Digital Technologies: Virtual, Augmented, Mixed Reality

Prof. Dr. Andrea Pinotti, Milan, will hold the Panofsky Professorship at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte Munich in 2023. In connection with this professorship the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte seeks applications for a Panofsky Fellowship.

The fellowship is intended for doctoral students and postdoctoral scholars (who have graduated within the last five years) who are working on a project related to the topic “Extended Worlds: Contemporary Art and Digital Technologies: Virtual, Augmented, Mixed Reality”. Fellows are expected to maintain a presence at the ZI, to present the Fellowship project, and to partake . . . → En lire plus

Creative Space Fellowship 2023 (ZIK, Munich)

Call for Applications // Creative Space Fellowship 2023

The Creative Space Fellowship 2023, funded by the Association of Friends of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte CONIVNCTA FLORESCIT e.V., gives freelance curators and art historians employed in museums the opportunity of pursuing research in connection with a collection or an exhibition. The fellowship is meant to create a “creative scientific space” in order to reflect on collections and exhibitions and to develop ideas and concepts. Fellows are expected to partake in the activities of the ZI and to present the fellowship project. The fellowship lasts one to two months and consists of an allowance of 1.800 € per . . . → En lire plus

Poste d’enseignant à IE University (Madrid, Segovie)

IE University’s Arts and Humanities Division seeks a tenure-track faculty member at the rank of Assistant Professor to begin in the fall of 2023.

Successful candidates will hold a PhD in Art History with a specialization in any period up to the 19th century. We are particularly interested in scholars with a focus on ideological and historical contexts of artistic movements. Preference will be given to candidates whose research and teaching interests embrace a transnational scope, as well as those with previous involvement with public-facing scholarship and digital humanities.

We are seeking applicants with a demonstrated commitment to excellence in scholarship and teaching in a liberal arts college environment, and who can play a significant role in shaping the future direction of the department.

Teaching responsibilities include 135 . . . → En lire plus

Poste enseignant histoire de l’art université de Haifa

The Department of Art History at the University of Haifa, Israel, invites applications for an open-rank, tenure-track position to begin in October 2024.

We welcome applications in all fields in Art History and Visual Culture, but candidates specializing in one or more of the following fields are particularly encouraged to apply: Classical Art, Renaissance Art, Islamic Art, Asian Art, visual culture, digital media, animation, machine vision and robotics in the context of new media art. Candidates must provide proof of rich experience and research excellence in their field of study and a high commitment to teaching.

Job Requirements Teaching eight hours per week, training of research students in advanced degrees (MA and PhD), and active involvement in all the department and faculty . . . → En lire plus

Enseignement : charge d’enseignement, Université Rennes 2 (urgent)

Enseignement : charge d’enseignement, Université Rennes 2 (urgent)

Le département d’Histoire de l’art & Archéologie de l’université Rennes 2 recherche de toute urgence une personne chargée d’enseignement pour assurer ce semestre :

– 24h CM en Licence 3 : Histoire de l’art moderne XVIIIe siècle, le vendredi de 16h à 18h

– 12h TD en Master 1 : Méthodologie du Mémoire

Profil souhaité : docteur en Histoire de l’art ayant un emploi principal ou un statut d’auto-entrepreneur.

Pour tout renseignement : et

Poste de Lecturer à University College London, Art contemporain et culture visuelle

Lecturer, Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture Deadline: 9 Apr 23

The History of Art Department at UCL (University College London) is seeking to appoint a full-time lecturer with expertise in one or more of the following regions: East Asia (including Japan and China), Southeast Asia, the Middle East, North and/or West Africa, Oceania and the Caribbean, as well as diasporic communities of these regions. This post provides an opportunity to develop teaching and research that will complement and enhance existing expertise in arts and visual culture of South and East Africa, South Asia, the Americas and Europe. The successful appointee will have a relevant PhD and a track record of publications and research excellence in their field. The position will begin on 1 September 2023.

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Deux postes de Lecturer à University College of London

Lecturer in Conservation of Contemporary Art & Media (two part-time posts) Lecturer, History of Art, Materials and Technology


Lecturer in Conservation of Contemporary Art & Media (two part-time posts) Deadline: 1 Feb 23

The History of Art Department at UCL (University College London) is seeking to appoint two part-time Lecturers in Conservation of Contemporary Art & Media, to start on 1 August 2023.

As teaching and research-active members of the Department, the postholders will work with the Programme Director to deliver the MSc Conservation of Contemporary Art & Media and some Continuing Professional Development teaching, based within the programme’s laboratory and media suite at UCL . . . → En lire plus

Luigi Vanvitelli, the Maestro and his heritage (Ancona, Apr 23)

Luigi Vanvitelli, the Maestro and his heritage 1773-2023.

The year 2023 marks the 250th anniversary of the death of architect Luigi Vanvitelli, who conceived the majestic design of the Royal Palace of Caserta and the new capital of the Kingdom of Naples, interpreting the dream of King Charles of Bourbon, who wished to represent the prestige of a great monarchy in Europe.

Following the General Manager’s Decree no. 41 prot. n. 2827 of 29 March 2022, the various facets of the celebratory project « Luigi Vanvitelli, the Maestro and his heritage 1773-2023 » were approved.

One of the main activities of the project includes an international call for papers aimed at investigating and bringing to light the artistic personality and genius of Luigi Vanvitelli in . . . → En lire plus

Two postdoctoral opportunities in Japanese studies are offered by UCLA in the next academic year (2023-2024).

Two postdoctoral opportunities in Japanese studies are offered by UCLA in the next academic year (2023-2024).

These are the Ahmanson-Getty Postdoctoral Fellowships offered by the Center for 17th- and 18th-Century Studies. Each year the Center hosts two postdoctoral researchers in conjunction with the annual Core Program—a series of conferences and events organized around a common topic and directed by a UCLA faculty member who serves as the William Andrews Clark Professor. Next year, Kristopher W. Kersey will hold this position in order to direct the 2023-2024 Core Program: “Open Edo: Diverse, Ecological, and Global Perspectives on Japanese Art, 1603–1868.” . . . → En lire plus