Appel à communication : « Figures de l’errance dans les arts et la littérature asiatiques » (Paris, 1-2 avril 2025)

Basho rencontre des fermiers, lithographie de 1891

Appel à communication : « Figures de l’errance dans les arts et la littérature asiatiques » (Paris, 1-2 avril 2025)

Appel à communication de l’Association Asie Sorbonne

Colloque du 1-2 avril 2025

De l’errance de Gautama et de Mahāvīra dans la forêt pour quitter leur identité princière et trouver l’illumination au road movie du chinois Han Han The Continent (2014), en passant par l’errance de Bashō (1644 –1694) ou la figure du rōnin dans Matatabi (1973) de Kon Ichikawa, les nombreuses pratiques de l’errance illustrées par . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : Celebrating James Ensor’s Modernity. New Perspectives Dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the death of the Belgian artist James Ensor (1860-1949) (Anvers, 9-11 décembre 2024)

Appel à communication : Celebrating James Ensor’s Modernity. New Perspectives Dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the death of the Belgian artist James Ensor (1860-1949) (Anvers, 9-11 décembre 2024)

Location: University of Antwerp, Hof van Liere, Antwerp (Belgium) Dates: 9, 10 & 11 December 2024 English spoken

Deadline: 15 September 2024 Contact person: Herwig Todts

The Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA), in association with the University of Antwerp (ARCHES – Antwerp Cultural Heritage Sciences) & ARIA – Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts)), is organizing an international symposium on James Ensor to be held on Monday 9, Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 December . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Le jouet à la période moderne (XVe-XVIIIe siècles) : entre culture matérielle et objet d’art »

Le jouet à la période moderne (XVe-XVIIIe siècles) : entre culture matérielle et objet d’art

Journée d’études, 28 février 2025, Salle Mariette, Institut national d’histoire de l’art


Organisatrices :

Soersha Dyon (Université de Lille)

Léonie Marquaille (Université Bordeaux Montaigne)


Dans le vaste champ des arts décoratifs, le jouet a souvent été traité de manière marginale, notamment en raison de son appartenance prioritaire au monde de l’enfance, de sa dimension ludique, ou encore de la relative simplicité de ses matériaux. Au sein des catégories traditionnelles de l’histoire de l’art, le jouet peine à trouver sa place. Il est pourtant . . . → En lire plus

Appel congrès national CTHS 2025

APPEL À COMMUNICATIONS Congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques 2025 Reconstruire, réformer, refonder

Voir la version en ligne

Le prochain Congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques se déroulera du lundi 14 au vendredi 18 avril 2025 à Orléans. Vous pouvez dès à présent nous faire parvenir vos propositions de communications en vous inscrivant directement sur le site internet du CTHS ou en écrivant à l’adresse Les candidatures doivent nous être envoyées avant le vendredi 18 octobre 2024.

Les dossiers reçus après cette date ne pourront être pris en compte.

Retrouvez l’ensemble des informations et consignes relatives au Congrès 2025 sur notre site internet. L’appel à communications Soumettre . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : Rubens and the World (Antwerp, 5-6 May 25)

Tout le monde pour ma patrie: Rubens and the World. Rubenshuis, Kolveniersstraat 20, Antwerp, May 5–6, 2025

Peter Paul Rubens’s visual ideas spread astoundingly far from his home in Antwerp both during and after his lifetime. In the seventeenth century his paintings arrived at destinations throughout Europe, and dealers shipped painted copies and titanic quantities of engravings after his designs even farther afield, reaching Cuzco, Isfahan, Jingdezhen, and many other places. He saw himself as a man of the world, as he wrote in a letter to a friend in 1625: “I regard the whole world as my country, and I believe that I should be very welcome everywhere.” The world also came to Rubens, whether in the form of models of African descent who feature in his . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : Women Critics and Art Historians (Rome, 22-23 May 25)

Since the last two decades of the 20th century, gender studies have contributed to acknowledge the fundamental role of women within the cultural, political and emancipative reflection of the society.

Thanks to women studies, many women artists from the past times have been brought into light giving shape to women art history as a newly branded discipline. Women – who have participated to modeling museums, have shared their intellectual thought or have simply participated to any scholarly movement – have not yet deeply and correctly investigated. In 2022 two conferences, one in Macerata and one in Genoa (Italy), and the following publication of the proceedings (Le donne storiche dell’arte tra tutela, ricerca e valorizzazione have substantially spotted a new light on these women whose knowledgeable merits . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication. Making and Remaking Saints in the Iberian Peninsula and Beyond during the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period c. 600 – 1600 (Salmanca, 24-26 mars 2025)

IBERSAINTS: Making and Remaking Saints in the Iberian Peninsula and Beyond during the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period c. 600 – 1600 // IBERSANTOS: Crear y Recrear los Santos en la Península Ibérica y Atrás durante la Edad Media y El Periodo Moderno Temprano c. 600 – 1600.

CALL FOR PAPERS AND POSTERS 24 – 26 March 2025 Sala de Grados – Faculty of Geography and History, University of Salamanca Museum of Salamanca

We kindly invite paper and poster proposals for an in-person international conference hosted by the University of Salamanca in collaboration with the Museum of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain.

This international conference seeks to explore the means of constructing and reconstructing saints in and beyond the Iberian Peninsula with particular emphasis on: – the import . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication. Hard Bodies (Frankfurt a.M., 9-11 Jan 25)

Hard Bodies: Aesthetic, Materiality, and Mediality of Masculinity in American and European Art and Visual Culture, c. 1900 – today

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M., Jan 9–11, 2025 Deadline: Jul 15, 2024

Description: The hard body is omnipresent in contemporary culture. It evokes purity, whiteness, and resistance to cracking or contamination. It is the result of disciplined self-optimization (physical training, a strict diet, dietary supplements, and/or surgery) and part of the iconography of white supremacy. Contemporary artists only refer to the hard male body to destroy it – like Candice Lin in her installation A Hard White Body (2017).

So, why should we revisit the hard male body, with its undeniable hegemonic bias? Why not dismiss it, and look at the fragmented, performative, vulnerable, and transformative male body instead?

This . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communications. (P)Ostkolonialismus (Berlin, 24-25 Oct 24)

(P)Ostkolonialismus (Berlin, 24-25 Oct 24)

Berlin, Oct 24–25, 2024 Deadline: Jul 14, 2024

In the 19th century, Poland, the so called “Wild East”, already formed part of Germany’s colonial aspirations (Kopp 2012). Both Prussia and the German Empire, as well as the Nazi state, repeatedly attempted to fulfill their colonial settlement ambitions in Eastern Europe. This materialized in Bismarck’s Germanization policy, the occupied territory “Ober Ost” during the First World War, and Nazi Germany’s “Generalplan Ost”. The German mass crimes in the region during the Second World War were based on these continuities of anti-Slavic policies and convictions. Colonial and racist patterns of thought and behavior towards Eastern Europe continue to have an impact in many respects in the present day.

As early as the late 1990s, . . . → En lire plus

Appel à sessions. Association for Art History Conference (York, 9-11 Apr 25)

Association for Art History Conference 25: Call for Sessions (York, 9-11 Apr 25)

University of York, Apr 9–11, 2025 Deadline: Jul 5, 2024

The Association for Art History’s Annual Conference brings together international research and critical debate about art history and visual culture. A key annual event, the conference is an opportunity to keep up to date with new research, hear leading keynotes, broaden networks and exchange ideas.

The Annual Conference attracts around 400 attendees each year and is popular with academics, curators, practitioners, PhD students, early career researchers and anyone engaged with art history research. Members of the Association get reduced conference rates, but non-members are welcome to attend and propose sessions and papers. Convenors are limited to convening one session.

We actively encourage applications from . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : colloque « Pierre Puget dans tous ses états, XVIIe-XXIe siècles » (Marseille, 6-7 mars 2025)

Appel à communication : colloque « Pierre Puget dans tous ses états, XVIIe-XXIe siècles » (Marseille, 6-7 mars 2025)

Pierre Puget le sculpteur « inimitable » du siècle de Louis XIV reste un phénomène artistique complexe par la puissance et la diversité de son œuvre et par la réception qui en fut faite depuis lors. Trente ans après le colloque qui lui fut consacré par Jean-Jacques Gloton au sein de l’Institut d’Art d’Aix-en-Provence, et l’exposition qui suivit à Marseille et à Gênes, la recherche autour de Puget connaît une forte actualité avec la publication de la monographie monumentale de Klaus . . . → En lire plus

Appel à contributions pour le séminaire en ligne AGENART en 2024-2025

Appel à contributions pour le séminaire en ligne AGENART en 2024-2025

(Versions en anglais ci-dessous)

L’appel est ouvert aux chercheurs qui souhaitent faire une présentation au séminaire en ligne AGENART, portant sur la réginalité, l’art et la culture matérielle au cours de l’année académique 2024-2025.

Date limite de soumission des propositions : 30 juin 2024.

Le séminaire AGENART est coordonné par les membres du projet de recherche dirigé par M. Cruz de Carlos Varona à l’Universidad Autónoma de Madrid : Les chercheurs du groupe se consacrent à l’étude de l’agence des femmes de la branche espagnole de la Maison d’Autriche dans les productions artistiques des XVIe et XVIIe siècles. En utilisant des méthodologies issues de l’histoire, de l’histoire de l’art et de l’anthropologie historique, ils abordent des questions esthétiques, . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : Mannerism and Crisis (Boston, 20-22 Mar 25)

When Mannerism emerged as a field of art historical study during the first part of the twentieth century, it was construed as a moment of crisis. To proponents of Geistesgeschichte such as Max Dvořák, Walter Friedlaender, and Erwin Panofsky or Marxists like Friedrich Antal and Arnold Hauser, Mannerism became a token of crises, either of a philosophical and existential nature or an outcome of tensions in the socio-economic base. Much criticism of these scholarly approaches has since emerged from different ideological and methodological perspectives, including that of John Shearman who during the 1960s argued for a “stylish style,” indifferent to societal change. The aim of this session is not to rehearse the historiography but to . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : Baroque Times: The table’s scenography (Vila Nova de Foz Côa, 14-16 Nov 24)

International Congress: « Baroque Times: The table’s scenography ».

Call for Papers: When discussing the table or the act of being at the table, our immediate thoughts go to the act of eating, the company present, and the food to be shared. However, the table transcends its practical function to become a richly layered symbol, both materially and conceptually, embodying sociability in myriad ways throughout history.

During the modern era (17th-18th centuries), the table’s significance unfolded across diverse contexts and environments, from the opulent settings of palaces to the humble abodes of common citizens. Regardless of setting, the table served as a focal point, drawing together a spectrum of personalities and activities, thus assuming a . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : Vanity, Morality, and Race in Seventeenth-Century Britain (New Haven, 27-28 sept. 2024)

Puritan Picture: Vanity, Morality, and Race in Seventeenth-Century Britain.

Yale Center of British Art, New Haven, CT, USA, Sep 27–28, 2024

The middle decades of the seventeenth century in Britain were characterized by radical political, religious, and social change. In this period, an unknown artist created a remarkable painting that spoke to fears and anxieties crystallizing around a perceived increase in moral laxity, gender transgression, and the insidious influence of foreigners. The painting depicts two women side by side, each wearing a conspicuous array of beauty patches. The woman on the left reprimands her companion with the words “I black with white bespott: . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : The Art of Embroidery: History, Tradition, & New Horizons (Lorca, 27-30 Nov 24)

International Conference: « The Art of Embroidery: History, Tradition, and New Horizons. »

Organized by the Lorca City Council and the Research Group “Sumptuary Arts” of the History of Art Department, University of Murcia.

This congress aims to create a space to present and discuss the results of the most recent studies on the history of embroidery in its broadest dimension, without prioritizing specific cultural, artistic, or chronological areas, but encompassing all aspects that such an ancient art as embroidery entails.

Languages for communications: Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, English, French.

Research Lines: Those interested in participating in the congress by presenting a communication must . . . → En lire plus

Appel à intervention : Enseigner, transmettre, renouveler (Paris, 25 Sep 24-19 Mar 25)

Argumentaire – Enseigner, transmettre, renouveler. Après treize années, les Jeudis de l’art font peau neuve et changent de nom. Se tenant désormais le mercredi soir, les Jours de l’art demeurent le même cycle de conférences en histoire de l’art ouvert à tous à l’Institut Catholique de Paris. Il s’étend sur les deux semestres de l’année universitaire 2024-2025 (entre septembre et avril). Dans le cadre des cursus de licence et de master de la Faculté des Lettres, il propose des rencontres régulières qui apportent un complément aux enseignements généraux en abordant des sujets plus spécifiques, et créent un lieu d’échanges interdisciplinaires entre étudiants, enseignants et public extérieur. Cette mue prend justement prétexte du 150e anniversaire de la fondation de la Faculté de Lettres de l’ICP pour engager une réflexion . . . → En lire plus

RSA 20-22 March 2025, Boston – New perspectives in Italian Art

RSA – 20-22 March 2025, BostonNew Perspectives in Italian ArtIlaria Andreoli, (INHA), Paris & Kelley Di Dio (University of Vermont)This session aims to create a space for emerging scholars (recent Ph.D.s or Ph.D. candidates) to present their work. The intention is to provide new scholars with a forum to present their work, possibly for the first time at an international conference.

Panelists will receive mentorship in preparation for the panel, including receiving constructive feedback from senior scholars in their area of expertise in advance of the conference.

Proposals on any area of Italian early modern art (1300-1700) are welcome. We are particularly interested in scholars working in new methodologies, new areas of study, or innovative approaches to more traditional areas of Renaissance studies. Paper proposals must include:• paper title . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : Geological Imagination in the Art of the Long Nineteenth Century (Huntington Library, 2025)

The Geological Imagination in the Art of the Long Nineteenth Century (Huntington Library, 2025).

Organizers: Nina Amstutz (University of Oregon) Stephanie O’Rourke (University of St Andrews)

Call for Papers: In the last decade, there has been a surge of interest in geology and its attendant fields – such as stratigraphy, paleontology, and geomorphology – in the arts and humanities, catalyzed by the notion that we have entered a new geological epoch. Yet this “geological turn” in the academy did not originate with the recent public awareness of anthropogenic climate change. During the long nineteenth century–a period widely accepted as the ‘crucible of western modernity’ and the emergence . . . → En lire plus

Appel à contributions | Perspective, n° 2025 – 2 : Anachronismes

Suzanne Husky, La Noble Pastorale. Non aux grands projets inutiles, 2016-2017, tapisserie Jacquard, 203 × 247 cm © avec l’aimable autorisation de Suzanne Husky.

Anachronismes, no 2025 – 2

Rédacteur en chef : Thomas Golsenne (INHA)

Rédactrices en chef invitées : Hélène Leroy (Musée d’art moderne de Paris) et Hélène Valance (université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté/InVisu)


En 2008, Perspective publiait un numéro sur la périodisation en histoire de l’art. Dans son introduction, Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann faisait le constat d’un « malaise » éprouvé depuis les années 1960 par des historiennes et historiens de l’art, à l’instar d’Ernst H. Gombrich, à l’égard des approches occidentales totalisantes qui classaient en périodes stylistiques successives les œuvres d’art . . . → En lire plus