Appel à communication : « Forum de l’histoire de l’art asiatique » (Zurich, 29-30 mai 2015)

utamaroThe Forum for East Asian Art History is an initiative by junior academics at German-speaking universities. In the first two years (2012 and 2013) the forum was held at the Berlin Free University (Freie Universität Berlin) and in the third year (2014) at Heidelberg University. The fourth forum will take place at the University of Zurich, Switzerland.

The two-day symposium is a platform for scholarly exchange between PhD candidates, post-docs and scientific/research assistants in the field of East Asian Art History and Archaeology (China, Japan, Korea) or related fields. Junior academics are likewise invited to present their research projects at the symposium. In addition to the presentations on specific research . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Korea: Art and artistic relations with Europe/Poland »

Dear Colleagues,

The Conference offers an ideal opportunity for scholars from the European Union, the South Korea, the countries of Asia as well as other parts of the world to meet and exchange ideas and results of their research on Korean art.

Poland has a long-standing tradition of research in Asian studies. Some institutions in Poland have been involved in stimulating academic interest in Korean culture and art, such as the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the University of Warsaw, and the Institute of Study and Restoration of Artistic Works, Faculty of Fine Arts of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun as well as the Asia and Pacific Museum in Warsaw and the State Museum of Ethnology on Warsaw

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