Deux projets de décret portant sur le recrutement des professeurs juniors et la transformation des MCF HDR en professeurs des universités (juin 2022)

Suite aux négociations pour la signature de la LPR deux projets de décret concernant les jeunes chercheurs et les EC confirmés circulent actuellement sur les réseaux sociaux. Ces projets ont été examinés aujourd’hui par les organisations syndicales. En attendant de connaître leurs observations, on trouvera ci-dessous différentes informations.
1. Projet de décret créant les chaires de professeur junior
Le projet de décret n’indique pas qui va financer la titularisation de ces jeunes professeurs. Par exemple, les supports seront-ils pris sur les contingents locaux ? Ce caractère allusif est surprenant puisque le projet détaille le service . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : poste CDD d’historien de l’art du moyen âge ou de la première Renaissance (Hong Kong, 1er septembre 2021)

Applications are invited for appointment as Professor/Associate Professor on tenure terms or Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in European and/or Mediterranean Medieval or Early Modern Art History in the School of Humanities (Art History), the University of Hong Kong (Ref.: 502323), to commence on September 1, 2021 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Appointment as Assistant Professor will be made on a three-year fixed-term basis, with the possibility of renewal and consideration for tenure before the expiry of a second three-year fixed-term contract. Applicants must have the Ph.D. degree in hand at the time of appointment. Applicants should demonstrate a commitment to rigorous and innovative research, . . . → En lire plus

Un nombre de postes ouverts dans l’enseignement supérieur en hausse

Le nombre de recrutement de maitres de conférences et de professeurs en archéologie et en histoire de l’art est en nette hausse cette année (pour une fois !).

Nombre de postes ouverts 2020

Maitre de Conférence (dont Ile de France) Professeur (dont Ile de France) Préhistoire 1 Archéologie 1 2 (2) Mondes Anciens 2 1 Moyen Age 1 2* Moderne (XVI-XVIIIe siècles) 3 (1) XIX-XXe 3 1 XX-XXIe 1 (1) 2 (1; sect. 18) Photographie Cinéma 6 (sect. 18) Théories du visuel Arts non européens 1 1 (1) Muséologie, Patrimoine 1 Total 2020 13 (2; +6 sect. 18) 8 (4; + 1 sect.18)

* Professeur Moyen-Age Rennes : Histoire et archéologie médiévales.

Les postes ouverts sont ainsi deux fois plus nombreux que ceux de l’année précédente (le tableau était tellement . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : maître de conférences contractuel en histoire de l’art moderne (Kenyon College – Ohio, août 2020)

The Department of Art History at Kenyon College is accepting applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Early Modern Art History. The appointment will begin in August 2020. Candidates should have expertise in the material culture of Early Modern Europe from the Baroque to the early Industrial Age. We seek a creative colleague who can immediately contribute to re-shaping the curriculum. Applicants must be interested in offering a fresh, global perspective on permanent courses, including the Survey of Art, and developing new courses at the introductory, intermediate, and advanced levels.

We are interested in teacher-scholars who can offer creative ways to engage with the Department’s Visual Resources Center, our Study Collection, and regional art museums located in Columbus and Cleveland. . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : deux postes de maîtres de conférences en histoire de l’art (Oxford & Monash, juillet-août 2019)

Deux postes de maîtres de conférences (Lecturers) en CDD sont proposés à des docteurs et doctorants par les universités d’Oxford et de Monash :

1) Departmental Lecturer in the History of Art, University of Oxford (Grande Bretagne), Faculty of History Date limite : 24 juillet 2019. Contrat de douze mois

Art médiéval et moderne ; réception de l’Antique

Departmental Lecturer in the History of Art Department of History of Art, Littlegate House, St Ebbe’s, Oxford Grade 7 Salary in the range: £32,236 – £34,189 p.a. This is an exciting opportunity to join our . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Maître de conférences (Assistant Professor) en histoire de l’art moderne (Vassar College, État de New York, 2019-2020)

The Department of Art at Vassar College invites applications for an Adjunct Assistant Professor in Art History, with a specialization in Northern European Art, 1400–1700, and a secondary interest in Museum Studies and the History of Collecting.

The position is for the academic year 2019–20. It entails teaching two intermediate-level courses on Northern European art, 1400–1700, one of which may serve as a Museum Studies class; one seminar on a specialized topic in Northern European art; and teaching two conference sections and contributing lectures on Northern European art in our introductory team-taught art history survey course. The successful candidate should preferably have a . . . → En lire plus

Session synchronisée 2019 et suivi des recrutements en 21e et 22e sections

La session synchronisée 2019 pour le recrutement des postes de maître de conférences et de professeur des universités est en ligne :

La liste des postes triée par corps est accessible ici.


Nos collègues historiens ont mis au point un suivi des recrutements pour les 21e et 22e sections auquel les archéologues et historiens de l’art sont invités à participer :

La page de suivi des recrutements en histoire est ouverte, grâce notamment au soutien de l’Association française d’histoire économique qui l’héberge. Il s’agit de rassembler toutes les informations relatives aux recrutements des maîtres de . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Professeur en histoire de l’art, science et culture populaire (Londres, University of London, 2017)

The Warburg Institute has been awarded a grant by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to establish a chair in the history of art, science, and folk practice and an associated post-doctoral research position. The Institute is seeking an historian of science, an historian of art, or an anthropologist who, ideally, combines work in the areas of the history of art and images, the history of science, and both historical and present folk practices. The parameters of these fields will be broadly conceived, but the cross-disciplinarity implicit in the description of the post takes its cue from the work of Aby Warburg in each of these areas.

The candidate will . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Contrat d’enseignant post-doc en histoire de l’art contemporain (Université de Virginie, 2017-2018)

universite-de-virginieThe McIntire Department of Art at the University of Virginia invites applicants for a Post-Doctoral Teaching Fellowship in 19th-/Early 20th-century European Art during the Spring 2017 semester and Spring and Fall of the 2017-2018 academic year.

In addition to conducting an active research agenda, the successful applicant will teach one course per semester, including at least one lecture course and one seminar over the period of the appointment. Specific courses appropriate to the candidate’s areas of expertise will be determined in dialogue with the department.

Compensation will be full-time with benefits, with a salary of $60,000/year. A PhD in Art History is required at the time of appointment. Candidates must have a . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : deux postes de maître de conférences en histoire de l’art contemporain (Université de Hong Kong, 2017)

university_of_hong_kong Founded in 1911, the University of Hong Kong is committed to the highest international standards of excellence in teaching and research, and has been at the international forefront of academic scholarship for many years. The University has a comprehensive range of study programmes and research disciplines spread across 10 faculties and over 140 academic departments and institutes/centres. There are over 28,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students who are recruited globally, and more than 2,000 members of academic and academic-related staff coming from multi-cultural backgrounds, many of whom are internationally renowned.

I. Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Contemporary art history (Ref.: 201601330)

The Department of Fine Arts, HKU, invites applications for a tenure-track . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Professeur d’histoire de l’art moderne à l’Université de Montréal (Montréal, 2017)

montreal Le Département d’histoire de l’art et d’études cinématographiques de l’Université de Montréal sollicite des candidatures pour un poste de professeure ou de professeur à temps plein au rang d’adjoint en histoire de l’art, avec une spécialisation dans « Le long XVIIIe siècle (1700-1830) ».

Entrée en fonction : le ou après le 1er juin 2017.

Date limite d’expédition des dossiers : 9 novembre 2016.

Fiche du poste en PDF : poste de moderniste (XVIIIe siècle)

Les personnes intéressées sont priées de consulter la description détaillée du poste, les modalités de présentation de candidature ainsi que la date de clôture du concours sur la page Web du Département . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Professeur/e d’histoire de l’art médiéval à l’Université de Montréal (Montréal, 2017)

montreal Le Département d’histoire de l’art et d’études cinématographiques de l’Université de Montréal sollicite des candidatures pour un poste de professeure ou de professeur à temps plein au rang d’adjoint en histoire de l’art médiéval.

Entrée en fonction : le ou après le 1er juin 2017.

Date limite d’expédition des dossiers : 9 novembre 2016.

Fiche du poste en PDF : fiche du poste de professeur en histoire de l’art médieval

Les personnes intéressées sont priées de consulter la description détaillée du poste, les modalités de présentation de candidature ainsi que la date de clôture du concours sur la page Web du Département d’histoire de l’art et d’études . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : professeur ou professeur associé en histoire de la culture occidentale (Malibu, Pepperdine University, 2017)

Malibu, Pepperdine.University Pepperdine University’s Seaver College announces the Fletcher Jones Chair in Western Culture. Applicants must have the Ph.D. in a discipline such as Art History, Classics, History, Literature, Philosophy or a related field, a demonstrable commitment to excellent teaching, and an outstanding record of peer-reviewed scholarly publication.

The Fletcher Jones Chair in Western Culture will be dedicated to increasing students’ knowledge of the culture, history, and institutions of the world’s major regions and countries while significantly strengthening faculty recruitment, retention and development. Key responsibilities will include teaching large undergraduate lecture classes in the Western Culture program, providing leadership in developing and coordinating curriculum and special projects, . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Chargé de cours en Arts de l’Océanie (Paris, 2016-2017)

image004Le département d’Histoire de l’art, de la Faculté des Lettres de l’Institut catholique de Paris, recherche un chargé de cours sur les Arts de l’Océanie, pour la rentrée prochaine (septembre 2016), pour assurer un cours magistral sur les Arts de l’Océanie (12 séances d’une heure) en troisième année de licence (Diplôme d’Etat en convention avec l’Université de Rennes II).

L’enseignant sera en charge de l’élaboration de son cours, ainsi que de son évaluation au sein de la session pleinière (examen terminal en janvier 2017) et des rattrapages (semaine du 19 juin 2017).


Profil recherché : Docteur ou étudiant en cours de doctorat dans la discipline en question, . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Maître de conférence (« lecturer ») en histoire de l’art (University of Tennessee, 2016-2017)


Lecturer for a one-year, non-tenure-track position, to teach Western Art: Ancient through Medieval and Western Art: Renaissance through Contemporary, as well as courses in 15th–16th century European art.

Ph.D. preferred, ABD considered. Teaching experience preferred.

Include letter of application, curriculum vitae, and names and contact information of three references.

Application review will begin immediately and continue until filled. Salary is $34,000 (plus benefits) for those with a Ph.D. and negotiated with ABD candidates. Send materials to with the subject line “Art History search: 15th–16th century.”

The University of Tennessee is an EEO/AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA institution in the provision of its education and . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : deux assistants de recherche et deux boursiers en doctorat à la Ludwig-Maxilimians-Universität (Munich/Ratisbonne, 2016-2017),

Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies-mZTcA8t4Ybl_5Bd4qvxXuDyyfzNqHHdrLudwig-Maxilimians-Universität München, Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies up to 2 positions as a research assistant – employment according to the German TV-L in part time (65 %) – and up to 2 PhD Scholarships

The Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies is a cooperative venture organized by the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich and the Universität Regensburg. The School is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) as part of the German Excellence Initiative and started in November 2012. Research at the Graduate School is conducted in three broad interdisciplinary fields:

– Origins and Forms of Social and Political Change – . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Quatre bourses de post-doctorat à Princeton University (2017-2020)

Princeton UniversityThe Princeton Society of Fellows, an interdisciplinary group of scholars in the humanities, social sciences, and selected natural sciences, invites applications for the 2017-2020 Fellowship competition.

Four three-year Postdoctoral Fellowships will be awarded this year. The stipend for each of the three years of the fellowship will be approximately $84,500. In addition, fellows are provided with a shared office, a personal computer, a research account of $5,000 a year, access to university grants, benefits and other resources.

Fellows are expected to reside in or near Princeton during the academic year in order to attend weekly seminars and participate fully in the intellectual life of the Society.

If you have already applied to . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Professor/Associate Professor of French Studies (Melbourne, Monash University, 2016)

monash_university_logoMonash is a university of transformation, progress and optimism. Our people are our most valued asset, with our academics among the best in the world and our professional staff revolutionising the way we operate as an organisation. For more information about our University and our exciting future, please visit

Monash University is seeking to appoint an outstanding candidate as Professor/Associate Professor of French Studies within the School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics in the Faculty of Arts.

You will have a dynamic research and teaching profile, with outstanding expertise in one or more areas of French studies; interdisciplinary approaches and new theoretical engagements are particularly welcome.

. . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : professeur d’histoire de l’art médiéval (Frankfurt am Main, 2017-2023)

logo_goetheThe Faculty of Linguistics, Cultures, and Arts, Institute of Art History at the Goethe University Frankfurt welcomes applications for the following full time position starting April 2017:

Professorship of the History of Medieval Art

The initial appointment is limited to six years. Upon positive evaluation a permanent position on the level “W3” of the German university scale will be offered according to § 64 “Hessisches Hochschulgesetz”.

Requirements for this position are a PhD in Art History and further qualifications.

Goethe University is an equal opportunity employer which implies that applications from women are specifically encouraged. For further information regarding the general conditions for professorship appointments, please see:

Qualified academics . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Poste de maître de conférences en histoire de l’art contemporain (« Lecturer ») (Université de Birmingham, 2016-)

University-of-BirminghamThe Department of Art History, Curating and Visual Studies at the University of Birmingham seek to appoint a Lecturer in History of Art with research and teaching expertise in Post-1945 to Contemporary Art. Some expertise in the history, theory and practice of curating art may also be desirable, as is the capacity to pursue research and teaching collaborations with non-HEIs including galleries and museums.

The post holder will hold a PhD in a relevant field or be very close to the submission and examination of a doctoral thesis. They will be able to evidence a developing publication profile in the field and clear and realisable objectives for significant research outputs of outstanding . . . → En lire plus