Appel à candidature : « International Travel Grant Program – College Art Association (CAA) »

The CAA International Travel Grant Program, generously supported by the Getty Foundation, provides funding to twenty art historians, museum curators, and artists who teach art history to attend the 102nd Annual Conference, taking place February 12–15, 2014, in Chicago. The grant covers travel expenses, hotel accommodations, per diems, conference registrations, and one-year CAA memberships. For 2014, CAA will offer a one-day preconference meeting on February 11 for grant recipients to present and discuss their common professional interests and issues.

The goal of the program is to increase international participation in CAA and to diversify the organization’s membership, which now includes members from seventy-five nations. CAA also strives to familiarize international participants with the submission process for conference sessions and to . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Passages à Paris. Artistes étrangers à Paris, de la fin du XIXe siècle à nos jours – Foreign artists in Paris from the late 19th century through nowadays »

Georges Seurat (1859-1891) – La tour Eiffel – Huile sur panneau – 1889 – Fine Arts Museum – San Francisco

Mouvements migratoires, déplacements de population, échanges transfrontaliers ont toujours été de fréquents sujets de recherche en histoire (cf. Antoine Marès, Pierre Milza ou Michel Espagne et Michael Werner). L’histoire de l’art ne s’est intéressée à ce domaine d’études que tardivement en France. Le rôle joué par la circulation des artistes dans le développement des courants stylistiques, dans la constitution de réseaux de sociabilité, dans les transferts culturels, retient aujourd’hui l’attention des chercheurs (cf. Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel ou France Nerlich). . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Kress Interpretive Fellowship, Philadelphia Museum of Art – European Painting before 1900 »

The Philadelphia Museum of Art seeks candidates for a one year fellowship in interpretation, beginning September 2013 and ending August 2014. This Kress Interpretive Fellow, supported by a grant from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, will work collaboratively with Museum curators, educators, and conservators to create new interpretive strategies for selected works from the Museum’s collection of northern European painting from the 15th to the 17th centuries. The Fellow will have access to relevant collections and to the Museum’s library, and will partake of all professional privileges extended to Museum staff.

Reporting jointly to the Associate Curator of European Painting & Sculpture before 1900 and the Senior . . . → En lire plus

Conférence : « What was modern about American landscape painting in the 1880s ? »

What was modern about American landscape painting in the 1880s ?

Conférence de John Davis, professeur invité pour le programme Terra Foundation for american art (mars-mai 2013), Alice Pratt Brown Professor at Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts
14 mai 2013 18h

La conférence sera donnée en anglais

“What was modern about American landscape painting in the 1880s ?” This lecture takes the example of Kenyon Cox as a case study. A pupil of Gérôme, Cox studied in Paris for five years before moving to New York in 1882. Like many returning artists, Cox was caught between two sets of expectations, one based on the French academic tradition and centered on the nude human figure, the other characterized . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Bourse de la Société Malevitch 2013 »

The Malevich Society is pleased to announce its call for 2013 grant applications.The Malevich Society is a not-for-profit organization based in New York dedicated to advancing knowledge about the Russian artist Kazimir Malevich and his work.

In the belief that Malevich was a pioneer of modern art who should be recognized for his key contributions to the history of Modernism, the Society awards grants to encourage research, writing, and other activities relating to his history and memory.

The Society welcomes applications from scholars of any nationality, and at various stages of their career. Graduate students are welcome to apply to the Society’s grants after completing at least one . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : contrats LexArt pour doctorants et post-doctorants (Paris/Montpellier, 2013-2015)

Le projet européen LexArt – Words for Art : The Rise of a Terminology (1600-1750), financé par l’ERC (European Research Council-Advanced Grant 2012) porte sur l’étude systématique du vocabulaire artistique tel qu’il s’élabore et se diffuse au Nord des Alpes au XVIIe siècle à partir des textes fondateurs italiens, puis se transforme en relation avec les pratiques artistiques en France, en Grande-Bretagne, aux Pays-Bas et dans les pays germaniques.

Le but du projet LexArt est de proposer à la communauté scientifique un instrument de travail nouveau. À la fois réflexif et documentaire par la publication de sources ciblées, il établira les outils conceptuels nécessaires . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : The Bard Graduate Center

Non-Stipendiary Research Fellowship Call The Bard Graduate Center invites applications for up to four non-stipendiary research fellowships lasting from 3 to 9 months. Since its founding in 1993, the Bard Graduate Center has aimed to become the leading institute for study of the cultural history of the material world through its MA and PhD programs, scholarly exhibitions, and publications, seminars, and symposia. Its activities draw on methodologies and approaches from art, architecture and design history, economic and cultural history, history of technology, philosophy, anthropology, and archaeology. Fellowships are for researchers working in these and allied areas. We provide office space, and rental accommodation maybe available at Bard Hall. Visiting scholars are expected to participate in the public intellectual life of . . . → En lire plus

Appel à séances et ateliers : 2014 HNA/AANS International Interdisciplinary Conference (Boston: 5-7 juin, 2014)

Call for sessions and workshops: 2014 Historians of Netherlandish Art/American Association for Netherlandic Studies International Interdisciplinary Conference (Boston: 5-7 juin, 2014)

The Conference Program Committee of The Historians of Netherlandish Art solicits Session and Workshop proposals for the organization’s quadrennial conference, to be held in Boston, June 5-7, 2014. For the first time, this event will take place together and in cooperation with the conference of The American Association for Netherlandic Studies. We welcome proposals for sessions that represent new directions in the study of Netherlandish art between 1350 and 1750. Proposals may focus on individual disciplines within this chronological spectrum or feature interdisciplinary approaches and collaborative endeavors. Sessions will be two hours long with . . . → En lire plus

Colloque annuel du College Art Association (Chicago, 12-15 février 2014) : appel à communication

Comme chaque année, l’importante association CAA (l’équivalent de l’APAHAU, mais à l’échelle américaine, et avec les dollars et les aides des privés et des institutions ….) organise un important colloque. Participer à cette « conference » (pour reprendre le terme américain) est à la fois un moyen de se mettre à jour dans l’historiographie sur de nombreux sujets, de voir les champs d’études émergents, de se faire connaître à l’étranger (ou valoriser ses recherches). Pour les historiens de l’art tentés par un poste aux Etats-Unis, c’est l’occasion approprié pour se tenir au courant des jobs offerts, établir les premiers contacts et postuler pour la suite …

Pour une information générale sur le colloque et sur les propositions (date limite . . . → En lire plus

Appel à publication : « Surréalisme(s) américain(s) : formes, influences, projets », Revue Cercles.

Dans le champ des études modernistes, beaucoup reste à faire sur le(s) surréalisme(s) américain(s) de l’entre-deux-guerres. Longtemps associés aux mouvements contestataires des années soixante, ou à de rares artistes isolés, à l’instar de Man Ray, ils se déploient dans le domaine de la littérature (Andrews, Barnes, Bowles, Burnett, Brown, Emory, Ford, Godwin, Niedecker, Nin, Miller, Patchen, Tyler, Thompson, West, Williams), de la théorie (Miller, Neagoe, Parker, West, Williams), des arts plastiques et visuels (Calas, Calder, Clark, Cornell, Donati, Duchamp, Gorky, Hare, Kamrowski, Laughlin, Man Ray, Lee Miller, Reynolds, Sage, Tanning) et du cinéma (comme l’illustre « The Devil’s Plaything : American . . . → En lire plus

Journée d’étude : « Symposium in Nineteenth-Century Art » (New York, 22 mars 2013)

Tenth Annual Graduate Student Symposium in Nineteenth-Century Art (New York, 22 mars 2013) New York University, Silver Center, 100 Washington Square East, New York City, March 22, 2013, 10AM to 4:30PM


10 AM Welcome Peter Trippi (President, Association of Historians of Nineteenth-Century Art)

10:15 AM – 11:15 AM First Morning Session & Discussion Marilyn Satin Kushner (New-York Historical Society), Moderator

Jeff Richmond-Moll (University of Delaware) Ideal Companions: Horatio Greenough’s Busts of Christ and Lucifer A little-studied pair of busts of Christ and Lucifer from the 1840’s by Horatio Greenough (1805-1852) provides a unique example of the artist’s vanguard efforts in ideal sculpture. Jeff Richmond-Moll explores anew the creation and display of these unprecedented works, and unfolds Greenough’s efforts to . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Drs. Thomas and Marika Herskovic Essay Prize 2013 »

The prize: A $1000 award, supported by Drs. Thomas M. and Marika Herskovic, that recognizes outstanding scholarship by a graduate student on a topic related to Abstract Expressionism. This may be an essay on a single artist, a study of a group or regional school, Abstract Expressionism’s theoretical, philosophical or aesthetic constructs, the movement’s ramifications for other developments in modern art, or its cross-cultural stimuli. Submissions will be judged by an advisory committee including members of Stony Brook University’s Department of Art, Art History and Art Criticism.

Eligibility: Any student enrolled in a masters or doctoral program in Art History, American Studies, or another discipline to which Abstract Expressionism is relevant. Proof . . . → En lire plus

Bourse Focillon 2013

Appel à candidature : Bourse Focillon 2013 (conservateur du patrimoine)

Après avoir été longtemps financée par le ministère des Affaires étrangères, la bourse Focillon, qui porte le nom du grand historien de l’art Henri Focillon (1881-1943), mort à Yale pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, l’est désormais par le ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, au titre de la mission de coordination des enseignements supérieurs. Elle est décernée tous les ans par le Comité français d’histoire de l’art (CFHA) à un jeune chercheur en histoire de l’art (alternativement à un universitaire et à un conservateur), sans exclusive de domaine ou de période. Elle permet au/à la lauréat(e) de . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « John H. Daniels Fellowship, National Sporting Library & Museum, Middleburg, Virginia »

The National Sporting Library & Museum seeks applications for the John H. Daniels Fellowship which supports scholars doing research in the area of equestrian, angling and field sports. Individuals from the disciplines of history, literature, equine studies, journalism, art history, anthropology, area studies as well as sport and environmental history have received Daniels Fellowships.

The John H. Daniels Fellowship supports scholars at the National Sporting Library & Museum for periods of two weeks to one year. Applicants must submit a formal application demonstrating how they will utilize the NSLM collections of books, periodicals, manuscripts, archival materials and fine art for research. The NSLM has over 24,000 volumes on equestrian, angling . . . → En lire plus

Appel à contribution : « European Art versus American Art » (15-16 mars 2013, Prague)

Prague, Czech Republis, March 15 – 16, 2013 Deadline-CFP: 15 févr. 2013

Call for Papers for the Panel: Histories and Imaginaries: European Art versus American Art

(As part of the Third Euroacademia Global Conference ‘Europe Inside-Out: Europe and Europeaness Exposed to Plural Observers’, 15 -16 March, Grand Majestic Plaza, Prague, Czech Republic)


Panel Description:

Perceptions of history and historicity are considered to substantially influence and configure the sphere of imaginary representations. The universe of arts is the main environment where essentializations of conceived symbols or reactions to such essentializations are most emphatically expressed and visible. It is an often made argument that arts do reflect in a substantive manner the . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Made in the USA: The History and Legacy of Cold War Art and Design » (2 mai 2013, Dartmouth)

Made in the USA: The History and Legacy of Cold War Art & Design (2nd Annual Undergraduate Art History Conference at UMass Dartmouth)

UMass Dartmouth, May 02, 2013 Deadline-CFP: 11 mars 2013

Showcased at the 1959 American national exhibition in Moscow, the work of American designers Buckminster Fuller, Charles&Ray Eames, and George Nelson, among others, epitomized the power and prestige of the USA at the height of the Cold War. Meanwhile, the art of Jackson Pollock and other Abstract Expressionists were being utilized as ideological weapons through the traveling exhibitions of the Marshall plan.

It is also in this context that Brutalism was born. Utilizing raw concrete and linear and . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Graduate Student Summer Seminar, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven »

The Yale Center for British Art offers a biennial Graduate Student Summer Seminar, which takes the form of a week-long intensive course taught by a team of scholars from the Center and other institutions. At the heart of these seminars is an immersion in the collections of the Center and elsewhere at Yale University. Each seminar takes as its focus a specific topic that draws upon the strengths of the collections, and sessions are taught primarily in the Center’s galleries and Study Room.

In June 2013, the Yale Center for British Art (YCBA) will offer a week-long graduate student seminar, open to doctoral candidates interested in learning about color and its historical development, manufacture, and use in a range of . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « American Art in Dialogue with Africa and the African Diaspora »

Since the beginning of the transatlantic slave trade, Africa has played an important—albeit shifting, contested, and often unseen—role in the history of art of the United States. American artists of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds with various agendas have imagined and depicted Africa and African peoples in their work or turned to African cultures and art objects for inspiration. Anthropologists and art historians have scrutinized African American visual production in search of cultural retentions, while many modern and contemporary black and Latino artists have alternately highlighted or occluded reference to Africa or African Diasporic cultures in their work. Artists from the U.S. who have traveled to the continent or engaged firsthand with international African Diasporic communities have often found . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Morgan Drawing Institute Fellowships, Morgan Library & Museum, New York»

The Morgan Drawing Institute will award a small number of fellowships for the 2013-14 academic year. Applications are invited for consideration for Post-Doctoral and Pre-Doctoral Fellowships and for the Morgan-Menil Fellowship (specializing in moderna nd contemporary drawings). Fellowships are intended to support independent research projects on subjects relating to some aspect of the history, theory, collecting, function, or interpretation of old master and/or modern drawings. While research projects may focus in some way on works in the Morgan’s collection, this is not a prerequisite for consideration or support.

Pre-Doctoral Fellowships are awarded to advanced-level graduate students who have completed all course work and exams and are currently engaged in carrying . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Center for American Art Summer Fellowships, Philadelphia Museum of Art »

Institution majeure pour l’art aux Etats-Unis, le Philadelphia Museum of Art offre un stage d’été aux étudiants qui travaillent sur l’art américain. Le poste est rémunéré et, les responsabilités du stagiaire incluent la contribution à la recherche autour de la collection permanente et la participation à la préparation d’expositions. Les étudiants détenant un Master et les doctorants (‘graduate students’) sont invités à faire une candidature. Les étudiants intéressés par le travail dans les musées et la peinture/sculpture américaine d’avant 1945 sont fortement encouragés à candidater.


Application deadline: February 15, 2013

Two summer fellows will be chosen to assist in the Museum’s Department of American Art, contributing to ongoing collection . . . → En lire plus