Séminaire – Chorégraphies – L’écriture Conté, outil de composition et/ou de transmission en danse ? (13 février 2019)

Michelle Nadal travaillant à partir de notation Conté. Association Arts et Mouvement

Michelle Nadal travaillant à partir de notation Conté. Association Arts et Mouvement

Dans cette présentation, il s’agira de s’intéresser aux spécificités du système d’écriture du mouvement conçu par Pierre Conté dans les années 1930, au regard de la formation, des sources (notamment la biomécanique d’étienne-Jules Marey) et du projet de son auteur.

En s’appuyant sur l’analyse de deux fonds de partitions (fonds Conté conservé à la BnF et fonds Crang conservé à la médiathèque du CND), on s’intéressera à certains des usages en matière de composition chorégraphique . . . → En lire plus

Appel à publication : « Art History Pedagogy and Practice n°2 ».

046570f9d4625921720f54e9dcfe88f8Art History Pedagogy and Practice (AHPP), issue no. 2

Call for Papers Art History Pedagogy and Practice (AHPP), issue no. 2 Art History Pedagogy and Practice (AHPP) is a peer-reviewed, open-access e-journal dedicated to advancing teaching and learning in art history. The journal provides a forum for scholarly discourse that articulates and presents the range of pedagogical methods for learners in formal, informal, and virtual learning environments. AHPP contributes to the radical transformation of education by promoting the research and practice of pedagogy beyond institutional or disciplinary boundaries, and seeks to raise the profile and value of those who identify as educators across fields and disciplines. With its second issue, AHPP seeks long form articles, short form essays, and multi-modal projects . . . → En lire plus

Appel à publication : « Art History Pedagogy & Practice Journal »

screen-shot-2014-02-03-at-6-58-19-pmArt History Pedagogy & Practice Journal Art History Teaching Resources (AHTR) (http://arthistoryteachingresources.org/) is excited to announce the Call for Papers for the inaugural issue of Art History Pedagogy and Practice to be published in Fall 2016. Art History Pedagogy & Practice is an e-journal devoted to the scholarship of teaching and learning in art history. Art History Pedagogy and Practice (AHPP) is a peer-reviewed, open-access e-journal dedicated to advancing teaching and learning in art history. The journal provides a forum for scholarly discourse that articulates and presents the range of pedagogical methods for learners in formal, informal, and virtual learning environments. AHPP contributes to the radical transformation of education by promoting the research and practice of pedagogy beyond institutional or . . . → En lire plus