Archives & Library Assistant (Graduate Trainee), Paul Mellon Centre, London
London, Paul Mellon Centre Application deadline: Jun 11, 2023
We are excited to announce an Archives & Library Assistant (Graduate Trainee) post at the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art.
If you are interested in working with archives and library material, or have ever considered a career as an information professional, then this role would suit you.
Working for a small educational charity in the arts and heritage sector, a key part of your role will involve helping researchers find the information they need. This twelve-month post will be ideal for anyone wanting to gain experience before undertaking a professional qualification in the field.
In this hands-on role, . . . → En lire plus
Le Séminaire Collection accueille deux interventions :
Odile Boubakeur – Ecole du Louvre/Paris Saclay
Arpenter le British Museum au temps de la « jeunesse des musées » : « an immense magazine with things thrown at random » ou bien « honour of a great nation » ?
Yannick Le Pape – Musée d’Orsay
“So mysteriously significant”. Visages de l’assyromanie dans les collections d’antiquités britanniques du XIXe . . . → En lire plus
British Archaeological Association Travel Grants
Applications for travel grants are invited from students registered on post-graduate degree courses (at M.A., M.Litt., M.St., M.Phil., and Ph.D. level). Grants of up to £500 are available to cover travel for a defined purpose (such as essential site visits, attendance at an exhibition/conference, short research trip, etc). The awards will be made twice yearly, with deadlines for applications on 15 March 2021 and 15 May 2021.
Applicants are required to provide one reference, together with a timetable and travel budget, while the objective of the travel must fall within the Association’s fields of interest (as defined below). Applicants should either be registered at a UK University, or be undertaking work on material . . . → En lire plus
A l’occasion de cette série de séminaires, des chercheurs et praticiens internationaux se pencheront sur la question du site de l’art contemporain en Grande-Bretagne. La notion de site renvoie souvent à la catégorique d’art public qui est une expression très large comprenant principalement l’art créé ou exposé hors du musée et invoquant, à tort ou à raison, sa qualité démocratique. Le Royaume-Uni a connu ces dernières années un développement spectaculaire de ses commandes d’art public sous l’impulsion principale des politiques culturelles inaugurées dans les années quatre-vingt-dix et deux mille visant la régénération par l’art de quartiers et de villes en déclin. Or, dans le même temps, . . . → En lire plus
Plusieurs bourses sont actuellement proposées aux doctorants à l’université d’Oxford :
1) Bourse Besse, Pembroke College Oxford (2015-2016) — durée d’un an.
Ces bourses ont pour origine le legs en 1951 par Antonin Besse, homme d’affaires français, d’une partie de sa fortune à l’Université d’Oxford dans le but de permettre à des étudiants français de venir poursuivre leur recherche à Oxford. Aujourd’hui les étudiant(e)s de toute nationalité inscrit(e)s dans une université ou un établissement d’enseignement supérieur français peuvent poser leur candidature à une bourse Besse. Pour l’année 2015-2016, Pembroke College ( offrira la bourse avec une charge d’enseignement s’élevant jusqu’à 6 heures par semaine (cours de français oral et . . . → En lire plus
Le catalogue raisonné du peintre paysagiste gallois Richard Wilson (1713 – 1782) a été mis récemment en ligne. Il a été compilé par le Dr Paul Spencer-Longhurst (Senior Research Fellow) avec la collaboration du professeur David Solkin (commissaire de l’exposition, Richard Wilson : The Landscape of Reaction, 1982-1983) et Kate Lowry (anciennement Conservateur en chef à la National Musée du Pays de Galles, Cardiff), avec l’aide de Maisoon Rehani (coordonnatrice du projet) et de Peter Thomas (Projet Consultant technique).
Richard Wilson on line est le résultat d’intenses recherches entreprises depuis 2009 sur le statut et l’oeuvre de Richard Wilson à l’occasion . . . → En lire plus
The Warburg Institute possesses the most important library in the world dedicated to the afterlife of the classical tradition. It has a worldwide reputation for research and teaching in art history, medieval and renaissance studies, the afterlife of the classical tradition, and Arabic, medieval and renaissance philosophy.
The Institute is located within the University of London’s School of Advanced Study. The School of Advanced Study is a unique institution in UK higher education. Comprising ten postgraduate institutes and a variety of central academic initiatives, it is located within the Bloomsbury precinct of the University in the . . . → En lire plus
Paul Mellon Centre, London, United Kingdom, July 21 – 25, 2014 Deadline-CFP: 10 mars 2014
2014 British Print Culture in a Transnational Context, 1700-2014
Graduate Summer Seminar, 21 – 25 July
In July 2014, the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art will offer a week-long graduate student seminar focusing on British print culture. This is open to doctoral candidates who are working on related topics, or whose research would benefit from a deeper knowledge of the subject.
For more details about the seminar and application procedure, see:
Deadline for applications: 10th March 2014.
URL de référence :
The Institut français du Royaume-Uni in London is proud to announce the launch of its annual art history festival.
VIEW will explore the multiple facets of art history through debates, talks, film screenings, an ‘art lab’ (see below) and an art book fair. Exclusive tours echoing the topics broached during the festival at the Institut will also be organised in and by London’s great museums during the weekend. From academics, curators, collectors, museum directors and art dealers to writers, film directors, artists and journalists, the greatest European personalities in the field of art history will be present to share their knowledge, debate and shed light on key issues.
ABOUT THE ART LAB The Art Lab is a dedicated space at the festival in which the work of some of the . . . → En lire plus
Appel à communication Festival de l’histoire de l’art 3e édition
Fontainebleau, 31 mai- 2juin 2013 : L’éphémère, Le Royaume-Uni, pays invité.
Le Festival de l’histoire de l’art. Le Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art et le Château de Fontainebleau s’associent, avec le concours du ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, pour proposer la troisième édition du Festival de l’histoire de l’art. Conçues comme un carrefour des publics et des savoirs, ces trois journées offrent conférences, débats, concerts, expositions, projections, lectures et rencontres dans le château et dans plusieurs sites de la ville de . . . → En lire plus
Tate and the Royal College of Art in London are offered an AHRC-funded studentship to research Pop Art in Eastern Europe.
The Critical Writing in Art and Design programme at the Royal College of Art (RCA) and Tate in London seek to recruit a student to undertake a PhD by thesis on the history of Pop Art in Eastern Europe. Commencing in October 2012, this studentship is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council Collaborative Doctoral Award scheme.
In 2015 Tate Modern will mount a major exhibition to explore the wide geographical reach of Pop Art in the 1960s and 1970s. It will provide a focus for new research into Pop’s core themes – including the rise of consumerism and popular culture, and the languages, techniques and currency of . . . → En lire plus
We are seeking to appoint a leading art historian to this prestigious Chair. You will have an outstanding research and publication record and will be expected to make a distinctive contribution to AHVS’s innovative teaching and thriving research (ranked fourth nationally in RAE 2008), as well as provide intellectual leadership for the subject area and more broadly. Your area of expertise may be in any area of art history.
The Pilkington Chair is one of the most prestigious chairs in History of Art in the country. Originally endowed in 1956 by two sisters, Margaret and Dorothy Pilkington, scions of a glass manufacturer, it has been a beacon for the study of art history at Manchester for nearly fifty years. . . . → En lire plus
We are seeking to appoint a specialist in European or non-European art in the period from 1700 to the present.
Art History & Visual Studies at Manchester maintains close research and teaching ties with the Whitworth Art Gallery, which this appointment is expected to enhance. Already a drawcard for art history students, the Whitworth is about to undergo a spectacular £12 million Heritage Lottery-funded refurbishment, with a major expansion of teaching facilities. In response to the needs of our students, we have also developed a strand of teaching within our undergraduate curriculum on the history of collecting and display. It is expected that the appointee will discover ways of engaging with the Whitworth and its rich collections, and . . . → En lire plus
The Association of Art Historians seeks to recruit an Assistant Editor for its flagship journal, Art History. The position will be for a fixed term of 6 months from January to June 2012 inclusive. The post will be 60% of full time (3 days or approximately 21 hours a week). The equivalent annual salary (pro-rata at 60%) will be £25,100.
Candidates must be educated to at least MA level in Art History and preferably have previous or current experience in academic journal production. For further details, including a full job description and person specification, visit
Applications, including a covering letter, current CV, and the names and addresses of two referees, should be sent by email . . . → En lire plus
La Maison Française d’Oxford (Institut Français de Recherche à l’Etranger) propose des bourses d’un mois pour doctorants désireux de poursuivre un travail de recherche. Outre le montant de la bourse (250 livres sterling), l’établissement offre au doctorant l’accueil en chambre avec petit déjeuner et l’accès aux bibliothèques d’Oxford.
Conditions: Etre inscrit en doctorat de lettres ou de sciences humaines et sociales dans une université française ou en cotutelle avec une université française. Les bourses ne sont pas ouvertes aux post-doctorants.
Montant de la bourse: £250 plus chambre avec petit déjeuner.
Nombre de bourses: 4 (septembre 2011 inclus à décembre 2011 inclus).
Durée: Un mois entier (du 1er au 30/31).
Date limite de réception des dossiers: 1er juin 2011.
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