Appel à communication : « Wordstruck : American Artists as Readers, Writers and Literati » (Lublin, Pologne, mai 2015)

Washington Allston, Autoportrait, 1808, Boston The Department of American Studies at Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland, will host “Wordstruck : American Artists as Readers, Writers and Literati,” scheduled to take place May 13-16, 2015. The goal of the conference is to explore the intellectual endeavors and other significant achievements of American painters from the colonial era to the post-World War II years. We invite paper proposals that address the multiple questions that arise when we think about artists as creative individuals endowed with skills and sensibilities that distinguish them from ordinary people, but which at the same time enable them to make unique and valuable contributions to culture and society outside the . . . → En lire plus

Conférence : « The Democratic Surround. Les environnements multimédias et la politique de l’attention dans les États-Unis de la guerre froide »

C_Turner_Democratic Par Fred Turner (Université de Stanford) dans le cadre du programme « Art contemporain et cinéma »

16 décembre 2014 – 18h30 Galerie Colbert Salle Giorgio Vasari entrée libre

Accès : 6 rue des Petits-Champs ou 2, rue Vivienne 75002 Paris


Au début des années soixante, les spectacles psychédéliques combinant projections lumineuses et son amplifié se sont répandus aux États-Unis de San Francisco à New York. Ces rites tribaux ont généralement été perçus comme constituant une rupture avec le conservatisme de la période de la guerre froide. S’appuyant sur des sources méconnues, cette conférence situe à l’inverse la genèse des environnements multimédias des années . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Hybrid practices » (10-13 mars 2015, Lawrence)

Lawrence, Kansas, March 10 – 13, 2015 Deadline-CFP: 1 nov. 2014


spencermuseumHybrid practices in the arts, sciences, and technology from the 1960s to today

The Spencer Museum of Art (SMA) at the University of Kansas (KU) is organizing a conference on hybrid research practices in the arts, sciences, and technology from the 1960s to today. Distinguished scholars involved in the conference include D. Graham Burnett (Cabinet magazine) and Anne Collins Goodyear (Bowdoin College Museum of Art). Together with papers, roundtables, and keynote presentations, the conference will incorporate performative and event-based creative projects grounded in hybrid art-science-technology research. Selected conference presenters will be invited to . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Bourse de la Terra Foundation

terra-lgTravel grants to the United States

Application deadline: Jan 15, 2015

The Terra Foundation offers Research Travel Grants to enable scholars outside the United States to consult resources that are only available within the United States. These grants provide support for research on topics concerning American art and visual culture prior to 1980. Grant funding is available for short-term travel (3 months maximum) that gives scholars:

– An opportunity to discover new source material;

– Experience works of art first-hand in museums and private collections;

– Consult local archives and library collections;

– Establish professional networks for future research.

Funds can be used for related transportation, lodging, meals, and research fees and expenses. They cannot be used for the purchase . . . → En lire plus

Appel à publication : American Art International Essay Prize

Call for Participation

Capture d’écran 2014-09-19 à 01.47.55Terra Foundation for American Art International Essay Prize in Partnership with the Journal American Art

The Terra Foundation for American Art International Essay Prize recognizes excellent scholarship by a non-U.S. scholar in the field of historical American art. Manuscripts should advance the understanding of American art, demonstrating new findings and original perspectives. The prize winner will be given the opportunity to work toward publication in American Art, the Smithsonian American Art Museum’s scholarly journal. He or she will also receive a $1,000 cash award and a travel stipend of up to $3,000 to give a presentation in Washington, D.C., and meet with . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communications : « Représentations du pouvoir et pouvoir de l’image dans la photographie contemporaine américaine et britannique »

Capture d’écran 2014-09-15 à 10.57.20From the power of images to images of power, this workshop will explore the representations of power and the power of representation in contemporary American and British photography. What is photography capable of doing? Whether in the form of a public person, the environment of power (emblematic places and explicit or underlying forms) or its symbolism, what is photography capable of revealing about power itself? Political, institutional, economic or social power all depend upon a system of relations or tensions between groups or individuals (accepted, rejected, questioned, expressed visually or internalized) participating in the construction of the identity, myths or memories of the American or British . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « IFA/Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2015-2016 »

James_B_Duke_House_001The Institute of Fine Arts announces a postdoctoral fellowship supported by a grant from the A. W. Mellon Foundation. This award will be for academic year 2015 – 2016. The A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow will be in residence at the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. This fellowship will give the Fellow the opportunity to pursue a research project while gaining teaching experience at a graduate level. The Fellow is expected to carry out research on a project leading to a major publication.

The A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship award is $55,000 per year, with benefits. There is a further $10,000 housing allowance and $2,000 for . . . → En lire plus

Journée d’études – Seth Siegelaub et cætera : archive, art conceptuel, textile

Journée d’études organisée par l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art

Lundi 26 mai 2014 9h30-18h

Comité scientifique Annie Claustres, Sara Martinetti, Philippe Sénéchal (INHA)

Cette journée d’études réunit des intervenants internationaux pour dresser un état provisoire des recherches sur le travail de Seth Siegelaub (1941, Bronx, New York – 2013, Bâle), connu avant tout pour avoir été l’un des promoteurs de l’art conceptuel américain au tournant des années soixante-dix. À travers une série d’exposés, d’entretiens et d’archives orales ainsi qu’une sélection de documents présentés en vitrine, elle donnera un aperçu de son archive, dont l’envergure et la nature restent à sonder.

Après avoir dirigé une galerie d’art et de tapis orientaux, Seth Siegelaub organise à partir de 1968 une série de . . . → En lire plus

Conférence de Jennifer A. Greenhill : Flip, Linger, Glide : The Movements of Magazine Pictures and Their Publics, c. 1915

Conférence organisée dans le cadre du programme de la Terra Foundation for American Art :

Par Jennifer A. Greenhill Associate Professor of Art History, The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

This paper seeks to get around the reductive taste concepts that have ghettoized periodical illustration in art historical scholarship by focusing on the physical experience of engaging with it. Although some scholars have worked to legitimate illustration by treating it as fine art, this approach leaves to one side its intimate engagement with the viewer’s body as she flips through the pages of a journal, perhaps placing it on her lap or close to her face to scrutinize the details of an advertisement, say, or an image embedded in a story. What might we learn by attending to the experience of . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellowship, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago »

resize__575__575__5__text_images__full_1308248977collectionThe Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago (MCA) is one of Chicago’s major cultural collecting institutions and one of the nation’s largest facilities devoted to the art of our time, offering exhibitions, performances, and programs of the most thought-provoking art created since 1945.

The MCA’s Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellowship is intended to offer a significant opportunity for an emerging scholar to gain professional curatorial experience and to conduct research in a major museum setting. The Fellow will primarily be responsible for collection and exhibition-related research and scholarship, with additional duties as appropriate. The Fellow will assist in organizing a collection-based exhibition and will have the opportunity to organize at . . . → En lire plus

Appel à publication : « Symbolism(s) and their Legacies in American Art, 1880-1920 »

vedder1Symbolism(s) and their Legacies in American Art, 1880-1920 Deadline: Jun 9, 2014 CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS Symbolism(s) and their Legacies in American Art, 1880-1920 At the 2012 CAA conference, the Association of Historians of American Art-sponsored panel on American Symbolism pointed towards a need for reevaluation of the wide-ranging influence of this diverse, enigmatic movement in American painting, photography, sculpture, and the decorative arts. The significance of the pivotal but now outdated 1979 exhibition catalog American Imagination and Symbolist Painting was widely acknowledged, as it remains one of the very few to address the rich cultural influence of Symbolism on American art. However, it is time for a re-evaluation of the book, examining the pervasive role of proliferating Symbolisms beyond their . . . → En lire plus

Journée d’étude : « Funny papers : Humor in American Art » (Paris, INHA)

2014-03-11-JE-FunnyPaper-1-56689Journée d’étude organisée dans le cadre du partenariat avec la Terra Foundation for American Art et le consortium d’universités associé (université Paris-Diderot, université Paris-Ouest Nanterre, université de Tours)

Cette journée d’études explore la fonction de l’humour dans l’art américain. Elle examine la place de l’humour dans les arts, et met en relief les différentes approches scientifiques sur ses usages. Les multiples possibilités qu’offre l’humour, sa capacité à être à la fois léger et sérieux, complice et critique, ont beaucoup attiré les artistes et, même si l’on est souvent tenté de négliger la part humoristique des stratégies artistiques, force est de constater que l’humour permet aux artistes d’aborder des questions qui sont au coeur de la société américaine. Dans . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Research Fellowship at the Bard Graduate Center: Decorative Arts, Design History, Material Culture »

15305The Bard Graduate Center invites applications for a new funded research fellowship program. Scholars from university, museum and independent backgrounds are invited to apply. Candidates must already have a PhD or equivalent professional experience. The fellowship is open to both collections-based research at the BGC or elsewhere in New York, and to writing or reading projects in which being part of the BGC’s dynamic research environment is intellectually valuable. The stipend rate is $3,500 per month and housing costs are assumed by the BGC. Both long- and short-term fellowships are available (for example, 6, 4, 2 or 1 month), with a one-month minimum. The timing of dates will be negotiated . . . → En lire plus

Parution : « La crise de l’art abstrait ? »

Hélène Trespeuch, La crise de l’art abstrait ? Récits et critique en France et aux États-Unis dans les années 1980. Rennes, PUR, 2014.

Trespeuch-Crise-art-abstraitEnvisageant des sources aussi variées que les manuels d’histoire de l’art, les revues art press et October, des catalogues d’expositions, cet essai entend dresser un panorama précis des enjeux que cristallise le récit de l’art abstrait à l’ère de la post-avant-garde. Décrypter les prises de position des uns et des autres doit permettre de comprendre que la crise de l’art abstrait si souvent annoncée a souvent été une crise du discours plus que des pratiques elles-mêmes.

Préface de Philippe Dagen

Avec le soutien de l’université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III (CRISES . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidatures – Bourse Focillon 2014

Après avoir été longtemps financée par le ministère des Affaires étrangères, la bourse Focillon, qui porte le nom du grand historien de l’art Henri Focillon (1881-1943), mort à Yale pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, l’est désormais par le ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, au titre de la mission de coordination des enseignements supérieurs. Elle est décernée tous les ans par le Comité français d’histoire de l’art (CFHA) à un jeune chercheur en histoire de l’art (alternativement à un universitaire et à un conservateur), sans exclusive de domaine ou de période. Elle permet au/à la lauréat(e) de séjourner pendant trois mois à Yale University (New Haven, Connecticut) et de poursuivre ses recherches en bénéficiant des excellentes conditions de travail qu’elle offre (en particulier les bibliothèques). Elle lui donne . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Une traversée dans la famille Matta »

749px-RobertoMatta_Three_Figures_1958c.Appel à communication, journée d’études, « Une traversée dans la famille Matta »


19 juin 2014, Galerie Colbert, Paris Date limite : 1er avril 2014.

Organisateurs / Maxime Morel, Marine Nédélec, Camille Paulhan, sous la direction de Philippe Dagen

L’histoire de l’art est marquée par de multiples récits familiaux, des dynasties artistiques s’échelonnant et s’interférant sur les plans de la fratrie, du couple et de la descendance. Nombreux sont alors les grands noms qui nous viennent à l’esprit, depuis la Renaissance jusqu’au XXe siècle : Jan, Hubert, Marguerite et Lambert Van Eyck ; Marcel Duchamp, Suzanne Duchamp, Jacques Villon et Raymond Duchamp-Villon pour ne citer que ces deux célèbres . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Collecting Early Modern Art in the Southern U.S. » (16-19 octobre 2014, La Nouvelle Orléans)

SCSC, New Orleans, October 16 – 19, 2014 Deadline: March 10th, 2014

Call for Papers, Sixteenth Century Society Annual Conference October 16-19, 2014, New Orleans, Louisiana

homepageSession: « Collecting, Conserving, Documenting, and Exhibiting Early Modern Art in the Southern United States »

The art collections of the Southern United States contain rich and representative holdings of early modern art. This session considers how these objects arrived in prominent public and private collections, how they have been curated and displayed, and how they have also been preserved historically. Papers dealing with paintings, drawings, prints, sculptures, illustrated books and ephemera from all cultures and phases related to the early modern period (within . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellow (Art of the Ancient Americas), Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) »

americasmain_0The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) announces a search for candidates for a Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellowship. This one-year fellowship, with option of renewal for a second year, in the museum’s Ancient Americas department will provide curatorial training and support scholarly research in connection with developing exhibitions and related projects. Striving to combine the strengths of academic art history, anthropology and the art museum, this Fellowship is designed to attract exceptional scholars in the field of anthropology of art, specifically scholars who are interested in the theoretical links between the peoples and cultures of the ancient Americas and contemporary native ritual practices, beliefs and art production. The Postdoctoral Fellowship . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : « Paid Summer Internships, John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota, Florida »

RinglingMuseumCourtyardThe John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota, Florida will be offering paid internships to be held for ten weeks, from June 2 – August 8, 2014 (the dates of the theater internship are June 9 – August 2). Ringling is part of Florida State University and serves as the State Art Museum of Florida. Located on a 66-acre site overlooking Sarasota Bay, it consists of an art museum, two circus museums, historic home, theater, and research library.

Summer internships at the Ringling combine practical, hands-on experience working on a project for a specific department with exposure to all aspects of the Museum’s operation.

The internships . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Curatorial Research Fellow (Art of Europe), Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Capture d’écran 2014-01-15 à 23.38.12Job opportunity: Curatorial Research Fellow (Art of Europe): Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Information from the museum, 2 January 2013 The Art of Europe department seeks a curatorial research fellow to contribute to the study and management of paintings in the collection and in support of the organization of projects and exhibitions. Minimal requirements include: M.A. in art history, pertinent work experience, confident reading knowledge of Dutch and German, aptitude with computers and databases, strong organizational skills. Preference will be given to candidates with a concentration in European old master paintings and to those with more than one year’s experience working in a curatorial department.

Application materials are . . . → En lire plus