I Tatti / Museo Nacional del Prado Joint Fellowship

I Tatti / Museo Nacional del Prado Joint Fellowship

Florence / Madrid, Sep 15, 2023–Jun 30, 2024 Application deadline: Nov 30, 2022

Villa I Tatti – The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies in Florence and the Museo Nacional del Prado in Madrid offer a joint residential fellowship for the 2023-2024 academic year. Fellows will spend the fall term (mid-September – mid-December) in Madrid, with the support of the Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica (CEEH) and the spring term (January – June 2024) in Florence. The fellowship is designed for early and mid-career scholars in the field of art history, with preference given to advanced research projects . . . → En lire plus

Poste : assistant diplomé : histoire de l’art contemporain, université de Fribourg (Suisse)

Mise au concours Assistant.e diplômé.e 65%

Histoire de l’art contemporain Université de Fribourg

Activités: (Tâches principales selon cahier des charges) – Enseignement au niveau BA – Conseil aux études étudiant.e.s Bachelor et Master – Collaboration aux activités de recherche en histoire de l’art contemporain

Exigences: – MA en histoire de l’art – Projet de doctorat en histoire de l’art contemporain

Exigences linguistiques: – Français et/ou allemand avec bonnes connaissances de l’autre langue – Autres connaissances linguistiques (anglais, etc.)

Entrée en fonction: 1 mars 2023

SVP envoyez votre candidature (lettre de motivation, CV, etc.) en format PDF jusqu’au 30 novmebre 2022 à l’adresse suivante : Prof. Julia Gelshorn julia.gelshorn@unifr.ch

. . . → En lire plus

Poste : Postdoc position, Medieval/Pre-Modern Art, University of Bern

Postdoc position, Medieval/Pre-Modern Art, University of Bern

Universität Bern, 01.01.–31.12.2023 Bewerbungsschluss: 15.11.2022

Post-doctoral research and teaching position available (non-tenure-track), starting 1 January 2023 (or later). Specialization should be in the field of Medieval art (Europe, OR other regions, e.g. African, Byzantine, Eastern European, East- or Southasian, Islamic, Scandi-navian Art or Arts of the Americas), preferably in an area complementing the research ac-tivities of the program in the History of Medieval Art. The successful candidate will carry out research in his or her chosen field and work closely with the Chair of History of Medieval Art in terms . . . → En lire plus

Poste : Assistant prof., Digital Building Research and Archeological Studies, Darmstad,

At the Department of Architecture at Technische Universität Darmstadt the position of an Assistant Professorship (W2, Tenure-Track) – ”Digital Building Research and Archeological Studies“ (Code. No. 501) is to be filled: the professorship fits the focus with an emphasis in teaching and research on digital building research (Bauforschung). The position is initially limited to six years.

The professorship with a decidedly archeology science profile has two main strands: on the one hand, the transmission and development of applied technological-digital methods in building research and the testing and locating of theoretical concepts for innovative concepts for digital research approaches framed through methods in the humanities on the other. That . . . → En lire plus

Prix de la Fondazione Cini en l’honneur de Manlio Malabotta et de Franca Fenga Malabotta

Study Prize in Honour of Manlio Malabotta and Franca Fenga Malabotta Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice

Deadline: Nov 10, 2022 <https://www.cini.it/en/news/study-prize-in-honour-of-manlio-malabotta-and-franca-fenga-malabotta> Info premio.malabotta@cini.it

1) The Fondazione Giorgio Cini Institute of Art History is awarding a study prize in the memory of Manlio Malabotta, an art critic, writer and art collector from Trieste, at the behest of his wife Franca Fenga Malabotta, who donated her husband’s collection of graphic arts and a part of his library in the form of a bequest to the Fondazione Giorgio Cini. The Institute has thus announced an annual competition for a study prize worth 1,500 euros for art historians, graduates, postgraduates, master’s students, and PhD students, who for reasons related to their field of study and research need to make a study trip . . . → En lire plus

Contrats doctoraux, Utrecht, Dutch ‘Golden’ Age and non-Western elements

3 PhD positions in Art History, University of Utrecht

University of Utrecht, Jan 01, 2023 Application deadline: Sep 23, 2022

The art of the Dutch ‘Golden’ Age has many non-Western elements, from the Islamic scarf of Vermeer’s Girl with Pearl Earring to Rembrandt’s Chinese porcelain. The project ‘The Dutch Global Age’ (NWO-Vici) examines how Netherlandish art has contributed to a global worldview and demonstrates the contemporary relevance of Netherlandish Old Masters in a globalizing world.

We are seeking three candidates for PhD positions in this project. The team will explore interactions between the arts of the Netherlands and the world beyond Europe. It will combine different approaches: technical . . . → En lire plus

Universite de Bergen (Norvège) , poste de professeur en histoire de l’art et théorie de l’art contemporain

Associate professor (100%) in art history and contemporary art theory

At the Art Academy – Department of Contemporary Art, there is a vacancy for a position as Associate Professor (100%) in art history and contemporary art theory.

Work tasks/research field: . . . → En lire plus

Bourses sur le paysage de la fondation Benetton

Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche establishes landscape study scholarships on a yearly basis to support young graduates who wish to carry out research into the landscape, gardens and the care of places. The eighth edition 2022/2023 will grant two six-month scholarships in one of the three thematic areas (Landscape project, Theories and policies for landscape, Nature and gardens), to be chosen by the candidate. The scholarship is open to Italian and foreign graduates (master’s degree/laurea magistrale) and postgraduates, under the age of 40 on 31 August 2022, which is the deadline for submitting the applications. The value of the scholarship is set at Euro 10,000 (gross). The scholarship shall be carried out from 15 January 2023 to 15 July 2023.

The application form . . . → En lire plus

11 Residential Scholarships in the Humanities, Venice

11 Residential Scholarships in the Humanities, Venice

Venice, Italy, Jul 13–Sep 1, 2022 Application deadline: Sep 1, 2022

The Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice offers 11 residential scholarships to PhD students and postdoc students who must not be over 40 years old on September 1, 2022, interested in spending two consecutive months in Venice at the Vittore Branca International Center for the Study of Italian Culture between January and December 2023.

The project is part of the initiatives shared with the Veneto Region l.r. 24/2021. 10 scholarships will be granted to interdisciplinary research projects in the field of Humanities. 1 scholarship will be granted to digitization-related research . . . → En lire plus

Curatorial Research Fellowship, Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome

Curatorial Research Fellowship, Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome

Rome Application deadline: Sep 12, 2022

The Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome offers Curatorial Research Fellowships with a duration of three months to museum curators for projects on Italian art history from Late Antiquity to the present day in the context of their respective museum activities (e.g. curatorial research for the preparation of an exhibition or the editing of an inventory catalogue). A correlation to the current research priorities of the Bibliotheca Hertziana is welcome.

Curatorial Research Fellows receive a monthly expense allowance of approximately 1.750 € and are granted full access to all . . . → En lire plus

Postes d’enseignements en histoire de l’art Université d’Oslo

5 Art History Positions, University of Oslo

Application deadline: Aug 31, 2022

3 positions as Associate Professor and 2 as senior lecturer of Art History and Visual Studies are available at the Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas, University of Oslo:

Position 1: Associate professor, underrepresented cultures and geographies, in the age of globalization (1500-today): https://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/225790/associate-professor-of-art-history-and-visual-studies

Position 2: Associate Professor, medieval art and visual culture: https://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/225679/associate-professor-of-history-of-art-and-visual-studies-medieval-art-and-visual-culture

Position 3: Associate professor, modern art. (The position entails teaching also on the MA program’s specialization in Curation, Criticism, and the Cultural Heritage of Modernism): https://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/225714/associate-professor-in-history-of-art-and-visual-studies-modern-art

Position 4 and 5: . . . → En lire plus

Bourses prédoctorales et postdoctorales Bibliotheca Hertziana

Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships, Bibliotheca Hertziana

Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome Application deadline: Jul 24, 2022

Call for Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome

The Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome offers Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships for the academic year 2022/23 in the department of Prof. Dr. Tristan Weddigen. Under the general theme of Art of the Modern Age in a Global Context, the department welcomes projects in — but not limited to — one of its core research areas: Rome Contemporary, Materiality and Mediality, Italy in a . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidatures : Paris x Rome Fellowship

Paris x Rome Fellowship

Für die deutsche Version bitte unten weiterlesen.

La versione italiana segue in basso.


Le Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art (DFK Paris) – institut de la fondation Max Weber – et la Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte – proposent conjointement une bourse de recherche de six mois pour l’année académique 2022-23. Celle-ci doit permettre d’effectuer des séjours de recherche de trois mois chacun dans des fonds d’archives ou de bibliothèques à Paris et à Rome, d’échanger avec les scientifiques des deux instituts et de se familiariser avec les approches transnationales de l’histoire de l’art en France et en Italie.

La bourse Paris . . . → En lire plus

Offre de poste : « Professeur-e associé-e en histoire de l’art contemporain (Lausanne) »

PrésentationLa Section d’histoire de l’art de la Faculté des lettres de l’Université de Lausanne met au concours un poste de professeur·e associé·e en histoire de l’art contemporain.Informations complémentairesEntrée en fonction : 1er août 2023Durée du contrat : 6 ans, renouvelable Taux d’activité : 100%Lieu de travail : Lausanne-DorignyVos activitésCharge d’enseignement de 6 heures hebdomadaires (cours et séminaires de niveau BA ou MA).Encadrement des étudiant·e·s, prise en charge d’examens.Direction de mémoires et de thèses.Participation aux programmes de spécialisation de la Faculté et aux programmes de doctorat de la CUSO. Recherches individuelles ; développement de projets de recherche collectifs.Participation aux activités de recherche et aux tâches administratives au sein de la . . . → En lire plus

Offre de poste : « Université de Neuchâtel – Institut d’histoire de l’art et de muséologie – Poste d’assistant-e doctorant-e (100%) – Chaire d’histoire de l’art moderne et de muséologie »

L’Institut d’Histoire de l’Art et de Muséologie (IHAM) de l’Université de Neuchâtel est un leader dans le domaine de l’enseignement de la muséologie, de l’histoire des collections, et du conseil au musée. Son master en études muséales, qui offre des enseignements de qualité internationale, accueille de nombreux étudiant-e-s étrangers-ères ; il a reçu le label ICOM des formations certifiées dans le domaine de la muséologie.

Pour compléter son équipe, l’IHAM ouvre, pour le 1er août ou le 1er septembre 2022 :

Un poste d’Assistant-e doctorant-e (100%) rattaché à la chaire d’histoire de l’art moderne et de . . . → En lire plus

Poste : Professorship in History of Architecture and Monument Preservation (Berne)

Professorship in History of Architecture and Monument Preservation Associated Professorship or tenure track Assistant Professorship, 100%

The Professorship is located at the Institute for Art History We are seeking a scholar with expertise in teaching across the history of architecture and with a research specialization in two fields of architectural history, broadly conceived. Given Bern’s status as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, a strong interest in and engagement with architectural preservation are expected. Prerequisites include a PhD and either a habilitation/track record equivalent to habilitation (for an associate professorship) or an advanced second research project (for a tenure-track assistant professorship).

The future professor of the History of Architecture . . . → En lire plus

Bourse : Census x Hertziana Fellowship, Rome and Berlin, Pre- or Postdoctoral Level

Census x Hertziana Fellowship, Rome and Berlin, Pre- or Postdoctoral Level

Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte, Berlin + Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome Application deadline: Jun 30, 2022

The program « Art History in a Global Context » at the The Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History and the « Census of Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known in the Renaissance » at the Institut für Kunst– und Bildgeschichte, Humboldt–Universität zu Berlin, are pleased to announce a new fellowship in Rome and Berlin offered at either the predoctoral or postdoctoral level. These fellowships are intended for research and intellectual exchange . . . → En lire plus

Atelier de recherche franco-allemand : « Le musée privé au XXIe siècle. Une comparaison France-Allemagne »



Atelier de recherche franco-allemand

Le musée privé au XXIe siècle. Une comparaison France-Allemagne


Organisé par le Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art (DFK Paris) en coopération avec le master « Curatorial Studies – Théorie – Histoire – Critique » de l’université de Francfort-sur-le-Main

Dates : 5 – 7 Septembre 2022 et 6 – 8 Mars 2023

Lieu: Paris (première partie) / Sud de l’Allemagne (deuxième partie)

Date limite de dépôt des candidatures : 15 juin 2022


Au printemps 2021, un nouveau lieu d’exposition a ouvert au sein de la Bourse de commerce de Paris, pour lequel l’entrepreneur et collectionneur d’art François Pinault a fait . . . → En lire plus

PhD Fellowships, Digital Visual Studies

PhD Fellowships, Digital Visual Studies

Center for Digital Visual Studies, Max Planck Society and University of Zurich, Sep 1, 2022–Sep 1, 2025 Application deadline: Jun 19, 2022

The Max Planck Society (MPG) and the University of Zurich (UZH) invite applications for interdisciplinary predoctoral fellowships in the field of Digital Visual Studies (DVS) for a duration of 1+2 years. The program is part of a 5-year cross-institutional Digital Humanities research project funded by the MPG, supported by the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History (BHMPI) and collaborating with the Swiss Art Research Infrastructure (SARI) and the UZH Digital Society Initiative (DSI).

The fellows will carry out cutting-edge multidisciplinary research at the intersection of Art and Architectural History and Computer Science in a program specifically designed to tackle the . . . → En lire plus



Fondée en 1666 par Louis XIV, l’Académie de France à Rome – Villa Médicis est un établissement français installé depuis 1803 à la Villa Médicis, villa du XVIe siècle entourée d’un parc de sept hectares et située sur le mont Pincio, au cœur de Rome.

Établissement public national relevant du ministère de la Culture, l’Académie de France à Rome – Villa Médicis remplit aujourd’hui trois missions qui se complètent : accueillir des artistes, créateurs et créatrices, historiens et historiennes de l’art de haut niveau en résidence pour des séjours longs d’une durée d’un an ou des séjours plus courts ; mettre en place une programmation culturelle et artistique qui intègre tous les champs des arts . . . → En lire plus