Appel à communication : « La Biennale de Venise et le marché de l’art » (Londres, février 2016)

Augusto Sezanne, affiche de la 8e exposition internationale de Venise, 1909Over its history, the strategic positioning of the Venice Biennale has seemingly oscillated between a pure exhibition platform and a hybrid exhibition/exchange platform. At its inception in 1895, the venture strongly pushed forward an aim of aesthetic experimentation (laboratorio della modernità) whilst emphasising its scorn of mercantile concerns (prosaicità mercantile). However the 1899 Catalogue of the Biennale blatantly belied such initial aim when it signalled the presence of a sales bureau at the heart of the exhibition palace. From then onwards, the Venice venture openly acknowledged its function as a market of international contemporary art, so much so that its . . . → En lire plus

Colloque : « Art and Market in the Nineteenth Century » (La Haye, 21-22 mai 2015)

220px-Honoré_Daumier_005Art and Market in the Nineteenth Century (The Hague, 21-22 May 15) The Hague, May 21 – 22, 2015

Registration deadline: May 5, 2015

Friend or foe: Art and the Market in the Nineteenth Century

The attitude towards art dealers in the nineteenth century are rather diverse. Vincent van Gogh loathed the ‘art buyer’ while other artists built enduring relationships with them. However different these positions, most artists seem to have agreed that the impact of dealers on the art world was undeniable and had to be negotiated in one way or another. Most narratives of the history of the nineteenth-century art market have assigned dealers the role of stage-managers and even puppet masters, controlling the entire artistic life-cycle of . . . → En lire plus

Appel à session : « Creating Markets, Collecting Art » (Londres, juillet 2016)

Christies-Auction-RoomTo commemorate the traditional founding date of Christie’s auction house in 1766, a two-day conference, 14-15 July 2016, will be held at Christie’s King Street, focussing on the theme of ‘Creating Markets and Collecting Art’.

Christie’s Education is known for its collaborative and cross-disciplinary approach to the study of works of art through its Master’s programmes in the History of Art and its Markets, Art-world Practice and Art, Law and Business internationally. This conference hopes to explore this cross-disciplinary area, looking at the interrelationship of commerce, collecting and the academy.

Proposals are invited for Academic Sessions. Sessions should engage with current scholarship on any aspect of the art market, in . . . → En lire plus

Rencontres : « Entretien avec Ziqi Peng — Galerie DoubleS » (Saint Denis, 19 mars 2015)

Hist'artL’association Hist’Art a le plaisir de vous inviter au prochain atelier « Réseaux Culture » : entretien avec Ziqi Peng, Galerie DoubleS. Cet atelier se déroulera au hall d’exposition de l’université Paris 8 (St-Denis), le 19 mars 2015 de 13h à 15h.

Cet atelier évoquera le métier de galeriste dans le secteur artistique contemporain et du commissariat d’exposition. L’atelier commencera par la présentation de l’association Hist’Art ; puis nous animerons une discussion en compagnie de Ziqi Peng, doctorante en histoire de l’art, gérante d’entreprise, commissaire d’exposition et galeriste. L’entretien sera suivi de la visite de l’exposition Young Chinese Artists. Made in China ? par Ziqi Peng, commissaire de l’exposition. . . . → En lire plus

Journée d’études :  » Les catalogues  » (Poitiers, 19 mars 2015)

SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESJournée d’études sous la coordination de Véronique Meyer, laboratoire CRIHAM et Dominique Moncond’huy, laboratoire FoReLL, dans le cadre de l’axe thématique Humanités, Culture, Patrimoine de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société de Poitiers.

Faculté des Sciences humaines et arts – Hôtel Fumé salle des Actes – 8 rue René-Descartes – Bât. E15

19 mars 2015 – 10h / 17h

Ouvert à tous – Entrée libre Renseignements : Contact :


• 10h : Éric Palazzo, professeur en Histoire de l’art (CESCM, Université de Poitiers / Institut universitaire de France) Les catalogues de manuscrits enluminés
• 11h . . . → En lire plus

Appel à canditature : treize postes d’éditeurs pour le ‘Art Market Dictionary’, éditions De Gruyter (avril 2015)

Vente Sotheby's, New York, 2014De Gruyter is seeking to appoint Section Editors to work on the Art Market Dictionary (AMD). The Section Editors are invited to contribute to the project’s conception, and each will work on a specific country or geographic area to complete the entries list and suggest/locate authors for these entries. They will receive a small yearly compensation and appear as Co-Editors of the final publication.
The AMD is the first encompassing reference work on the art market and its historical development. The forthcoming first part (approximately 3 volumes) will encompass Europe and North America in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The guiding principle is to . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Marchés alternatifs & culture visuelle au XVIIIe siècle en France » (Rotterdam, juillet 2015)

jean-antoine-watteau-l-enseigne-de-gersaint-1720-n-6247954-0We are seeking papers for our panel at the 2015 ISECS meeting in Rotterdam. Information on how to submit abstracts can be found here :

Alternative Markets and Visual Culture in Eighteenth-Century France (3.18)

Academic artistic practice in the eighteenth century was at odds with the growing commercial culture of the period. From its foundation, the Royal Academy prohibited its members from dealing in art, an offense that was deemed cause for expulsion by 1777. Critics similarly looked down on painting for profit. In 1747, La Font de Saint Yenne had harsh words for artists who chose the more financially lucrative practice of portraiture . . . → En lire plus

Colloque : « Le monde au temps des surréalistes » (Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art, Paris)

420805-concours-d-art-numerique-les-meilleures-uvresLe monde au temps des surréalistes (Paris, 7-8 Nov 14)

Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art, Paris, November 7 – 08, 2014

« Le monde au temps des surréalistes » Centres, périphéries et itinéraires du marché de l’art surréaliste Paris, Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art, 7–8 novembre 2014

Atelier de recherche du Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art et de l’Institut d’histoire de l’art de l’Université de Leipzig. Cet atelier de recherche prélude un projet de recherche, en cours de préparation, consacré aux rapports entre surréalisme et marché de l’art. Intitulé « Le monde au temps des surréalistes. Centres, périphéries et itinéraires du marché de l’art surréaliste, 1925–1947 », il se donne pour objectif la réalisation d’un répertoire exhaustif des expositions surréalistes . . . → En lire plus

Colloque : « Entreprises et & Entrepreneurs in Baroque Times » (Séville, 10-12 nov 2014)


Enterprises & Entrepreneurs in Baroque Times (Seville, 10-12 Nov 14) Sevilla, Fundación Focus-Abengoa Hospital de los Venerables Plaza de los Venerables, 8 41004 Sevilla. España, November 10 – 12, 2014 Baroque School, Focus-Abengoa Foundation Enterprises and Entrepreneurs in the Baroque Times Objectives The Focus Abengoa Foundation Baroque School, November OMNQ, offers an innovative vision on the role of entrepreneurs and enterprises in the “first globalization” of the markets according to the latest historiography and economic literature. It will also introduce the role and the relation of these economic agents with the art market under European capitalism principles in the XVII and XVIII centuries. The Baroque School aims at assessing, from a broad and complete perspective, the interrelationship established between entrepreneurial . . . → En lire plus

Appel à candidature : Edition du « Art Market Dictionnary », De Gruyter, Berlin ou Munich

fileEditor (m/f) Art Market Dictionary (Berlin/Munich) De Gruyter, Berlin or Munich

The independent academic publisher De Gruyter can look back at a history of over 260 years. The De Gruyter Group, which includes the publishing houses of De Gruyter Akademie Forschung, Birkhäuser, De Gruyter Mouton, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, De Gruyter Saur, and De Gruyter Open, publishes over 1,300 new titles each year in the humanities, medicine, natural sciences, and law, more than 650 journals, and a variety of digital media. The company is headquartered in Berlin, Germany. De Gruyter is targeting aggressive growth through sales of new product types and innovative business models, especially in international markets.

We are currently seeking applicants for a two-year fixed term (renewable), . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « At the Intersection of Art History and the Art Market : Navigating The Business of Art » (Toronto, octobre 2014)

David Teniers, L'Intérieur d'une galerie de peinture, 1640-1650, collection particulièreFraught with tension, the co-mingling and relationship between art history and the art market has remained among the most under-explored and elusive topics of examination in the discipline. Even so, the mechanisms of value and valuation, the networks of patrons and dealers at the local and global level, and the more recent explosion in the democratization of, and accessibility to, on-lineart auctions has a reciprocal effect on how and why art historians research and write about art. This panel seeks to examine the broader and critical dimensions of this issue across any historical period and calls for presentations that explore, whether . . . → En lire plus

Appel à contribution : « New Book Series: History of Collecting & Art Markets »

enseigne_gersaint_03-zNew Book Series: History of Collecting & Art Markets

Brill’s « Studies in the History of Collecting & Art Markets » is a peer-reviewed book series dedicated to original scholarship on the social, cultural, and economic mechanisms underlying the circulation of art. Over the last two decades interest in the formation, display, and dissolution of art collections increased tremendously; art markets, trade routes, and dealer networks became a rich field of interdisciplinary inquiry. Scholarship brought forth a lot of information about the flamboyant personalities to whom the possession of art was a lifestyle; regarding the « social life of things », i.e. the provenance of individual artworks, many research gaps could be closed. This shift in scholarly attention . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « The Art Market Past & Present » (Londres, 31 Oct 2014)

LEnseignedeGersaintThe Art Market Past & Present (London, 31 Oct 14)

London, October 31, 2014 Deadline: Jun 30, 2014

A one-day conference on relations between the art market in history and the art market today, organized by Sotheby’s Institute of Art –London and The Burlington Magazine, to be held at Sotheby’s Institute of Art – London on Friday 31 October 2014.

The aim of this joint conference is to explore critically what the history of the art market can teach us about the behaviour of the art market today, and vice versa. We hope to bring together historians of the art market working on a wide range of historical periods and places, and utilising varying methodologies, and to engage them in . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Les artistes et leurs galeries. Réceptions croisées. Berlin-Paris (1900-1950) »

Le Programme de formation-recherche propose l’évaluation du rôle historique, sociologique et esthétique des galeries d’art dans le contexte de l’émigration, entre Paris et Berlin, de 1900 à 1950. Il s’adresse aux étudiants de Master I et II, aux doctorants en histoire, sociologie et médiation culturelle. Il se déroulera en trois sessions entre novembre 2013, mai 2014 et novembre 2014. Chaque session s’organise en trois journées consécutives: une journée d’études, une journée de visites sous la direction des responsables des galeries et de leurs archives. La synthèse écrite de chaque session adviendra durant la dernière journée consacrée à un atelier de recherche et d’écriture.

L’observation de la galerie comme champ interdisciplinaire, . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « Price(s) beyond borders. The art market at European courts of the early modern period » (Wolfenbüttel, 2-4 avril 2014)

In the late medieval and early modern period the price of a work of art was the result of a complex and multi-layered process of negotiation between those in involved in its production, those who acted as agents and brokers and the customer. On the one hand the price was determined by object’s material value, by its size, by the work, number of employees and the time involved in its production as well as by attributions of value and significance that were dependent on questions of genre. On the other hand the idea of a specific « artistic . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : The Business of Art in the “Third Reich” (23-27 septembre 2013, Los Angeles)

The International Warburg Lectures in Hamburg and the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles, in collaboration with the “Entartete Kunst” (”Degenerate Art”) Research Center in Hamburg, invite proposals for a two-part workshop on the art market under National Socialism. The workshop for emerging scholars aims to address fundamental questions on the confluence of the history of art, economics, and the law. Case studies from disparate sectors of the Third Reich’s art market will be considered, such as official and clandestine transactions, national and international sales, stolen and looted art, the seizure and disposal of “degenerate art” from German museums, the expropriation of art from Jewish collectors, and restitution cases . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : Art Crossing Borders: The Birth of an Integrated Art Market in the Age of Nation States (Nimègue, 16-18 octobre 2013)

Art Crossing Borders: The Birth of an Integrated Art Market in the Age of Nation States (Europe, ca. 1780-1914)

Europe and its Worlds: Cultural Mobility in, to and from Europe, International Conference at the Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands), 16-18 October 2013

Deadline: 20 April 2013

During the long nineteenth century continuing improvements in the road and transportation infrastructure ensured that the local art markets in Europe became connected like never before, both in the proverbial and literal sense of the word. Ever more paintings, art lovers and artistic information crossed regional and national boundaries, culminating in a truly integrated European art market. Paintings increasingly found . . . → En lire plus

Présentation : « The Getty Provenance Index » (Paris, vendredi 1er février 2013)

Le Getty Provenance Index® est une base de données en ligne pour la recherche sur l’histoire des collections, qui contient actuellement un million et demi de fiches créées à partir de sources telles que inventaires, catalogues de vente et livres de comptabilités de marchands d’art. Ces dernières années, l’INHA a collaboré avec le Getty Research Institute pour que soient intégrées les données des catalogues de vente en France au XVIIIe siècle.

Présentation par Christian Huemer du Getty Provenance Index® : état des lieux, intérêt scientifique, perspectives

Participants : Christian Huemer, historien de l’art, responsable du Getty Provenance Index®. Patrick Michel, professeur d’histoire de l’art moderne, université de Lille 3. Bénédicte Myamoto, Maître de conférence en civilisation . . . → En lire plus

Appel à communication : « London & the Art Market 1780-1820 » (London, 21-22 Jun 2013)

London and the Emergence of a European Art Market (c. 1780-1820)

The National Gallery, London, June 21 – 22, 2013

Deadline: Feb 15, 2013

The French Revolution and the ensuing Napoleonic Wars with occupations of Italy, Spain and the Low Countries, instigated a sweeping redistribution of art. At the same time, the Papacy’s loss of temporal power undermined the enforcement of export laws in the Papal States. This convergence of events ensured that large volumes of paintings—often entire collections, from European monasteries, churches, and private palaces—were widely dispersed via auction and private treaty sales in a true diaspora of art. Current scholarship posits that amidst these large-scale market transformations London . . . → En lire plus

Colloque : « Reconnaissance et consécration artistiques »

Si les questions de reconnaissance et de consécration se situent au cœur de toute analyse des univers artistiques et culturels, c’est que ces derniers sont fondés sur des propriétés spécifiques et pour le moins paradoxales. En effet, relativement à d’autres domaines, les mondes de l’art se caractérisent par l’importance majeure que les professionnels comme les publics accordent à la valeur symbolique des œuvres et des artistes et par le désintéressement affiché ou, du moins, la dénégation assumée concernant la valeur et les profits économiques. Ainsi, au sein de ces univers, la hiérarchisation des artistes et des œuvres s’organise essentiellement selon la logique de l’accumulation du capital symbolique. Or, paradoxalement, l’évaluation de la qualité ou . . . → En lire plus